
1.Monopoly of Channel Power and Market Failure: Present Situation and Origin Analysis of Medical Market渠道权力垄断与市场失灵:医药市场的现状与成因分析
2.Law of Anti-Monopoly from the Perspective of Jurisprudence--Understanding Anti-Monopoly from the Perspective of Social Power;法理学视野中的反垄断法——从社会权力的角度理解反垄断
3.On the Procedural Inclination of Economic Power:the Example of Antitrust Enforcement Power论经济权力的程序化:以反垄断执法权为例
4.The Technical Monopoly and Property Non-Monopoly in Natural Monopoly Industry;自然垄断行业的技术性垄断与产权非垄断
5.Theory of Monopoly Effectiveness;垄断有效论——兼论“垄断者主权”
6.Intellectual Property Rights and Market Power:From the Perspective of Anti-Monopoly Law知识产权与市场势力的关系——反垄断法的视角
7.The Market Power in Legal Regulation of Intellectual Property Monopoly知识产权反垄断法律规制中的市场支配力
8.Exclusive Listing垄断上市券,独占交易权
9.The Cognizance of Monopoly Power--A Comment on the Nineteenth Articles of "The Anti-Monopoly Law";垄断力的认定——兼评《反垄断法》第十九条
10.The Endogenous Monopoly of Market Process: Market Power and Natural Monopoly;市场过程内生的垄断:市场权势和自然垄断
11.Familial Power Structure: From Monopolization to Equality--The Impact of Rural Familial Power Structure on the Socialization of Labor Force;家庭权力结构:从垄断到平权——劳动力社会化对农村家庭权力结构的冲击
12.Smuggled Salt,State Monopoly and Non-governmental Power--A Case of Smuggled Salt Problem in Nuodeng Salt-fidld in Yunnan Province;私盐、国家垄断与民间权力——以云南诺邓井的私盐问题为例
13.Investigation on the equilibrium states of oligopoly electricity markets after the implementation of emission trading排污权交易实施后的寡头垄断电力市场的均衡分析
14.Applying Antitrust Law to Natural Monopoly Industry;自然垄断行业的反垄断法适用——以电力行业为例
15.It is not a market economy,It's a feudal regality monopolied employment.不是市场经济,是封建君权垄断就业
16.The company have the absolute monopoly of import of french wine.这公司对法国酒进口拥有绝对垄断权。
17.Regional monopolies were bitterly fought for.为夺取地方垄断权发生了激烈的竞争。
18.Study on Controlling of Anti-Monopoly Law of Intellectual Property Abuse;知识产权滥用反垄断法规制问题研究

copyright monopolization版权垄断
3)Principle of State Monopoly of Public Power国家垄断公权力原则
5)monopoly power垄断力
1.One effect of bank mergers is monopoly pricing which will reduce the social welfare, This paper introduces some methods evaluating monopoly power for bank mergers, e.本文介绍了几种对银行业兼并的垄断力进行评估的理论方法 ,主要包括赫芬达尔———赫希曼指数分析法、存款利息刚性分析法、银行相互作用参数分析法等 ,并就这几种评估方法的合理性以及应用中存在的问题进行了评论。
2.This paper elaborated on the specific form of business combination,the new trends,as well as the necessity to measure the monopoly power of the enterprises that have been merged.本文详细阐述了企业合并的具体形式、新趋势,以及对企业合并进行垄断力测度必要性。
6)monopolist's rights垄断者主权

权力1.权位,势力。 2.指有权力。 3.指职责范围内的领导和支配力量。