1.The support of administrative monopoly power to bottleneck monopoly may reinforce the access-reject.自然垄断产业引入竞争后,瓶颈垄断厂商的拒绝接入是一种典型的策略性行为,它意在维护纵向一体化垄断、限制下游市场竞争。
2.After introducing competition in the natural monopoly industries,access-reject is a typical strategic behavior of the bottleneck monopoly firm which gets hold of the support of the administrative monopoly power.而行政垄断势力对瓶颈垄断的支持,则会使拒绝接入进一步固化。
2)refusal to join拒绝加入

1.In a sense you are right in refusing to join that club.你拒绝加入那个社团多多少少是对的。
2.So far only Exxon has refused to play ball.但迄今为止,只有埃克森拒绝加入
3.But the US, the biggest polluter, refuses to do so.而世界最大的污染源美国却拒绝加入该协议。
4.Why England Refused to Join “the European Union”;英国在欧洲联合起步时拒绝加入之原因探析
5.May I take the liberty of asking you how it happens that you refused to be in this Combination?我可不可以唐突地问你一句,你拒绝加入这个团体又是怎么回事呀?
6.She was asked to participate but she refused to be drawn in她被邀请参加,但她拒绝介入。
7.The local club excluded foreigners from joining it.当地俱乐部拒绝外国人加入。
8.Prefix (wildcard) filtering for adding numbers to your allow/deny lists.过滤前缀(外卡)让你加入号码/拒绝名单.
9.He tried to horn in on our card game but we refused to let him join us.他力图加入我们打扑克,但我们拒绝他参加。
10.They excluded people under18 from joining the club.他们拒绝接纳十八岁以下的人加入俱乐部。
11.An Analysis on the Reasons Why the UK Previously Refused to Join the European Communities, and Then Applies to Enter European Communities;英国从拒绝到申请加入欧共体的原因分析
12.He was angry at being denied admittance.他因被拒绝进入而发怒。
13.He was denied admittance to the courtroom,他被拒绝进入法庭),
14.His refusal to pay his debts landed him in prison.他因拒绝还债而入狱。
15.exclude immigrants from a country拒绝移民进入一个国家
16.grant [refuse] a person admittance to...准许[拒绝]某人进入…
17.The club excluded women from membership.该俱乐部拒绝妇女入会。
18.Neutral countries refused to be drawn into the cold war中立国拒绝卷入冷战。

refusal to join拒绝加入
3)exclude a person from membership of a society拒绝接纳某人入会
4)Indirect Refusal间接拒绝
1.The Speech Act of Indirect Refusal in Contemporary Chinese;现代汉语中“间接拒绝”言语行为研究
6)Connection Refused CREF连接拒绝
