加倍赔偿,double compensation
1)double compensation加倍赔偿
1.How to Correctly Understand and Enforce the Double Compensation Liability Prescribed by“The Consumer s Rights Protection Law;《消法》中“加倍赔偿”法律责任的理解和适用
2.The system of double compensation for the payment in arrears should be improved.对企业恶意欠薪行为规定的加倍赔偿制度需要进一步完善。

1.How to Correctly Understand and Enforce the Double Compensation Liability Prescribed by“The Consumer s Rights Protection Law;《消法》中“加倍赔偿”法律责任的理解和适用
2.The indemnity shall not exceed ten times the laundry.赔偿费不超过所洗衣服的十倍。
3.three times the amount that a court would normally find the injured party entitled to.三倍于受害者应得的赔偿。
4.twice the amount that a court would normally find the injured party entitled to.两倍于受害者应得的赔偿。
5.An award of aggravated damages if still compensatory.加重性损害赔偿仍然是补偿性的。
6.In case of loss or damage of any article, we'll be responsible only up to ten times the amount charged for laundering.交洗的东西如有遗失或损坏时,我们负责赔偿洗衣费十倍以内的赔偿金。
7.Thus with regard to the paying for copyright infringing question the practice character is quite indistinct; it is necessary to perfect in the respects mentioned above.在侵权损害赔偿问题上,可操作性不强,需在赔偿数额、精神损害赔偿等方面加以完善。
8.Federal Indemnification La联邦赔偿法(赔偿法)
9.We must redouble our efforts to make up for lost time.我们必须加倍努力以补偿失去的时间。
10.compensation ceiling最高赔偿额,赔偿上限,赔偿限额
11.compensation limit赔偿上限,赔偿限额,最高赔偿额
12.An Attempt to Test the Effects of "Double Indemnity" System in Society;“双倍赔偿”制度社会客观效果的法社会学调查构思
13.Double Dipping in Arbitration Awards?An Economist Questions Damages Awarded Karaha Bodas Company in Indonesia;双倍仲裁裁决?经济学家质疑印尼KBC公司损害赔偿一案
14.On Right of Double Compensation and Its Legislation--Discussion on the Essence of Wang Hai Phenomenon;论双倍赔偿条款及其立法完善——兼论“王海现象”的实质
15.The amount of compensation is equivalent to paying worker pay pay, economy to compensate summation come fivefold.赔偿金的数额相当于支付劳动者工资报酬、经济补偿总和的一至五倍。
16.Debra Moffatt seeks unspecified damages in a suit filed Friday in Chicago.芝加哥居民黛布拉·莫法特周五提出索赔要求,但未明确赔偿金额。
17.Arsenal had to pay £700,000 in compensation for Fàbregas after Barcelona asked Fifa to arbitrate.阿森纳为法布雷加斯支付了70万英镑的赔偿。
18.Regime and Experience of Canada on the Compensation for Oil Pollution Damage Resulting from Ships;加拿大的船舶油污损害赔偿机制及运行经验

treble damages三倍赔偿
3)ten times compensation十倍赔偿
1.There are markedly intangible losses and performance errors in the field of Chinese food security,which accounts for the stipulation of ten times compensation in the "Food Security Act".我国食品安全领域突出存在的无形损失和履行差错,是《食品安全法》规定十倍赔偿的原因。
4)"Double indemnity" system"双倍赔偿"制度
5)right of double compensation双倍赔偿条款
6)the rate of the compensation损害赔偿金倍率

体细胞(染色体)加倍体细胞(染色体)加倍  指体细胞染色体组的加倍。