1.The Intermediate Technology of E.F. Schumacher: A Comment and Appreciation;舒马赫的“中间技术”评述

1.Michael Schumacher chasing David on track.迈克.舒马赫正在赛道上追赶大卫。
2.Heisenberg Frau Schumacher in the bakery - you remember her?海森堡面包房的舒马赫太太——你记得她?
3.Schumacher had found speed that Renault did not expect him to find.舒马赫开出了雷诺预想不到的速度。
4.However, German Schumaeher can be considered as a veteran of the battlefield.不过,德国的舒马赫算是一员沙场老将。
5.MS: It was clean. It was OK.迈克尔-舒马赫:跑的很流畅,不错。
6.Q: What about the rumours of a Schumacher-Brawn dream team?那么有关舒马赫-布朗梦之队的谣言呢?
7.MS: Not so much really. It was fairly straightforward.迈克尔-舒马赫:不是很艰难,还算是简单。
8.Schumacher's tyre Blows and he pulls off track.舒马赫的赛车轮胎爆裂,他在赛道上停下来。
9.MS: No, I didn't have any… yeah, it's true actually.迈克尔-舒马赫:不,我没有任何问题,这是真的。
10.RS: As much as can be assured for one year.拉尔夫-舒马赫:可以被确定的是有一年的时间。
11.But to make use of his advantage he had to be right with Michael when the Ferrari made its second stop.但是要利用他的优势他必须在舒马赫二停时紧跟在他后面。
12.The Ferrari Formula One team is glad it has Michael Schumacher presence at a number of races.法拉利车队很高兴舒马赫到场观看摩纳哥站比赛。
13.Schumacher visited the Spanish and Monaco Grand Prix so far as the Italian team's advisor.在过去几站中,舒马赫到访了西班牙站和摩纳哥站比赛。
14.Q: Mr Schumacher I have a question: may I get you for a one-to-one interview?问:舒马赫,我有一个问题,我能对你进行一个一对一的采访吗?
15.Where the Italian found grip, team mate Ralf Schumacher could not.在意大利人找到抓地力的地方,队友拉尔夫-舒马赫却没有。
16.They are now retired. Therefore, the title of the world's best goalkeeper belongs to no body but me.现在佐夫和舒马赫都退休了,因此世界最佳守门员的称号非我莫属。”
17.Takes pole and victory in Hungary, lapping Schumacher in the process.在匈牙利,阿隆索取得杆位和胜利,在比赛中还套了舒马赫的圈。
18.Ralf Schumacher: I will be with Toyota again in 2007 and then we will see.拉尔夫-舒马赫:2007年我会继续和丰田车队在一起,那时我们再看看吧。

1.Mach s Thought-Economy Principle and Its Realistic Inspiration;马赫的“思维经济原则”及其现实启示
2.Mach s social philosophy and social practice;马赫的社会哲学和社会实践
3)Shu Hede舒赫德
1.Comment on General Shu Hede s Deeds in Yili Xinjiang During Qianlong Period;乾隆时期伊犁将军舒赫德新疆事迹的评述
5)Mach meter马赫表;马赫计
6)Mach reflection马赫反射
1.A numerical investigation on the Mach reflection patterns of quasi-steady strong shock waves;准定常强激波马赫反射波形的数值研究
2.Secondly,it is expatiated based on the principle of Mach reflection that use of a high-velocity explosive for initiation of a low-velocity explosive can enhance the detonation pressure of the low-velocity explosive.首先 ,简要介绍了对现有预裂爆破技术的类型及其特点 ;其次 ,根据马赫反射原理 ,阐述了用高爆速炸药起爆低爆速炸药可增强低爆速炸药的爆压 ;然后概述了以 2号岩石炸药为主装药的线型聚能切割器的设计参数及切割试验。
3.A few constantvalue lines and the detailed physical quantity distributions at solid surfaceof Mach reflections are obtained.本文采用显式 TVD 格式,求解薄层 Navier-Stokes 方程,计算了激波与楔面相互干扰的流场情况,得出了马赫反射的各种等强度线及固壁面上详细的物理量分布,根据计算得出的流场,计算了壁面摩擦阻力及热流分布。
