未注册商标,unregistered trademark
1)unregistered trademark未注册商标
1.Protection for the Senior User's Non-well-known Unregistered Trademark-Comments on the 3rd Amendment to the Trademark Law of the P.R.China在先使用的未注册商标保护论纲——兼评商标法第三次修订
2.Now when in China the protection level of registered trademarks is almost equal to the level in oth- er states ,unregistered trademarks should protect efficiently and rationally by improving and amending th.在我国商标法对于注册商标的保护已基本与世界接轨之际,商标法保护范围以外的未注册商标,在不破坏我国现有的商标法保护体系下,通过对反不正当竞争法的完善和修改,从而达到更合理和有效的保护。
3.Since China adopts the registered principle,the protect for the unregistered trademarks is proved to be a weak point in China.我国实行商标注册原则,对未注册商标的保护问题一直是我国商标法的薄弱环节。

1.On the Legal Protection of the Unregistered Trademarks under the Principle of the Register;论注册原则下未注册商标的法律保护
2.On the Legal Protection of the Right to Use Non-registered Trademarks;对未注册商标使用权法律保护的深层思考
3.Protection for the Senior User's Non-well-known Unregistered Trademark-Comments on the 3rd Amendment to the Trademark Law of the P.R.China在先使用的未注册商标保护论纲——兼评商标法第三次修订
4.Unauthorized use of the registered trademarks of others is illegal.未经授权使用他人注册商标是违法的。
5."As for any of such goods, as prescribed by the State, that must Bear a registered trademark, a trademark registration must be applied for. Where no trademark registration has been granted, such goods cannot Be sold on the market."国家规定必须使用注册商标的商品,必须申请商标注册,未经核准注册的,不得在市场销售。
6.The registered trade mark of the products is... Brand.产品注册商标为..
7.If no application has been filed at the expiration of the grace period, the registered trademark shall be cancelled.宽展期满仍未提出申请的,注销其注册商标。
8.The defendant's use of the trademark "SENDON" on the same commodity sold by the plaintiff under that name constituted infringement on the rights to exclusive use of a registered trademark.被告未经商标注册人许可,在同一种商品上使用“SENDON”商标构成侵犯注册商标专用权。
9.International Protection of Unregistered Well-known Trademarks and China s Choice;未注册驰名商标的国际保护与中国的选择
10.Analysis and Reconstruction:Legal Protection for the Unregistered Well-known Trademarks;解析与重构:未注册驰名商标的法律保护
11.On the Protection of Well-known Trademark Unregistered in Chinese Law of Trademark from the View of International Law;从国际法看我国新商标法对未注册驰名商标的保护
12.The Trade Marks Registry is a registry of original registration in respect of both goods and services.商标注册处负责商品和服务商标的注册事宜。
13.Where a registered trademark is used, it shall carry the indication of "Registered Trademark" or a sign indicating that it is registered.使用注册商标的,并应当标明“注册商标”或者注册标记。
14.then the registration is approved and a trademark registration certificate is issued.就核准注册,发给商标注册证。
15.A certificate of registration shall be issued for each trademark approved for registration.凡经核准注册之商标,应发给注册证。
16.(1) where the trademark is falsely represented as registered;(1)冒充注册商标的;
17.visually perceptible [trade mark]视觉上可辨别〔注册商标〕
18.trademark registration is more complicated.商标注册是很复杂的。

Unregistered Trademarks未注册商标
1.A Discussion of Legal Protection of Unregistered Trademarks;论未注册商标的法律保护
2.Protection of unregistered trademarks is the need of consumers interests,social justice and public order.未注册商标在现代社会中大量存在,其产生有经济、制度等原因。
3)common unregistered trade marks普通未注册商标
1.In China ,the present Trade Mark Act only makes some provisions for the well-known unregistered trade marks and some influential ones ,but no provision for the common unregistered trade marks (the other unregistered trade marks expect the two kinds mentioned above ).商标法是否应给予这些普通未注册商标以保护 ,保护的依据是什么 ,不对其保护会产生哪些问题 ,本文将结合国际公约及外国商标法中对普通未注册商标保护的规定 ,对我国普通未注册商标保护进行阐述并提出几点意见 ,以期能从法律上更好的保护普通未注册商
4)protect unregistered trademarks未注册商标保护
5)unregistered famous trademark未注册知名商标
1.In this paper, \'the unregistered famous trademarks\' is defined a kind of unregistered trademark between the unregistered well-known trademark and the unregistered general category, especially for reputation and influence, which not only has been used but have a certain extent of influence.本文将声誉和影响介于未注册驰名商标和未注册普通商标之间的一类“已经使用并有一定影响”的未注册商标称为“未注册知名商标”。
6)Unregistered well-known trademarks未注册驰名商标
1.When Unregistered well-known trademarks conflict with enterprise names or the design rights,the right owners can\'t maintain rights through suing,which lead to the lack of relief to infringing ability to the unregistered well-known trademarks.司法实践中法院以是否注册为标准对驰名商标进行跨类保护,未注册驰名商标与企业名称或外观设计专利权发生权利冲突时,权利人也无法直接通过诉讼维权,导致对未注册驰名商标的侵权责任救济不足。

未注册商标  未注册商标是指商标使用者未向国家商标主管机关提出注册申请,自行在商品或服务上使用的文字、图形或其组合标记。未注册商标不享有商标的专用权,不受国家法律保护。使用的未注册商标不得在相同或类似商品和服务上与他人已注册商标相同或近似。