货币创造,money creation
1)money creation货币创造
1.This paper has introduced the electronic money into the the evidence analysis process of deposit money creation,revised the traditional deposit multiple model.文章通过对引入电子货币的存款货币创造过程的实证分析,修正了传统存款乘数模型,并对新模型的政策含义赋予了新的解释,最后得出了几点启示性结论。

1.Study on the Electronic Money and Money Creation and the Efficiency of Monetary Policy;电子货币、货币创造与货币政策有效性
2.The process of money creation will stop cold.货币创造过程就会停滞。
3.The Creation of Currency and the Surplus between Deposits and Loans;信用货币制度下的货币创造与银行存贷差额
4.On the Impact of Banking Regulation and Financial Innovation on the Banks Accommodating Money Supply;论金融管制与创新对银行货币创造能力的影响
5.A New Cooperation of Regional Currency:SDR一种全新的区域货币合作形式初探——类似SDR的货币创造
6.The Process of Endogenous Money Creation: Theoretical Statement andPositive Examination;内生货币创造过程:理论阐述与实证检验
7.Central Banking,Credit Money Creation and the Spread between Deposits and Loans;中央银行、信用货币创造与“存差”——兼对近年中国人民银行货币操作行为的分析
8.In effecting this mediation, [money] is the truly creative power.作为这样的媒介,货币是真正的创造力。
9.Influence of Electronic Money on Credit Ability of Commercial Bank;电子货币对商业银行信用创造能力的影响
10.It is against the law to counterfeit.伪造货币是犯法的。
11.It is against the law to counterfeit money.伪造货币是违法的。
12.It is a crime to counterfeit money.伪造货币是犯罪行为。
13.Emu has created a policy vacuum waiting to be filled.经济与货币联盟已创造了一个有待填补的政策真空。
14.Fifth, giving priority to bank supervision to create favorable conditions for the effective implementation of the monetary policy.五是突出金融监管,为有效执行货币政策创造有利条件。
15.A: China announced in 1993 that conditions would be created to turn the RMB into a currency of free convertibility.戴相龙:中国在1993年提出,要创造条件使人民币成为可以自由兑换的货币。
16.inflationary creation of currency通货膨胀性的创造通货
17.Research on the Effectiveness of Currency and Monetary Policy Caused by Financial Innovation;金融创新对货币及货币政策有效性的影响研究
18.Impact of Financial Innovation on Money Supply & Demand and Monetary Policy;金融创新对货币供求关系及货币政策的影响

creation of SDR currencySDR货币创造
3)money forgery造货币罪
1.The crime of money forgery refers to the action of violating the regulations of currency management, imitating the features of the patterns, colors and the external form of currency, illegally forging money, which seriously disturbs the order of financial management in China.伪造货币罪 ,是指违反我国货币管理制度 ,仿照货币的图案、色彩、外形等特征 ,非法制造假货币 ,严重妨碍我国金融管理秩序的行为。
4)Artificial Currency Unit人造货币
5)Substitutionary currency变造货币
6)mint (=strike) coins造货币
