抵制日货,boycott Japanese goods
1)boycott Japanese goods抵制日货
1.During the War of Resistance against Japan, the overseas Chinese from Chaozhou-Shantou area rose to save the nation from doom and promote the resistance against Japan; donate goods and materials in support of the resistance war; boycott Japanese goods and make investments for the building of homeland; repatriate to enter the war and shed blood on the battlefields.潮汕海外华侨在抗日战争中,奋起救亡,宣传抗日;捐资献物,支援抗战;抵制日货,投资建设祖国;回国参战,血洒疆场。

1.Study on the Boycott of the Japanese Goods from 1931 to 1933;1931至1933年抵制日货运动研究
2.On Akira Nagano s "Against Boycotting Japanese Goods";中国通·长野朗的“反对抵制日货论”辨析
3.Two Anti-Japanese Boycott Movements in American History:A Comparison;试述美国历史上的两次抵制日货运动
4.Movement of boycotting Japan by overseas Chinese during the Anti-Japanese War and its contributions;抗战时期华侨抵制日货运动及其贡献
5.Japanese invasions after wave of young students set off a boycott of Japanese goods.日寇侵华后青年学生掀起抵制日货风潮。
6.Chinese picket line in front of a Japanese shop in Chinatown, san Francisco, to boycott Japanese commodities.美国旧金山唐人街日人商店前的华人抵制日货纠察队。
7.Boycotting Japanese goods and terminating trade with Japan in the US after the outbreak of the Sino-Japanese War论中国抗战初期美国民众抵制日货与终止对日贸易运动
8.China's leaders ignited a frenzy of anti-Japanese activism by permitting an online petition drive, a nationwide boycott movement, and then street demonstrations.中国领导人通过允许网上情愿活动、国范围的抵制日货运动以及街头示威点燃了反日活动的怒潮。
9.The cargo vessel will arrive at the port within the next few days.那艘货船不日即可抵港。
10.The lorry have be black by striker and can not be unload那辆货车遭罢工者抵制而无法卸货
11.The lorry had been blacked by strikers and could not is unloaded.那辆货车遭罢工者抵制而无法卸货.
12.The lorry has been blocked by strikers and can not be unloaded .那辆货车遭罢工者抵制而无法卸货。
13.They're due to arrive in Seattle (on) November 4th.货预定11 月4 日抵达西雅图。
14.He urged all citizens to boycott Korean goods.他呼吁所有民众联手抵制韩国货。
15.The boycott of British goods began in 1906.英国货的联合抵制行动始于1906年。
16.The government decided to raise tariff walls against foreign goods.政府决定提高关税壁垒以抵制外国货。
17.The Study of the Boycott to American Goods in 1905-1906 of Guangdong;1905-1906年广东地区抵制美货运动研究
18.China s "the Boycott Movement" and America s Policies in 1905;1905年中国抵制美货运动与美国的对策

Boycott Japanese goods!抵制日货!
3)resist goods in poor quality抵制劣货
4)oycott foreign goods抵制外货
5)boycott foreign goods抵制外国货
6)the boycott movement抵制美货运动
