法律约束,legal restriction
1)legal restriction法律约束

1.legally binding instrument具有法律约束力的文件
2.statutory restrictions; a statutory age limit; statutory crimes; statutory rape.法律约束;法律年限;违法罪行;违法掠夺。
3.once signed, it is a legally binding contract.一旦签字,便成为具有法律约束的契约。
4.This Agreement constitutes a legally binding agreement between the parties hereto. This Agreement should be interpreted in its English version in case of ambiguities.此合约是具有法律约束力。此合约以英文本为准。
5.This provisional agreement is a Binding contract这份临时协议是有法律约束力的
6.someone who rules unconstrained by law.一个不受法律约束的独裁者。
7.We are in bondage to the law in order that we may be free.我们受法律约束,为的是可以自由。
8.These guarantees are firm and legally binding.这些保证是坚定和具有法律约束力的。
9.An offer without engagement虚盘(不受法律约束的发盘)
10.a legally binding contract to install new windows in the house;房间里要安装新窗户的有法律约束力的契约。
11.The constraining power of a promise, contract, law, or sense of duty.约束力承诺、和约、法律或责任感的约束力
12.The act of binding oneself by a social, legal, or moral tie.束缚被社会,法律或道德约束和束缚自己的行为
13.This document is legally binding or it is a legally binding document该文件在法律上有约束力或这是一个法律上有约束的文件
14.This document is legally binding or it is a legally binding document.该文件在法律上有约束力或这是一个法律上有约束的文件。
15.The principle or law that orders the universe.(佛教的)法约束天地万物的规则或法律
16.While in this country you be subject to its laws你们在这个国家就要受其法律的约束
17.The law will no longer come into force.这项法律将不再有约束力了。
18.morally or legally constraining or binding.道德上或者法律上强制的、约束的。

Legal Soft Constraint法律软约束
3)To be legally binding受法律约束
4)Vinculum iuris法锁,法律约束
5)law and moral restriction法律约束与道德约束
6)legally binding有法律约束力

“约束与调控相结合”的两原则“约束与调控相结合”的两原则  【“约束与调控相结合”的两原则】有关资产负债管理的一种观点。这种观点认为,商业银行实行资产负管理,既要实施自我约束,又要服从系统调控。二者相辅相成。按照这种指导思想,资产负债管理应遵循以下两大原则:①负债约束资产的原则。实施总量约束和结构约束。②有利于增强系统调控原则。按照统一法人原则,统一调度资金,增强对全行资金的调拨配置能力,抑制一些分支机构超负荷经营行为。.