
1.On the Fetishism in David Ricardo's Political Economy论李嘉图政治经济学理论中的拜物主义
2.The lure of materialism has dominated the thinking of young people and led them to pursue as much personal gains as possible.在拜物主义的牵引下,最大程度地追逐个人实利已经主导着青年人的思维。
3.Although money worship and commodity fetishism, currency fetishism are the same in some respects, they are different form each other.拜金主义虽与商品拜物教和货币拜物教相通,但却又不相同。
4.Simple Analysis on Ideology Root of Capitalism Fetishism析资本主义拜物教的意识形态根源
5.On Marx’s Criticism of Capitalist Fetishism论马克思对资本主义拜物教的批判
6.Resuming the original nature of "the product of human being" -- A concurrent commentary on Money Worship;还“人手的产物”之本源——兼评拜金主义
7.On Marx's Fetishism Theory Against Consumerism消费主义题域中马克思的“拜物教”理论研究
8.guiding the undergraduates overcome the tendency of"money worship",setting up the right Marxist material view;引导大学生克服“拜金主义”的倾向,树立正确的马克思主义物质观;
9.Economic Individualism and Fetishism:the Prototype of D.Defoe s Heroes;经济个人主义与拜物教:论笛福传记小说中的人物原型
10.Combat money worship and extreme individualism (egotism)反对拜金主义和极端个人主义
11.An Analysis of Money Worship in Socialist Market Economy;社会主义市场经济中的拜金主义浅析
12.Is there fetish of money in our socialism market economy?我国目前的社会主义市场经济中是否也存在货币拜物教?
13.Research on the Fetish of Money in Our Socialism Market Economy我国社会主义市场经济条件下的货币拜物教及其扬弃
14.Extreme Frenzy of Consumerism--On‘Complex of Worshiping Material’ in Modern Advertisement Originality;消费主义的终极疯狂——论现代广告创意中的“拜物情结”
15.The Impacts of Fetish for Money on Chinese Socialist Market Economy and Its Sublation;货币拜物教对我国社会主义市场经济的影响及其扬弃
16.A Brief Discussion of Power Fetishism--Analyzing the Deep Cause of Transmutation of the Pre-Soviet Union Socialism;权力拜物教略论——兼析前苏联社会主义瓦解的深层原因
17.Their main manifestations are: the prevalence of commercial profits pursuit and money worship;其主要表现是:追商逐利,拜金主义盛行;
18.Think of Money Worship in the Condition of Socialist Market Economy对社会主义市场经济条件下拜金主义的思考

money worship拜金主义
1.The analysis of fetishism of commodity and money worship;商品拜物教与拜金主义之比较分析
2.Ignorance of money functions has led to both money worship and money scorn.中国的拜金主义和蔑金主义都比西方出现得早,遗憾的是,恁多的错误思想未曾批判,以致谬种流传。
3.The main manifestation of commodity fetishism along with its concept in our society are the adoration for commodit,the inundation of relationship between commodity and currency,and money worship.商品拜物教及其观念在我国社会现实存在的主要表现是:物质崇拜;商品货币关系的泛化;拜金主义。
3)fetishism of European modernity西欧现代性拜物主义
4)worshipers of Mammon拜金主义者
5)earthly materialism世俗的拜金主义
6)Rediscussing the Idea of Money Worship拜金主义再论析
