食品消费结构,food consumption structure
1)food consumption structure食品消费结构
1.By employing the factor analysis of citizen s food consumptive expenditure by region,five chief common factors which affect people s food consumption structure are obtained.根据我国各地区居民食品消费支出,运用因子分析得出影响我国居民食品消费结构的5个主要的公共因子,针对这5个主要的公共因子运用聚类分析对各地区的食品消费结构进行划分,得出7类食品消费类型。

1.Analyses on the pattern of food consumption of Shanghai urban residents and their behavior of buying vegetables;上海市民食品消费结构和蔬菜购买行为分析
2.Analysis on Relationship Between Perment Income and Structures Consumption of Fo odstuff in Towner;城镇居民持久收入与食品消费结构关系分析
3.The Research about Changes and Impact Factors of Chinese Food Consumption Structure我国居民食品消费结构的变化及影响因素研究
4.Adjust the Consumption Structure of Food,to Promote the Consumption of Aquatic Products调整食物消费结构 促进水产品消费
5.Punitive Damages and Construction of Food-consumption Safety System;惩罚性赔偿与食品消费安全制度构建
6.The Scale and Structure of Chinese Consumer Goods Export;中国消费品出口贸易规模与结构分析
7.consumption of main foodstuffs per head人均主要食品消费量
8.It is the Brace for Adjustment of Agricaltural Structure to Develop Food Consumption;农业结构调整需要食物消费发展做支撑
9.Consumer Spending Flows ·Consumption Structure Adjustment·Consumption Structure Upgrading;居民消费支出流向·消费结构调整·消费结构升级
10.The Study of Sustaiable Development on Food Composition and Price Fluctuation in Shanxi Province;山西省食物消费结构、价格结构的可持续发展研究
11.Agricultural structure adjustment and dynamic changes of food consumption between urban and rural residents in the Yangtze River Delta;长江三角洲城乡居民食物消费结构演变及农业生产结构调整
12.The Investigation Analysis on School Sports Goods Consumption Structure and Product Structure in Anhui Province;安徽省学校体育用品消费结构与产品结构的调查分析
13.Study on the Character of Duality of Tourism Consumption Composition Restricted by Products;产品约束下的旅游消费结构二元特征研究
14.Production Structure Adjustment of Animal Husbandry Based on Animal Product Consumption;基于畜产品消费的畜牧业生产结构调整研究
15.China’s Dairy Trade Analysis Based on Dairy Consume Structure;基于消费结构的中国乳品进出口贸易分析
16.The Study on the Content Structure of Consumers' Brand Attachment and Its Relationship with Other Factors消费者品牌依恋的内容结构及其相关研究
17.Study on Consumers' Attitude towards Organic Food in Nanjing,China我国消费者对有机食品的态度研究——以南京市调研结果为例
18.International Association for the Distribution of Food Products and General Consumer Goods国际食品和一般消费品经销协会

structure of consumption goods消费品结构
3)food consumption食品消费
1.Difference of Food Consumption among Generations——Evidence from CHNS食品消费的代际差异——基于中国健康与营养调查的实证研究
2.The Almost Ideal Demand System(AIDS) is used to condition of analyze systematically the food consumption urban inhabitants of Henan Province and an AIDS model is set up as a basis to analyse the elasticities of demand expenditure and price (own price elasticity and cross price elasticity).利用几乎理想系统 (AIDS)对河南城镇居民的食品消费状况进行了系统分析 ,建立了几乎理想需求系统模型 ,并在此基础上进行了需求支出弹性和需求价格弹性 (自价格弹性和交叉价格弹性 )分析 ,结果表明 ,在 5大类食品消费中 ,粮食和肉禽蛋是城镇居民的主要消费品 ,约占食品消费的 5 5 % ,烟酒茶消费份额随着人们收入提高呈下降趋势 。
3.This paper analyses the factors that affect food consumption.对影响我国城乡居民食品消费的因素进行实证分析。
4)composition of consumer goods消费品需要结构
5)measure of major food consumption食品消费量
1.In order to coordinate the regional economic development and to narrow the gap between differnet regions in the measure of food consumption,the cluster analysis method is employed in the analysis of Chinese rural households\' per capita measure of major food consumption.为了协调各地区经济发展,缩小各地区主要食品消费量差距,用系统聚类分析方法,分析了我国31个地区的农村居民家庭平均每人主要食品消费量状况和差异类别。
6)consumption structure消费结构
1.Analysis of the consumption structure fluctuation of town families in Anhui Province;安徽省城镇居民消费结构变动分析
2.The extended linear expenditure system model analysis of residents consumption structure of urban residents of Jilin province;吉林省城镇居民消费结构的ELES模型分析
3.Positive study of chinese urban residents′ consumption structure change during ten years′ period;中国城镇居民10年消费结构变化实证研究

能源消费结构能源消费结构energy consumption structure  优化能源分配结构,使能源的利用效率和经济效益最佳,用电力替代作为动力嫩料的煤炭、石油和石油产品;进一步提高石油、天然气的加工深度,扩大加工规模,增加高级石油化工产品的品种和产量。 中国能源资源以煤炭为主,在能源消费结构中占有很大的比例。改善消费结构的关键是加快石油、天然气和水电与核电的开发,提高煤炭转换为二次能源的比重。nengyuanx一aofe一J一egou能派消费结构(energy Consumption stru-ct盯e)在一次能源消费中各种一次能源(如煤炭、石油、天然气、水能和其他可再生能源,以及核能等)所占的比重,包括一次能源直接消费和一次能源转换为二次能源的消费。 一次能源的消费结构,在历史上有一个变化过程。19世纪中叶,煤炭取代木柴,成为主要能源,20世纪60年代,石油又取代煤炭,成为主要能源,预计到21世纪中叶天然气将占主导地位,到22世纪,核聚变和可再生能源可能取得主导地位。当前石油和天然气是发达国家的主要能源;其次是煤炭、水能和其他可再生能源、核能。世界各国的能源消费结构,因资源、经济、技术水平的不同而差别较大。 能源结构对国民经济的发展影响很大。要优先开发并有效利用优质能源资源,如石油、天然气、水能等;