决策有用,decision-making availability
1)decision-making availability决策有用
1.Two major genres about the study of accounting objective emerged in America after 1970s,principal-agent responsibility and decision-making availability.70年代后美国会计界关于会计目标的研究,形成了两个主要流派:受托责任学派和决策有用学派。
2.Due to the differences among China and foreign countries in accounting method,accounting system(accounting rule) and accounting contents,investigators must adjust the accounting information according to "decision-making availability" while judging.由于中外会计核算方法、会计制度(会计准则)以及会计业务涵盖内容的不同,调查者在利用会计信息判断时需按照“决策有用观”进行调整。

1.Decision Usefulness, Validity of Contracts and Goodwill Accounting Policy Choice;决策有用、有效契约与商誉会计政策的选择
2.An Empirical Study on the Performance of Security Investment Funds Based on Decision-making Usefulness;基金业绩评价方法的决策有用性研究
3.Choices for Financial Report Form Based-usefulness for Decision;基于决策有用性的财务报告方式选择
4.The Research on Usefulness of Accounting Information for Decision-Making in Public Companies in the Agriculture Sector;农业上市公司会计信息决策有用性研究
5.Feltham-Ohlson Valuation Model & the Value-relevance of P/B and P/E;净资产倍率和市盈率的投资决策有用
6.An Empirical Study on the Performance of Security Investment Funds Based on Decision-making Useful View;基于会计决策有用观的基金业绩评价研究
7.Measurement View of Useful Policy-making--About Accounting Standard Oriented By Fair Value;决策有用计量观——关于以公允价值为导向的准则
8.Decision-making Availability of Accounting Cause from the Point of Anti-dumping Survey;从反倾销调查看会计目标的“决策有用观”
9.Compatibility between collected responsibility and making-decisions useness in the accounting goal;受托责任与决策有用在会计目标中的兼容性
10.Demonstration on Decision Usefulness of Accounting Information会计信息对投资决策有用性的实证研究
11.Decision trees have standard symbols: squares symbolize decision points, and circles represent chance events.决策权有统一的符号:用方框表示决策点,用圆圈表示可能的事件。
12.The Application of AHP with Preference Information to Investment Decision-making一种带有决策者偏好信息的AHP在投资决策中的应用
13.However, not all decisions can be expressed in monetary terms.然而,并非所有的决策均可用货币来计量,
15.Fuzzy Hungary Decision-Making Method for Constrained System With Multiobject and lts Application有约束多目标系统的模糊匈牙利决策及其应用
16.Research on the Serviceability of the Cash Flow Statement for Investor s Decision;现金流量表对投资者决策的有用性研究
17.The Application of Markov Chain in Market Occupation Rate and Promotion Decision Making;马氏链在市场占有率预测和促销决策中的应用
18.Aplications of the Unascertained Rational Number to Decison-Making Involved in Garments Manufacturing;未确知有理数在服装生产决策中的应用

decision usefulness决策有用
1.There are two schools of accounting objective:decision usefulness and accountability.目前, 在对会计目标的认识上,存在着决策有用学派和受托责任学派。
3)decision-making relevant view决策有用观
1.And by comparing the difference of the accounting information system between the “stewardship view” and the “decision-making relevant view”, it points out.本文首先从层次性、可变性和作用机制三方面分析了会计目标对会计信息系统的影响,并通过比较了“受托责任观”和“决策有用观”下会计信息系统的差异,说明“决策有用观”是“受托责任观”的发展而非否定,随后阐述了会计信息系统对会计目标内容和作用机制的修正过程。
2.And by comparing the difference of the accounting information system between the "stewardship view" and the "decision-making relevant view",it points out tha.首先从层次性、可变性和作用机制三方面分析了会计目标对会计信息系统的影响,并通过比较“受托责任观”和“决策有用观”下会计信息系统的差异,说明“决策有用观”是“受托责任观”的发展而非否定,随后阐述了会计信息系统对会计目标内容和作用机制的修正过程。
4)decision-usefulness view决策有用观
1.Based on the analysis of the divergence between commission responsibility view and decision-usefulness view and the essence of their differences regarding accounting objectives,this paper provides colleges and universities with basis for choice of accounting objectives.就会计目标的基本内容分析了受托责任观和决策有用观的分歧及分歧的实质所在,为高校会计目标选择提供了基本的依据。
5)decision-making usefulness决策有用性
1.Based on accounting goal of decision-making usefulness,this paper makes an empirical analysis on value-relevance of asset write-down information using data from 2001 to 2004 in order to comment on implementation effect of asset write-down policy.从决策有用性的会计目标出发,利用我国上市公司2001年~2004年的数据,从投资者的角度对资产减值信息的价值相关性进行实证研究,藉以评价资产减值政策实施的有效性。
6)decision usefulness决策有用性
1.The Decision Usefulness of Social Information in Annual Reports of Public Companies;上市公司年报中社会责任信息的决策有用性研究
2.Research on the Decision Usefulness of Fair Value公允价值的决策有用性研究
3.Institutional Environment, Institutional Change and Decision Usefulness制度环境、制度变迁与决策有用

有用成事义【有用成事义】  谓无明虽无自体,而能成办世间、出世间一切事业;故云有用成事义。