行政协议,administrative agreement
1)administrative agreement行政协议
1.The legal nature of the administrative agreement;行政协议的法律性质分析
2.The administrative agreements appeared under the background of regional economical unifica- tion in China is a kind of legal mechanism upon which regional governments cooperate so as to overcome the impediments brought by administrative division.我国区域经济一体化背景下出现的行政协议,是区域政府为克服行政区划障碍而进行合作的法律机制。

1.Appraisement and Counsel on Administrative Agreement of Pan-PRD Region;泛珠三角地区行政协议的评估及建议
2.The Coordination of Regional Legal Systems in the U. S.美国的区域法制协调——从州际协定到行政协议的制度变迁
3.The Executive Council is an organ for assisting the Chief Executive in policy-making.行政会议是协助行政长官决策的机构。
4.He is assisted by the Executive Council in policy-making.行政长官由行政会议协助决策。
5.On Administrative Agreements of Administrative Assistance--A View of Cross-Regional Administration Law Enforcement;论行政协助的协议化——跨区域行政执法的视角
6.ACC Task Force on Conference Follow-up行政协调会会议后续行动工作队
7.Thinking of Problems Coordinating Relationship between Administrative Reconsideration and Litigation in China;论我国行政复议与行政诉讼关系的协调
8.Through the political consultative conferences, these people have participated in the discussion and management of state affairs and helped the government in making decisions.这些人士通过政治协商会议参政议政,帮助政府进行决策。
9.He accused the government of tearing up(ie repudiating)the negotiated agreement.他控告政府撕毁(不履行)协议.
10.Meeting of the Chief Executives of National Freight Forwarders Associations各国货运业者协会行政首长会议
11.TRIPS and China s Administrative Protection of Intellectual Property;TRIPS协议与我国知识产权行政保护
12.On the Administrative Coordination Mechanism of University in Public Emergencies;浅议高校公共突发事件行政协调机制
13.Presidential Meeting of the Permanent Mechanism for Consultation and Concerted Political Action协商和协调政治行动常设机构主席会议
14.Joint Meeting of the Committee for Programme and Coordination and the Administrative Committee on Coordination方案和协调委员会与行政协调委员会联席会议
15.Article 54 The Executive council of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region shall be an organ for assisting the Chief Executive in policy-making.第五十四条 香港特别行政区行政会议是协助行政长官决策的机构。
16."shall be handled according to any relevant agreements between the two countries or, in the absence of such agreements, according to the relevant provisions of the Chinese Government."有两国之间协议的,按照协议执行,没有协议的按照中国政府的规定执行。
17.The administration will draw up an official agreement that will be signed in a few weeks.行政部门将拟出一份官方协议,该协议将于几周后签署。
18.GATT Agreement on Government Procurement总协定政府采购协议

Administrative Agreements行政协议
1.In Circum-Bohai-Sea region,administrative agreements are the new instruments to promote cooperation and settle disputations.环渤海地区,行政协议已成为实现合作和解决争端最为重要的区域法治协调机制之一。
2.The administrative agreements appeared under the background of regional economical unification in China is a legal mechanism on which regional governments cooperate so as to overcome the impediments brought by administrative division.我国区域经济一体化过程中出现的行政协议是区域内地方政府为克服行政区划障碍而进行合作的法律机制。
3.On Administrative Agreements of Administrative Assistance——A View of Cross-Regional Administration Law Enforcement;行政协议作为行政主体之间的契约制度,导入到行政协助中,以约定义务替代飘忽的法定义务来约束行政协助当事人,最大限度地促使行政协助发挥作用,还原制度的应有功能。
3)Administrative Agreement Law行政协议法
4)On Administrative Agreement论行政协议
5)administrative agreement compact行政协议条款
6)Study on Administrative Agreement行政协议研究

工商行政管理行政处罚工商行政管理行政处罚 工商行政管理行政处罚工商行政管理机关依法对经济违法、违章行为实施行政处罚的一种权力手段。行政处罚的又寸象,既可以是法人,也可以是自然人。在中国,凡是从事经济违法、违章活动的一切组织和个人,工商行政管理机关都有权在国家授予的职权范围内给予处罚。处罚的种类主要有:责令具结悔过,通报批评,限价出售商品,强制收购商品,没收非法所得,没收物资或物品,没收销货款,责令停业整顿,吊销营业执照等。以上处罚,可以单处,也可以并处。对情节严重构成犯罪的,工商行政管理机关在实施处罚后,应将案件移交司法机关追究行为人的刑事责任。工商行政管理机关的处罚一般经过立案、检查、审批、处罚等程序,但在特殊情况下,也可以即时处罚。这些特殊情况包括:①违法违章事实清楚,不需要继续调查取证的。②违法、违章情节轻微,违法数额较小的。③行为人承认违法违章事实,接受即时处罚的。④受执法现场的条件、环境等限制,必须及时处理的。工商行政管理机关对违法、违章行为人实施处罚时,应制作处罚决定书送达当事人。被处罚人如对处罚不服,可在法定期限内向上一级工商行政管理机关申请复议,匕一级工商行政管理机关依法作出复议决定。被处罚人对复议决定不服的,可以按照法定程序向法院起诉。