1.A Study on Ben-Mo Idea in the Spring-Autumn and the Warring States Period;春秋战国的“本末”论研究

1.New Development of the Traditional Historiographical Form of Records of Historical Events--Thoughts Obtained While Reading A Record of Historical Events in Shanxi;纪事本末谱新篇——读《山西历代纪事本末
2.As the saying goes, @Don't put the cart before the horse.常言道:“切勿本末倒置。”
3.There is a proper sequence of foundation and end-results物有本末,事有终始
4.An Attempt at Composing Local History in the Traditional Form of Records of Historical Events--Retrospection over Composition of A Record of Historical Events in Shanxi;以纪事本末体例撰写地方史的尝试——《山西历代纪事本末》的写作思考
5.The Major is to Circulate Usual Commodities,the Minor is to Sell the Unusual通货为本 鬻奇为末——王符《潜夫论》中商之本末说论析
6.A Probe into Wang Bi s Philosophical Idea;王弼“崇本息末”与“崇本举末”思想探微
7.The book wants a page at the end.这本书末尾缺了一页。
8.Goods in our shop are on year-end Bargain sale.本店商品,岁末大减价。
9.cost of ending work in process inventory期末库存在产品成本
10.the cost of the ending inventory may be computed as follows...期末存货成本计算如下…
11.See below (eg at the foot of the page) for references.见下面(如本页末)注解.
12.This is to announce the ball on the weekend.兹订于本周末举行舞会。
13.He proposed a get-together this weekend.他建议本周末聚会。
14.O the end of the century...再向前展望到本世纪末...
15.Looking farther forward to the end of the century...再向前展望到本世纪末....
16.pricing out either the cost of goods sold or the ending inventory.计算出期末存货成本(或销货成本)。
17.The index of a book comes at the end.一本书的索引在书的末尾。
18.I bound myself to deliver the goods by the end of this month.我保证在本月末以前交货。

dɑnben moben旦本 末本
3)The Essential and the Nonessential本之本,末之末
4)strengthen foundation and weaken the incidental强本减末
5)viewpoint of ins and outs本末观
6)agriculture first and commerce second重本抑末
1.To put agriculture first and commerce second is an economic tradition in ancient China.重本抑末是中国古代的经济传统,学术界大多认为农商对立是重本抑末的主要矛盾,其特点是抑商。
