1.Based on Marxist political economics and technological economics,this paper observes that the epoch-division theory of the development progression of human society differs from that of the economic development of mankind, with the former focusing on the mono-morphism and the later on multi-morphism.根据马克思主义政治经济学和技术经济学理论,笔者认为,人类社会发展过程的时代划分和人类经济发展过程的时代划分是有区别的,前者以"单形态论"为主,后者以"复合形态论"为主。
2)theoretical forms理论形态
1.In this article, the author probes into the theoretical forms and its changes of the western idea of happiness , and claims that the Marxist idea of happiness is the scientific idea for people to live decently today.本文探讨了西方幸福观的理论形态及其嬗变的历史轨迹 ,指出马克思主义幸福论是指导人们现实生活的科学幸福
2.The theoretical forms of Marxist philosophy can be called dialectical materialism and historical materialism.马克思主义哲学的理论形态,可以称为“辩证唯物主义和历史唯物主义”,同时也可以用其他名称来指称它。

1.The Appearance of Theory and Practice of Psychological Contract in Moral Education;论德育心理契约的理论形态与实践形态
2.Formation and Original Feature of "Three Represents" Theory;“三个代表”理论形态的形成及原创特征
3.Deng Xiaoping’s Socialism Essence Viewpoints of Theoretical and Practical Appearances邓小平理论形态及实践形态的社会主义本质观
4.From the Historical Form to Theoretical Form and a Review on The System of Chinese Classical Literary Theory in Three volumes;从历史形态走向理论形态——兼评三卷本《中国古代文学理论体系》
5.A Study on Theoretical Form of Chinese “Humor”;论中国“幽默”的理论形态——兼论林语堂的“幽默”说
6.Theoretical Modes and Significance of Sinicization of Marxist Criticism;马克思主义文艺理论中国化的理论形态
7.System form Theory and Enterprise System Form Evolution;系统形态理论与企业系统形态的演化
8.On the “ideal formation” and “actual formation ”of socialism;试论社会主义的“理想形态”和“现实形态”
9.Distributed Morphology:A New Theory of Syntax/Morphology Interface;分布形态理论:一种新的句法形态接口理论
10.Ideology theory and contemporary China s ideology theoretical research;意识形态理论与当代中国意识形态理论研究
11.What Is The Theory--A Study on the Contestation of the Aesthetical Ideology;理论何为?——从“审美意识形态论”论争说起
12.Literary Theory: the Way It Is Taught and the Way It Is Theoretically Explored;文学理论:从教学形态到理论本体探讨
13.On Discussions about Theories of Five Forms and Three Forms--In Response to Papers Written by Professor DUAN Zhong-qiao and Professor XI Zhao-yong;关于五形态理论和三形态理论的讨论——与段忠桥、奚兆永二教授商榷
14.The Theory of Marist Ideology and the Building of China Ideology;马克思主义意识形态理论与中国意识形态建设
15.Ideology as the Fantasy: On Ideology Theory of Slavoj Zizek;作为幻象的意识形态:齐泽克意识形态理论研究
16.Ideology s Economic Function--Probe into North s Ideology Theory;意识形态的经济功能——诺斯的意识形态理论探析
17.On the Marx s "Three-form" Theory on Human s Development;论马克思的人的发展的“三形态”理论
18.Study of Form, Process and System of Marx s Property Rights Theory;论马克思产权理论的形态、过程及体系

theoretical forms理论形态
1.In this article, the author probes into the theoretical forms and its changes of the western idea of happiness , and claims that the Marxist idea of happiness is the scientific idea for people to live decently today.本文探讨了西方幸福观的理论形态及其嬗变的历史轨迹 ,指出马克思主义幸福论是指导人们现实生活的科学幸福
2.The theoretical forms of Marxist philosophy can be called dialectical materialism and historical materialism.马克思主义哲学的理论形态,可以称为“辩证唯物主义和历史唯物主义”,同时也可以用其他名称来指称它。
3)shape theory形态理论
1.A Combination of Forecast Method of Securities Price Based on Integration of Time Series Analysis and Shape Theory;集成时序分析与形态理论的证券价格预测方法
2.This paper proposes a combination of securities price forecast methodology which integrated the ARMA model and the shape theory.本文提出一种利用ARMA模型和形态理论进行组合预测股票价格的方法,计算实例表明了这种组合方法预测能力相对于单一的预测方法有明显的优越性,更具有实际意义
4)theoretical formation理论形态
1.To put it more exactly,their theoretical formation usually keep abreast of the social development while having the particular features of the times simultaneously.详言之,即理论形态总体适应与具体时代并存、基本架构经典纲常与世俗规范互动、发展模式内涵传承性主体创新统一、价值理念浪漫理想与浓厚致用结合。
2.Essentialist curricula have made the idea turn from empirical to theoretical, thus having led to the establishing of the theoretical formation of disciplinary courses.要素主义课程使学科课程思想从经验化转向了理论化,确立了学科课程的理论形态。
5)five-morphological approach五形态论
1.The author gives a review of historical studies in the 20th century and concludes that evolutionism-five-morphological approach is the key link to update the study of the Chinese ethnohistory in the 20th century and macro-universality is its basic principle.本文作者通过 2 0世纪治史学路的回识 ,认为进化论———五形态论是 2 0世纪中国民族史学通向现代化的关键环节 ,宏观共性是其学理的基本特征。
6)theoretical form理论形态
1.A historc transition of the theoretical form of Marxism──on the historical position of Deng Xiao-ping s Theory;马克思主义理论形态的历史性转折──论邓小平理论的历史地位
2.From the aspect of theoretical form,art study takes the form of explanation and discussion on art noumenon of several levels and a series of important art theories come into being;from the aspect of application form,art study has evolved from popularizing movement and identical tendency during the former 30 years into diversification,stratification and pragmaticism during the latter 30 years.理论形态上,艺术学表现为对艺术本体多个层次问题的阐释和探讨,产生了一系列重要的艺术理论;应用形态上,艺术学由前30年的普及化运动和同一化倾向演变为后30年的多样化、分层化和实用化。

单形单形simplex  单形呻m灿以;c,Mn。魄],(亦称单纯形) 一个n维多胞形(见多面体(polvhedi习n)),它是n十1个不在任一(。一l)维平面中的点(单形的顶点(vertices))的凸包.当n二O,l,2,或3时,单形分别是点,区间,三角形,或四面体.单形的面是低维的单形.两个相同维数的单形是仿射等价的.单形的每一点对应单位质量在顶点的唯一分布,在此分布下单形以该点为重心.这被用于在单形中引人重心坐标(加砂centric coordinates),也作为把单形的概念推广到无限维情形的一种方法(见C、甲et单形(Ch(月叱t slmPlex);单形(抽象的)(sin1P】ex(ab·stract))).一个单形可取定两个定向中的一个,这样就诱导了每一个(n一l)维面上的一个特殊定向. B .A 3a兀ra朋ep撰【补注】