市场过程,market process
1)market process市场过程
1.The theoretic analysis indicates that the policy has three major limitations: firstly,the policy cannot fundamentally prevent the "overcapacity";secondly,policy-maker is unable to make an accurate prediction about market and a wise investment plan;thirdly,the policy may disturb the market process,leading to the defective policy results.理论探讨表明此政策存在三个缺陷:一是不能从根本上治理产能过剩;二是相关部门不可能进行准确预测和制定合意的投资规划;三是这一政策会干扰市场过程,并导致不良后果。
2.Gradual reform focuses on characteristics of gradualism,evolutionary and piecemeal,which coincide with the theoretical logic of revolutionary economics,transition economics and market process theory.渐进式改革强调路径渐进、演化、零碎的特征,与更适合解释现实世界的演化经济学、转轨经济学以及市场过程理论的逻辑一致。
3.Similarly, natural monopoly is a natural phenomenon of market process evolution.自然垄断现象也是市场过程演化过程中的自然现象,无论源于规模经济还是范围经济,都表明自然垄断具有动态效率特征。

1.The Endogenous Monopoly of Market Process: Market Power and Natural Monopoly;市场过程内生的垄断:市场权势和自然垄断
2.Entrepreneur is the exponential and practitioner of market innovation, and the deciding factor of market process as well.企业家是市场创新的倡导者和实现者,是市场过程的决定因素。
3.The act or process of buying and selling in a market.市场交易在市场上买或卖的行为或过程
4.The Studies on the Measurement of Financial Liberalization & the Procedure and Approach of Financial Liberalization in China;金融市场化测度与中国金融市场化过程研究
5.The Marketization Process of Interest Rate in China: The Perspective of Interbank Money Market;从银行间货币市场看中国利率的市场化过程
6.Chinese tendering process for steam turbines and turbo generator.了解中国汽轮发电机组市场投标过程。
7.Dynamic Price Discovery in the Limit Order Stock Market;限价订单市场价格发现动态过程研究
8.The Statistical Analysis of Stochastic Processes in Stock Market;基于股票市场的随机过程的统计分析
9.Knowledge Propagation of High-Tech Products in the Market;高技术产品市场化过程中的知识传播
10.Study of the Process of Finding the Fittest Hedging Ratio in Internal Market;论国内市场寻找最佳避险比率的过程
11.The Effective Utilization of Capital Market in the Course of the Rising of the Central Area of China;中部崛起过程中资本市场的有效利用
12.State and Market in the Process of the Reformation of the Welfare Privatization;福利私营化改革过程中的国家与市场
13.Problems during the process of marketization of public service;公共服务市场化过程中的问题及对策
14.Internet-mediated market orientation;以因特网为介质的市场导向过程(IMO)
15.The Qualitative Simulation System for Enterprise Marketing Decision Process;企业市场营销决策过程定性模拟系统
16.Discussion on credit in development of market economy of China;我国市场经济发展过程中的信用问题
17.Application of prefabricated concrete based on Markov chain in marketing prediction;Markov过程在预拌混凝土市场预测中应用
18.Constructions of Tax Revenue System During the Course of Improvement of the Market Economy;市场经济完善过程中的税收制度建设

marketing processing市场营销过程
3)Market Process Theory市场过程理论
1.Study on Entrepreneurship Based on Market Process Theory of Austrian School and Application;基于奥地利学派市场过程理论的创业研究及其应用
4)process automation市场过程自动化
5)the process of market positioning市场定位的过程
6)Market Over-supply市场过剩

证券发行市场(一级市场、初级市场) 证券发行市场(一级市场、初级市场)——  证券发行市场又称一级市场或初级市场,是发行人以筹集资金为目的,按照一定的法律规定和发行程序,向投资者出售新证券所形成的市场。证券发行市场作为一个抽象的市场,其买卖成交活动并不局限于一个固定的场所。