陈子昂,Chen zi-ang
1)Chen zi-ang陈子昂
1.On Chen zi-ang s Poetic Theory——"Fenggu", and "Xingji";论陈子昂的诗歌理论——“风骨”“兴寄”说
2.Three-Change-Theory of Articles in Tang Dynasty and Chen Zi-ang;“唐文三变说”与陈子昂
3.On CHEN Zi-ang s Frontier Fortress Poems and Their Ideological Origin;论陈子昂的边塞诗及其思想渊源

1.On Chen zi-ang s Poetic Theory--"Fenggu", and "Xingji";论陈子昂的诗歌理论——“风骨”“兴寄”说
2.Correct Several Errors in Understanding Chen Zi ang s Poems;关于陈子昂诗歌理论理解的几点辨正
3.On Cheng Zi-ang s Poetic Theory,Writings and His Status in the History;试论陈子昂的诗论、诗作及其历史地位
4.Dicuss the inheritance and innovation of Chen Zi ang、Shen Quanqi and Song Zhiwen s poems;论陈子昂和沈宋诗歌的“复”与“变”
5.The Essence of Chen Zi-ang s "Xing-Jin" Theory and Its Historical Position;陈子昂“兴寄”说的实质及其历史地位
6.Chen Zi ang s Attitude Towards the Zhou Dynasty Ruled by the Empress of Wu;从感遇诗看陈子昂对武周王朝的态度
7.A Pioneer s Tragic Song --Chen ziang in a tragedy;先觉者的悲歌——大悲剧中的陈子昂
8.A Re evaluation of the Poetic Proposals in CHEN Zi ang s Preface to Long Bamboos;陈子昂《修竹篇序》的诗歌主张再评价
9.That CHEN Zi-ang denounced SHANGGUAN Style Poetry was the ultimate cause of SHANGGUAN Wanr instigating WU San-si putting CHEN Zi-ang to death.陈子昂公开反对上官体诗并成为领军人物是上官婉儿指使武三思除掉陈子昂的根本原因。
10.On Korean Poet Shenqin's 36 Responsory Poems to Chinese Poet Chen Zi’ang's 38 Poems,Signing for My Experiences--With a Comparison to Chen Zi’ang's 38 Poems in Signing for My Experiences朝鲜诗人申钦《次陈子昂〈感遇〉三十六首》研究——兼与陈子昂《感遇》三十八首比较
11.A Superficial Analysis on Chen Ziang s Poetry Theory and Its Influence on Poems in Prosperous Tang Dynasty;浅析陈子昂的诗歌理论及其对盛唐诗歌的影响
12.The influence of official posts on Chen Zi ang;独怆然而泪下——论授任右拾遗对陈子昂的影响
13.The Poetry Theory and Writing of Chen Zi ang and Its Influence on the Poetry of the crowning Tang Dynasty;陈子昂的诗论、诗作及对盛唐诗歌的影响
14.On the Inheritance and Development of Chen Zi-ang′s GanYu Poems From the Nineteen Ancient Poems;论陈子昂《感遇》诗对《古诗十九首》的继承与发展
15.The interaction between Fu (the Traditional) and Bian (the Innovative)--Chen Zi-ang’s Poetry Theory and Innovative Writing;“复”与“变”的互动──论陈子昂诗歌理论和创作的创新
16.A wait-and-See Man s Endless way --The Historical Roots of Chen Ziang s Tragedy;守望者的不归路——陈子昂悲剧的历史根源
17.Universe·History·Life --WEN Yi-duo s Interpretation of CHEN Zi-ang;宇宙·历史·人生——对闻一多论陈子昂的阐释
18.Prose of Bashu in the Sui, Tang and Five Dynasties (II) --On Chen Ziang s prose;隋唐五代的巴蜀散文(二)——陈子昂散文简论

Chen Zi ang陈子昂
1.A Turning Point from the Essence of JianAn Literature to General Atmosphere in Prime-Tang Dynasty——On Spreading and Acceptance of JianAn Literature by Chen Zi ang;从建安风骨到盛唐气象的重要拐点——论陈子昂对建安文学的传播接受
2.Correct Several Errors in Understanding Chen Zi ang s Poems;关于陈子昂诗歌理论理解的几点辨正
3.The series of "Ganyu" by Chen Zi ang inherits the excellent images and adds the new age s atmosphere to it.陈子昂的《感遇》诗继承了历代诗歌中优秀的意象并体现了时代的新气息,其中的白云、白日、飞鸟词语使用频率颇高,蕴含了诗人渴望为世所用的内心感触,诗人用时代的笔墨蘸染着真性情,有力地开拓了一代诗风。
3)Chen Ziang陈子昂
1.On Life Consciousness of Chen Ziang s Poems;陈子昂诗歌的生命意识及其成因
2.On the Inherit and Development of Chen Ziang's Ganyu Poem论陈子昂感遇诗的传承流变
4)the death of CHEN Zi-ang陈子昂之死
1.This paper believes that the death of CHEN Zi-ang has relations with SHANGGUAN Wanr.陈子昂之死在中国文学史上一直是一个谜,仁者见仁,智者见智,始终没有一个完全令人信服的结论。
5)Chen Zi'ɑng陈子昂(约659~700)
6)Li Bai and Chen Ziang李白与陈子昂
