创新活动,innovation activities
1)innovation activities创新活动
1.There are lots of factors which can influence enterprise s innovation activities,both inside and outside of enterprise.通过构建企业创新活动反馈因果结构模型,对这些因素进行了分析,提出了有效促进企业创新行为的管理方针。
2.So, the information service and its social supervision of the innovation activities becomes the focal problem in academy.国家创新体系的主体对知识和信息的依赖程度越来越高,因此创新活动的信息服务及其社会监督问题也就引起了广泛关注。
3.The function of the science-innovation activities in the innovation training system,and the problems should be paid attention to during the cultivating students .重点阐述了科技创新活动在学生创新素质培养体系中的作用和在培养学生创新素质中应该注意的问题,介绍了活动中心的基本组成、运行机制和效果。

2.Integration Innovation and Module I nnovation:the Strategic Complemen tarities in Innova-tive Activities;集成创新和模块创新——创新活动的战略性互补
3.Research on S&T Novelty Search in Universities' S&T Innovation高校科技创新活动中的科技查新工作
4.Science and technology culture is the fundamental culture circumstance of innovation.创新文化是创新活动赖以进行的文化环境。
5.The development of modern civilization can't deviate from innovative activity and practice.现代文明离不开人的创新活动和创新实践。
6.Exploring for Undergraduate Innovation Education in Science and Technology Innovation Activity;创新教育在大学生科技创新活动中的探索
7.An Empirical Analysis of the Effect of Institutional Factors on Regional Innovation Performance;区域创新环境对创新活动效率影响的实证研究
8.A Group of Technological Innovation is An Important form of Technological Innovation Action;技术创新小组是技术创新活动的重要组织形式
9.A Study on the Innovative Activities and Achievement in the Process of Physical Teaching;对体育教学中创新活动与创新成果的研究
10.On innovative activities and the establishment of its systems in contempary China;浅议现代中国创新活动与创新制度建设
11.IMPORTANT ROLE OF GOVERNMENT IN BRINGING FORTH NEW IDEAS INTO TECHNOLOGY Analysis Report on Bringing Forth New Ideas into Technology in Shen Zhen City;政府在技术创新活动中的重要作用——深圳市技术创新活动分析报告
12.To Give Full Play to the Trade Union s Advantages and to Exercise the Technological Innovation;发挥工会组织优势 搞好技术创新活动
13.Research on the Casual Structure Model of Feedback of Enterprise Innovation Activities;企业创新活动反馈因果结构模型分析
14.Promoting Engineering Qualification of College Students by Innovation of Science and Technology;以科技创新活动提升大学生工程素质
15.Consideration on Developing Innovative Activities about Science & Technology in the Undergraduates;在大学生中开展科技创新活动的思考
16.catalytic and innovative activities推动性和创新性活动
17.Establishing Situation and Training the Students Creative Competence;创设教学活动情境 培养学生创新能力
18.Promoting scientific and technologic innovation by "Four New" Science Popularization Activity以“四新”技术推广活动促进科技创新

1.But based on China s economic background nowadays,it should be answered timely how important the innovation is in promoting economic growth and what the main character of effect mechanism is.内生经济增长理论告诉我们,创新活动作为技术进步的主要来源能够持续推动经济增长。
2.Articles on the most innovative of the 28 large and medium-sized enterprises sector innovation data analysis revealed the spatial distribution of our innovative activities posture and areas of specialization.创新活动的行业和空间特性与各地区各行业的经济增长密切相关。
3.Based on the SWOT analysis,the present paper intends to carry out a comprehensive evaluation of the external environment and the internal ability for high-tech industry innovation in Guizhou,and to put forward some proposals to promote the development of high-.本文运用SWOT分析方法对贵州高技术产业创新活动的外部环境和自身创新能力进行综合评价,并提出了促进贵州高技术产业发展的对策建议。
3)innovative activity创新活动
1.The goal - orientation set by leading cadres innovative activity should be in the interests of the people so that leading cadres can uphold the principle of bringing forth new ideas for the people.领导者的创新活动所坚持的目标定位就是符合人民群众的根本利益。
2.As the advantageous condition appeared fortuitously in the innovative activity, the opportunity plays an important part in gaining the result of innovation.机遇作为创新活动中偶然出现的有利条件,对创新成果的取得具有重要作用。
3.This article has mainly discussed one of the rules that Innovation Education should adapt to the course of innovative activity.创新教育过程主要是指在学校教育中对学生创新精神、创新能力和创新人格即创新素质的训练与培养,它必须适应创新活动过程的新颖性、价值性、阶段性、多元性和分类性等规律;同时必须适应创新人才成长过程的内在外在因素影响的统一律、学习律、发展律、整合律,以及通才教育与专才教育结合律。
4)innovation activity创新活动
5)innovative activities创新活动
1.A Study on the Innovative Activities and Achievement in the Process of Physical Teaching;对体育教学中创新活动与创新成果的研究
2.As an excellent innovating-type city in the forefront of reform and opening up,Taizhou takes the lead in applying policies to promote innovative activities in China.台州地处改革开放前沿,是中国优秀创新型城市,运用政策促进创新活动走在全国前列。
6)innovation in the means of activities活动创新
