土地革命,agrarian revolution
1)agrarian revolution土地革命
1.Brief Discussion on Mao Zedong’s Ideology of Agricultural Economic Construction in Revolutionary Base during Agrarian Revolution Period;略论土地革命时期毛泽东的根据地农业经济建设思想
2.On Deng Zihui s Economic Thoughts during Agrarian Revolution war;略论土地革命战争时期邓子恢的经济思想
3.Logical Relationship between China's Agrarian Revolution and Modernization in the Period of Social Transition社会转型视阈下土地革命与现代化的逻辑关联

1.The features of the revolutionary folk songs during the period of the Agrarian Revolution in Dabieshan Area;大别山土地革命时期革命民歌的特征
2.The Influence of the Agrarian Revolution on Rural Social Changes of the Soviet Areas;土地革命对苏区农村社会变革的影响
3.Analyzing Farmers View of Revolution in the Initial Period of Agrarian Revolutionary War;探析土地革命战争初期农民的革命心态
4.On the Recognition of Chinese Land Revolution by Comintrn during the Great Revolution;论大革命期间共产国际对中国土地革命的认识
5.Agricultural Tax of Base Area in Agrarian Revolution试论土地革命时期根据地的农业税
6.Deepen the agrarian revolution in areas under the independent regime.深入割据地区的土地革命
7.CPC s Policy and Strategy on Bandits During the Agrarian Revolution--Revolutionary Mobilization for the Perspective;土地革命时期党对土匪的政策与策略演变——以革命动员的视角
8.Reviews on Mao Zedong s Land Tax Policies on Peasants in the Early Stages of the Agrarian Revolutionary War;土地革命前期毛泽东农民土地税收政策评析
9.The characteristics of the formation of the party’s land policy in the Land Revolution war;党在土地革命战争时期土地政策形成的特点
10.Sociological Analysis of the New Agrarian Revolution Induced by the Wasting of Arable Land in Rural Villages;农村土地抛荒的“新土地革命”的社会分析
11.Pioneering Significance of Land Laws during Land Revolution;论土地革命时期几部土地法规的开创性意义
12.The years prior to the anti-Japanese war are called the period of the Agrarian Revolution.抗日战争以前,我们叫土地革命时期。
13.The second stage was the War of the Agrarian Revolution.第二阶段,即土地革命战争的阶段。
14.the Agrarian Revolution is the thoroughgoing application of the Principle of People's Livelihood.土地革命则是彻底的民生主义。
15.The Rich Peasant Policies of CPC During the Agrarian Revolution;土地革命时期中国共产党的富农政策
16.The Analytic Study on Zhu De s Army Building Theory in the Period of Agrarian Revolution;土地革命战争时期朱德建军思想探析
17.Peasants have their own land"──Dr. Sun yat-sen s guiding principle of agrarian revolution;“耕者有其田”:孙中山的土地革命纲领
18.A Brief Discussion on REN Bi-shi s Thought For Party Building During the Agrarian Reform Period;略论任弼时土地革命时期的建党思想

land revolution土地革命
1.Chinese Communist Party s Policies towards the Rich Farmer-Class during the Period of Land Revolution;中国共产党在土地革命时期的富农政策
2.Zhang Wentian’s Cognition of Guerrilla War in the Period of Land Revolution土地革命时期张闻天对游击战争的认识
3.In land revolution,the Communist Party of China(CPC) was ideologically affected by blind ″leftism″,and serverely endangered the existence of the Party.土地革命时期,中国共产党在思想上先后受到“左”倾盲动主义、冒险主义和教条主义等一系列非无产阶级思想的侵蚀,曾经一度严重威胁到党的存亡。
3)the Agrarian Revolution土地革命
1.Red Postal Service of Hunan During the Agrarian Revolution period;土地革命战争时期湖南的赤色邮政
2.The Influence of the Agrarian Revolution on Rural Social Changes of the Soviet Areas;土地革命对苏区农村社会变革的影响
3.Study of Mao Ze-dong s Investigation on Rich Peasants in the Period of the Agrarian Revolution;土地革命时期毛泽东关于富农问题的调查研究述评
4)land reform土地革命
1.Third,combining armed struggle with land reform is the example for them in Jinggangshan Base Area to build a way of combining Land Reform,armed struggle and Village Base Area.湘南起义为井冈山根据地的创建、巩固和发展起到了重要的作用:它牵制了敌人,为井冈山根据地的创建创造了条件;产生的武装力量和游击战术的成功运用,为井冈山根据地武装斗争的开展和胜利奠定了基础;开创的将武装斗争与土地革命相结合的先例,为井冈山根据地把土地革命、武装斗争、农村根据地三者紧密结合的建设道路提供了范例;政权、军队建设的经验,为井冈山根据地建设奠定了基础;它的伟大实践为"工农武装割据"思想的形成与发展,中国革命新道路的探索提供了鲜活的实践经验。
2.For the question of the land reform,they negated and opposed the correct opinions of Mao Zedong,and enforced the "Left" policy of "landowners get no land while rich peasants get poor land".在土地革命问题上,否定和反对毛泽东的正确主张,极力推行"地主不分田,富农分坏田"的"左"倾政策,给中国革命带来了极大的危害。
5)the Land Revolution土地革命
1.The Social Conflicts in Rural Areas of South Jiangxi during the Land Revolution Periods;论土地革命时期赣南农村的社会矛盾——历史人类学视野下的中国土地革命史研究
6)Land Revolutionary War土地革命战争
