历史唯物主义,historical materialism
1)historical materialism历史唯物主义
1.Contribution of "Three Represents" to the Historical Materialism;试论“三个代表”理论对历史唯物主义的贡献
2.To analyze the leap development from the historical materialism angles;从历史唯物主义角度透视跨越式发展
3.Personal Reality:the Starting Point for the Interpretation of Historical Materialism——Exploration on German Theory;现实的个人:历史唯物主义的起点——对《德意志意识形态》的解读

1.Why Historical Materialism is Possible--Oneness of Double Meaning of "History" of Historical Materialism历史唯物主义何以可能——历史唯物主义之“历史”双重意义的统一性
2.Historical Materialism as a Scientific Methodology for Historical Studies;作为历史科学方法论的历史唯物主义
3.Double Meanings of the Concept of History in Historical Materialism;历史唯物主义中“历史”概念的双重内涵
4."The End of History" and the Destiny of Historical Materialism“历史的终结”与历史唯物主义的命运
5.On the Study of the Origin of Methodology of Historical Materialism from Empirical Materialism,Social Materialism to Historical Materialism;历史唯物主义方法论探源——从经验唯物主义、社会唯物主义到历史唯物主义
6.The practical significance of studing the subject theory of historical materialism;历史唯物主义主体论研究的现实意义
7.on historical pretext of communismtand on historical materialism.关于共产主义的历史前提; 关于历史唯物主义
8.Materialism of History Based on the Meaning of World Outlook;论“世界观”意义上的历史唯物主义
9.Thing, Practice and Historical Time: On the Essence of Historical Materialism;物、实践与历史性的时间——论历史唯物主义的本质
10.The Category of Class and the Concept of Material in Historical Materialism阶级范畴与历史唯物主义的“物”概念
11.The central doctrines of Marxist Philosophy are called dialectical materialism and historical materialism.马克思主义哲学的主要学说被称为辩证唯物主义和历史唯物主义
12.Re - understanding of Historical Materialism-To begin with historical concepts;历史唯物主义的再理解——以历史概念作为切入点
13.Discussion about the Relationship between the Historical Materialism and Philosophy of History试论历史唯物主义与历史哲学的关系问题
14.The Role of Historical Materialism in Guiding the Development Studies历史唯物主义对发展研究的指导作用
15.Marx, Karl. Selections on Historical Materialism and Alienated Labor.《历史唯物主义与异化劳动》(篇章选读).
16.On Habermas' Reconstruction of Historical Materialism;评哈贝马斯的“重建历史唯物主义
17.Historical Materialism: The Axis of Marxist Political Philosophy;历史唯物主义:马克思政治哲学的轴心
18.On the Reconstruction of the Historical Materialism of Habermas;评哈贝马斯的历史唯物主义重建理论

historic materialism历史唯物主义
1.Theory of three representatives:adherence and development to historic materialism;论“三个代表”重要思想对历史唯物主义的坚持和发展
2.Three Represents" enriches and develops historic materialism;“三个代表”重要思想对历史唯物主义的丰富和发展
3.On the re-construction of the theoretical system of historic materialism from the logical starting point of "realistic humans"以“现实的人”为逻辑起点重构历史唯物主义理论体系
3)the historical materialism历史唯物主义
1.The theory possessed internal logical consistency with the historical materialism.后者为其提供了本体论和认识论基础,而前者也丰富和深化了人们对历史唯物主义的认识和理解。
2.The historical materialism,therefore,expressed the different thoughtful mode,and it leaded to the different historical necessities.马克思是在批判旧哲学的基础上创建了历史唯物主义的。
3.What the historical materialism has its situation,function,position and influence in the socialism is not only a kernel of Marxist philosophy in the new century,but also relates to the fate and future of socialist society.当代马克思义哲学发展的关键是历史唯物主义对于社会主义历史和现实的诸多问题的把握和创新。
4)history materialism历史唯物主义
1.History materialism thinks that history is made by people.历史唯物主义认为,人民群众是历史的创造者。
5)materialist view of history唯物主义历史观
1.,"materialist view of history",is the basic paradigm of his"new worldview"formed in his"twice shifts"together with his"dialectical materialism".马克思哲学思想"第二次转变"所创立的"新世界观"——"唯物主义历史观",不仅是对其"唯物辩证法"哲学的现实应用,而且还是使其"唯物辩证法"哲学思想在社会科学中以新的高一级的形式切实重现。
6)historical materialism in a broad sense广义的历史唯物主义
