独资化,sole ownership
1)sole ownership独资化
1.In the many new characteristics of th e foreign investments that appear under the new situation,the sole ownership is especially pro minent.新形势下外商投资所出现的诸多新特征中,独资化尤为突出。
2.On before century 90's, Joint venture management is the primarily way, since the 90's intermediate stages, the foreign sole ownership management unceasingly has risen by inve.中国引进外商直接投资呈现明显的“独资化”趋势。

1.A Study on Wholly-Foreign-Owned Model of FDI in China;外商对华直接投资的独资化倾向研究
2.The Reasons for Foreign Businessmen s Sole Proprietorship in Anhui Province;安徽省外商投资独资化经营原因分析
3.Pondering over the Legal Problems of Exclusive Investment in Joint-venture;中外合资企业“独资化”的若干法律问题
4.An Analysis of the Cause of the Individual Tendency about Foreign Direct Investment;外商投资“独资化”的动因及对策建议
5.An Analysis of Wholly Foreign-owned Enterprises Becoming the Popular Mode for FDI in China;外商对我国直接投资“独资化”倾向探析
6.Analysis of the Trend of Sole Investment by Joint Ventures in China;在华合资企业的“独资化”趋势解析
7.The Protection of State-owned Property in Joint Ventures in the Process of Share Holding Ratio of Foreign Partners Increasing;合资企业独资化进程中的国有资产保护
8.The Trend of Single Proprietorship in Foreign Investment and Counter-measures of the Domestic Enterprise;外商投资独资化趋势及内资企业的应对之策
9.The Tendency to Wholly Own Subsidiaries of FDI and Its Impacts on Technology Spillover;FDI“独资化”趋势对中国技术溢出的影响
10.Game Theory Analysis on the Sole Ownership Tendency of Multinational Companies in China;跨国企业在华独资化趋势的博弈分析
11.Research on the Trend of MNCs Adopting Wholly Owned R&D Investment in China;跨国公司在华R&D投资独资化趋势研究
12.Analysis of Factors for "Joint Venture" Finalized by "Wholly-owned" in China;外商对华直接投资“独资化”趋势的动因分析
13.The Tendency of Sole-proprietorizing for Foreign Merchants Investment in China and China s Industrial Security;外商对华投资独资化倾向与中国产业安全
14.On Effects of Multinational Companies Investing Solely to China and Countermeasures;跨国公司对华投资独资化影响与对策探析
15.the Tendency of Sole-proprietorizing for Foreign Merchants Investment in China and Its Counter-measures Study;外商在华投资的独资化倾向及对策研究
16.A game theory study on the cause of sole proprietorship for the MNCs in China跨国公司在华投资独资化成因博弈研究
17.The Increase in Exclusively Foreign-owned Investments in China:Reasons,Impacts,and Countermeasures;外商在华投资独资化趋势的演化机理及应对策略
18.The Research of Relation between the Trend of Multinational Corporation s Investment Towards Wholly-Foreign-Owned Enterprises and Chinese Market Competition;跨国公司独资化趋势与我国市场竞争关系研究

single proprietorship独资化
1.Negative Effects Caused by the Trend Towards Single Proprietorship of Foreign Enterprises in China;外商直接投资“独资化”趋势对中国经济的负面影响分析
2.The trend of single proprietorship in foreign investment in China is becoming popular.外商投资独资化趋势日益明显,这既有外商获取垄断利润的内因,也有中国入世、扩大开放度的外因。
3)the foreign sole ownership外商独资化
1.This article inquired into the negative effect which the foreign sole ownership have offect on the development of economic in our country and propose corresponding melting strategy on th.在探讨新形势下外商独资化实现方式的基础上,探究了外商独资化对我国经济发展的正、负效应,并提出相应的化解策略。
4)Tendency of Solely Foreign-owned Mode独资化倾向
5)exclusive investment trend独资化趋势
6)indenendence of commercial canital商业资本独立化

公理化方法(见公理化和形式化)公理化方法(见公理化和形式化)axiomatical method  gongllbuafangfa公理化方法化和形式化。(axiomatieal method)见公理