交通便利性,Traffic convenience
1)Traffic convenience交通便利性

1.The Anylysis of Traffic Convenience on County Level Based on GIS;基于GIS的中国县级尺度交通便利性分析
2.Easy access to... Close to city center.紧靠市中心,去……交通便利,。
3.Holiday Inn is conveniently located at State Highway 320假日酒店位于320道边上,交通十分便利。
4.The hotel is well appometd and conveniently located.宾馆设施齐全,交通便利,位置优越.
5.Abuts Soviet, the tin, Shanghai, the traffic convenience, the geography economical condition is often advantageous.紧靠苏、、、,交通便利、理经济条件得天独厚。
6.The hotel is conveniently situated next to the railway station .饭店毗邻火车站,交通十分便利。
7.This new motorcycle is really handy in city traffic.这部新摩托车在市区的交通中很便利。
8.Its road traffic is fairly convenient, ranking the key land post in Shanghai.道路交通便利,是上海的陆上要津。
9.Road travel is difficult in country area .农村地区的公路交通很不便利。
10.The availability of public transport is also part of the equation.公共交通的便利也是考虑因素之一。
11.The convenient land and water transport is conducive to the development of export-oriented economy.水陆交通便利,有利于外向型经济的发展。
12.It is located in 301 ,Chenggang Road, Nantong and the traffic is very convenient.公司位于南通市城港路301号交通极为便利。
13.The Guangzhou City Youth Hostel is within minutes from subway,shuttle express to airport and major transportion systems.四通八达的交通为您的商旅出行提供便利。
14.it lied in communications center of the traffic from south to north.又有便利的水陆通道,处于南北交通的要冲。
15.Guanghua Hardware& Plastic Factory is located in Chaoshan Highway Caitang Development Zone, which is convenient in traffic and predominant in geographical position.光华五金塑料厂地处交通便利的潮汕公路彩塘电视站对面开发区,地理位置优越,交通便利。
16.Traffic is convenient as it is next to the Guan-Sum Railway and Highway.毗邻广深高速铁路和莞深高速公路,交通便利。
17.Our apartment is in Beautiful surroundings and easy of access. Please Buy for lifelong enjoyment.本公寓环境优雅,交通便利,购买一套,享受一生。
18.And now the company has owned fixed assets of RMB12 odd million.水陆交通便利,本公司现有固定资产1200万左右。

have convenient communications; have good transport facilities; be conveniently located交通便利
3)transportation facilitation交通便利化
1.Based on the status of tourism facilitation in the GMS and summary of tourism study in GMS tourism,the paper gives the definition of tourism facilitation and discusses the tourism facilitation in GMS from transportation facilitation,procedures facilitation and service facilitation.本文从大湄公河次区域旅游便利化的现状出发,在对大湄公河次区域旅游研究进行综述的基础上,给出了旅游便利化的定义,从旅游交通便利化、旅游手续便利化、旅游服务便利化等3个方面探讨了次区域旅游便利化。
4)Transportation Convenience交通便捷性
1.The Space Analysis of Livable Beijing s Transportation Convenience;宜居北京交通便捷性空间分析
5)Transportation and communications are becoming easier day by day.交通日臻便利。
6)Easy access to … Close to city center.紧靠市中心,去……交通便利

先天性交通性鞘膜积液先天性交通性鞘膜积液congenital communication hydrocele 睾丸下降到阴囊后,腹膜鞘突在出生后仍未闭合,腹腔内液体与鞘膜囊内液体交通。主要症状是婴儿阴囊肿大,鞘膜囊透光试验阳性。生后6个月内尚不闭合消失,则应手术治疗。作鞘膜突近端高位结扎术、远端鞘突开窗术,效果满意。睾丸肿瘤有时误诊为鞘膜积液,但肿瘤透光试验阴性、触诊为非囊性而有沉重实质感。血清内HCG、AFP值升高有助诊断。