1.As an economist of Nordic School, Knut·Wicksell is controversial and legendary.克努特·维克赛尔,一个充满争议又极富戏剧性和传奇色彩的北欧学派经济学家,一个被后人称作“斯堪的纳维亚的马歇尔”,他是西方经济学说史上第一个反对“萨伊法则”,反对资本主义经济机制能实现自动均衡的传统经济理论的经济学家,在经济思想史中占有及其重要的地位。
2)Kluver-Bucy syndrome克卢维尔-布赛综合症
3)Texel sheep特克赛尔羊
1.Determination on the Growth and Development for Dorset and Texel sheep in Qinghai Huangyuan Area;陶赛特羊和特克赛尔羊在青海湟源地区的生长发育测定分析
4)Hebuersai Mongolian和布克赛尔
1.Hebuersai Mongolian in Xinjiang is the descendant of Weilatetuerhute Mongolian who came back eastward from the south bank of Volga River in 1771.新疆和布克赛尔蒙古人是1771年从伏尔加河南岸东归故里的卫拉特土尔扈特蒙古人的后裔。

1.Research on Current Spreading Situation of Mongolian Long Song of Hebuersai in Xinjiang;新疆和布克赛尔蒙古长调流传现状调查报告
2.Water Environment Present Situation and Government Countermeasure Analysis of Hebukesaier County和布克赛尔县水环境现状及治理对策分析
3.The Epidemiological Survey and Analasis of Reproductive Tract Diseases in Hebukesaier Mongolia Autonomic County in Xinjiang;新疆和布克赛尔蒙古自治县生殖道疾病流行病学调查分析
4.On the Cultural Transition in the Wilat Mongolians' Wedding Ceremonies--from the Perspective of the Orugruho Wedding Ceremonies in Hebukesaier从和布克赛尔“奥尔古勒胡”婚礼仪式看卫拉特蒙古人婚礼仪式的文化变迁
5.The Swiss cities of Bern, Geneva and Zurich will also host matches along with Austria‘ s Salzburg, Innsbruck and Klagenfurt.瑞士的伯尔尼、内瓦和苏黎士以及奥地利的萨尔茨堡、斯布鲁克和克拉根福都将承办此次赛事。
6.In the other league, between Brooklyn and Philadelphia I must take Brooklyn.在另一个联赛中,拿布鲁克林队和费拉德尔菲亚队来说,我相信布鲁克林队。
7.Michael announced that Frank would terminate his contract at the end 0f the season.迈克尔宣布本赛季末弗兰克将中止其合同。
8.Babcock and Wilcox Mocambicana, SARL莫桑比克巴布科克和威尔克斯公司
9.Louis Saha is expected to return from a hamstring injury to face Blackburn at the end of the month, the game pencilled in for Ole Gunnar Solskjaer's comeback.萨哈予以本月末在和布莱克本的比赛中复出,但索尔斯克亚还得一段时间。
10.Julie and Michael are watching Steven's final soccer game.朱莉和迈克尔正在观看史蒂文足球赛的决赛。
11.The Gothic Soil and the Rewriting of Othello:A Probe into the Origins of Charles Brockden Brown's Wieland哥特的土壤 《奥赛罗》的重写——查尔斯·布鲁克登·布朗《威兰》的创作论研究
12.The Swiss cities of Bern, Geneva and Zurich will also host matches along with Austria's Salzburg, Innsbruck and Klagenfurt.瑞士的伯尔尼、日内瓦和苏黎士以及奥地利的萨尔茨堡、因斯布鲁克和克拉根福都将承办此次赛事。
13.Venus won the Wimbledon Championship in 2000 and 2001.维纳斯是2000和2001年温布尔登公开赛的冠军,
14.Since then, she has won the Wimbledon and the US Open twice.自此她已经两次赢得温布尔登网球公开赛和美国网球公开赛冠军。
15.Arbuckle orogeny阿尔布克尔造山运动
16.Big bad Bill Black's brother Bert大坏蛋比尔?布莱克的哥哥布尔克
17.In 2000, President Bill Clinton and British prime Minister Tony Blair announced the completion of this project.在2000年,比尔?克林顿总统和英国首相托尼?布莱尔宣布这项工程完成。
18.the Wimbledon tennis trophy温布尔登网球赛奖杯.

Kluver-Bucy syndrome克卢维尔-布赛综合症
3)Texel sheep特克赛尔羊
1.Determination on the Growth and Development for Dorset and Texel sheep in Qinghai Huangyuan Area;陶赛特羊和特克赛尔羊在青海湟源地区的生长发育测定分析
4)Hebuersai Mongolian和布克赛尔
1.Hebuersai Mongolian in Xinjiang is the descendant of Weilatetuerhute Mongolian who came back eastward from the south bank of Volga River in 1771.新疆和布克赛尔蒙古人是1771年从伏尔加河南岸东归故里的卫拉特土尔扈特蒙古人的后裔。

罗伯特·克特夫特里克罗伯特·克特夫特里克(robert ctvtlik)国籍:美国进入国际奥委会时间:1999年出生年月:1963年7月8日教育背景:大学毕业,地产经纪人证书。语言:英语、意大利语。简历:ciram caviar 公司总裁,企业管理专家、为残疾孩子募集基金的“报答基金会”创始人。从事过的体育项目:排球。国际奥委会任职情况:运动员委员会(1996-),雅典奥运会工作小组。