1.Call flow obfuscation technique for Java program;Java程序调用流迷惑技术

1.A state of perplexity, confusion, or bewilderment.迷惑困惑、迷惑或糊涂的状态
2.To puzzle, confuse, or baffle.使迷惑、使混乱或使疑惑
3.A state of mental vagueness or bewilderment.迷惑,困惑头脑模糊或迷乱的状态
4.A feeling of puzzlement or doubt.迷惑不解迷惑或怀疑的感觉
5."As for Baoyu, he felt as bemused as if he had lost his wits.""彼时宝玉迷迷惑惑,若有所失."
6.To enchant with or as if with a philter.用春药迷惑用春药或好象用春药迷惑
7.The marquis stared in confusion.那侯爵迷惑地瞪着双眼。
8.The proposal is nevertheless intriguing.这种提议是有迷惑力的。
9.I'm puzzled about this situation.我对这种情况感到迷惑
10.We tried to confuse the enemy.我们试图迷惑敌人。
11.He was bewildered at the sight .他看到这情景感到迷惑
12.None of this is sexy or glamorous.这里没有迷惑人的成分。
13.She gazed on me in bewilderment.她迷惑地注视着我。
14.At first he was very confused.起初他觉得很迷惑
15.Yet reality eludes him.可是现实却使他迷惑
16.I wonder what was wrong with you我真迷惑什么使你犯错。
17.we are more wary of the enchantments of beauty.更加警惕美丽的迷惑力。
18.Dizzy or queasy.迷惑的或令人作呕的

To confuse; bewilder.迷惑;困惑
3)To become bewildered.迷惑,困惑
4)To charm; captivate.迷惑;迷住
5)The act of bewitching.迷惑迷惑的行为
6)The power to bewitch.迷惑迷惑的力量

迷惑【迷惑】 (术语)谬于事理云迷,不明事理云惑。唐华严经五曰:“观佛神通境界无迷惑。”法华经方便品曰:“无智者错乱,迷惑不受教。”教行信证三末曰:“沉没于爱欲广海,迷惑名利之大山。”