公有制,public ownership
1)public ownership公有制
1.Reunderstanding various forms for materializing public ownership;对公有制实现形式的再认识
2.The Joint-Stock System Should Become the Main Effectuation Form of the Public Ownership;股份制应成为公有制的主要实现形式
3.Does the share-holding system equal to the public ownership?;不应把股份制等同于公有制——关于社会主义市场经济与股份制的研究之一

1.express in the metric system.为公有制制度来表示。
2.What is the difference between a public company and a private one?公有制公司与私有制公司的区别在哪里?
3.The Public Ownership and The Corporate System--The Current Exposition of The Reform of The State Owned Enterprise s Property Rights;公司制与公有制——兼论国有企业产权制度改革
4."Public Private":the Way out for the Public-owned Economy“公有民营”:公有制经济的根本出路
5.Joint Development of China's Public and Non-Public Economies中国的公有制和非公有制经济共同发展
6.The Harmonious Development of Public Sector of the Economy and Non-public Sector of the Economy;论公有制经济与非公有制经济的和谐发展
7.Indirect Public-Ownership and Socialism--The Innovative Study of the Public-Ownership Theory;间接公有制与社会主义——公有制理论的创新研究
8.Traditional Practice of Public Ownership and the Realization form of Modern Public Ownership;传统公有制的实践和现代公有制的实现形式
9.Distinguish "Form of Public-ownership" and the "Realization of Public-Ownership";不要混同“公有制形式”和“公有制实现形式”
10.A tentative probe into the relation between public ownership and non-public ownership in the initial stage of socialism;社会主义初级阶段公有制与非公有制关系探析
11.diversified forms of ownership, with public ownership as the main form以公有制为主体的多种所有制
12.Realization of Public Ownership and the Reform of the Administrative System of State-owned Assets.;公有制实现与国有资产管理体制改革
13.The Peculiarity and Standardization of Corporate Governance under Corporate System;公有制下的公司治理:特殊性与规范化
14.To subject to public ownership or control.使公有化属于公众所有或控制
15.Potechnics Printed Circuits Ltd.普迪印制电路有限公司
16.Asahi Metals (HK) Ltd.朝日焊锡制品有限公司
17.Zhejiang Suichang Suigang Metal Products Co.,Ltd.遂钢金属制品有限公司
18.Ningbo Sangtai Clothing Working Co.,Ltd.宁波桑泰制衣有限公司

public ownership system公有制
1.Socialist market economy persists in taking the public ownership system and the distribution according to work as the main part,and taking Communist leadership as the core.社会主义市场经济坚持以公有制和按劳分配为主体,坚持以共产党的领导为核心,这为树立社会主义荣辱观提供了必要性和可能性。
2.Although the Party s 15th representatives assembly has clearly delimited the socialism initial stage public ownership system,the non-public ownership system meaning,the status and the function,the theorists still have many disputes on this question.尽管党的十五大对社会主义初级阶段公有制及非公有制的含义、地位和作用作了明确界定,但理论界对这一问题仍有诸多争议。
3.This paper is intended to argue for the social ownership system or public ownership system to take the place of socialist public ownership system,and for the gradually dropping the private ownership system to take the place of ridding of the private ownership system in Manifesto of Communist Party.对以“社会所有制”或“公众所有制”取代“社会主义公有制”,以“扬弃私有制”取代《共产党宣言》中提出的“消灭私有制”,并以社会主义初级阶段基本经济制度的实践来否定公有制和消灭私有制的一般原理的科学性,提出了不同的看法。
3)non-public ownership非公有制
1.Application of Entrust in forestry investment--Innovation research of investment mechanism of non-public ownership commodity Forests;信托在林业投资中的应用——非公有制商品林投资运行机制创新研究
2.Study of the Protection of Rights and Interests of Women Staff and Workers in Non-Public Ownership Enterprises in Fujian Province;福建省非公有制企业女职工特殊权益保护研究——以制鞋行业为例
3.In this paper, the author has elucidated the significance of greatly developing non-public ownership forestry from several respects.本文从几个方面阐述了大力发展非公有制林业的意义,针对当前我国发展非公有制林业存在的若干制约因素,提出了建立市场机制、政策支持、设立特区和发行彩票等对策和建议。
1.Position and Function on Forestry of Private in Countryside Construction;非公有制林业在农村建设中的地位和作用
2.Problems and Countermeasures on Forestry Development of Private in Xunhua County;循化县非公有制林业发展存在的问题及对策
1.In this paper, the author analyses the distinct function of non-public forestry in developing construction socialist new village; At the same time, some current problems in the process of developing non-public forestry are discussed.分析了发展非公有制林业在推进社会主义新农村建设中的独特作用;讨论了当前非公有制林业发展存在的主要问题;提出了促进非公有制林业发展的具体对策。
2.In this paper,the author analyzed the status of non-public forestry researches.分析我国非公有制林业研究的现状,包括公有制林业和非公有制林业的界定、发展非公有制林业的必要性、非公有制林业产权问题、非公有制林业产业化研究、非公有制林业的实践研究,讨论目前非公有制林业经济研究中存在的一些问题,即当前研究多为定性分析,定量分析不足、非公有制林业与非公有制农业的关系研究较少、对考察区内的实践研究不够深入等。
6)non-public ownership system非公有制
1.Although the Party s 15th representatives assembly has clearly delimited the socialism initial stage public ownership system,the non-public ownership system meaning,the status and the function,the theorists still have many disputes on this question.尽管党的十五大对社会主义初级阶段公有制及非公有制的含义、地位和作用作了明确界定,但理论界对这一问题仍有诸多争议。
2.The survey of talent is still in the exploratory stage and Non-systematic in Non-public ownership system.研究发现,当前我国的人才统计体系尚不完善,系统的人才统计调查工作仅在公有制经济单位开展,针对非公有制经济单位人才统计的调查尚处于探索阶段,缺乏系统性,还没有总结出一套完整的人才统计调查方式。
3.With the high-speed development of non-public ownership system economy, lots of contradictions in non-public ownership system labor relations appear day by day.伴随着非公有制经济的快速发展,非公有制劳动关系矛盾日益显现。

公有制  生产资料归劳动者共同所有的形式。所有制关系是生产关系的组成部分,生产力决定生产关系,从而生产力决定所有制关系。即公有制是与一定的生产力发展水平相适应的所有制形式。在生产资料公有制的条件下,人们建立起了新型的生产关系。人们共同占有生产资料进行共同劳动,共同占有产品,从而为消灭剥削奠定了基础。在人类社会中出现了两种公有制形式:一是原始公社的公有制,它是生产力水平极低的一种公有制。在这种生产关系下,部落成员按年龄、性别分工,共同采猎,所有成员平均分享劳动成果。随着新的生产工具的出现,促进了生产力的发展,使得个体劳动成为可能,从而原始公有制让位于私有制。另一个公有制是社会化大生产条件下的社会主义公有制。它是无产阶级利用革命暴力夺取政权,建立了生产资料公有制。即生产资料的全民所有制和集体所有制。我国在进行经济体制改革以后,公有制形式出现了新的变化。在以公有制为主体多种经济成份共存的条件下,出现了股份制形式,以及以公有经济与外商及港澳台地区私人资本合资和合作的经济形式等等。总之,由于生产力发展水平最终决定生产关系的性质,社会主义公有制形式还在不断完善中。