胡林翼,Hu Linyi
1)Hu Linyi胡林翼
1.Study on the Management and Military Abilities of Hu Linyi;论胡林翼的管理和军事才能
2.Hu Linyi s Ideas of God s Will and Values of New-Confucianism;胡林翼的理学天命观与价值观

1.Xiang Army s Information Work and the War in Anhui Province and Hubei Province;胡林翼部湘军情报工作与皖、鄂争夺战
2.The research on HU Lin - yi is one of the important topics among the personage study of late Qing Dynasty.胡林翼研究是晚清人物研究的重要选题之一。
3.The background and political conditions of Hu Linyi as governor of Hubei;论胡林翼出任湖北巡抚的背景条件和政象要旨
4.HU Yunyi s Ci studies: A study of HU Yunyi s life and his academic development;胡云翼词学思想的形成条件——胡云翼独特的人生经历与学术道路
5.Vote for Mr. Lincoln's whiskers为林肯的胡子投一票
6.Hsieh, C. and Chen, C.* (2005).林宜瑾、胡家荣*、廖柏森(2004)。
8.Yet to this day they tend to tiptoe around Muslims as a distinct market segment.而今他们应对穆斯林这个决然不同的市场时总是小心翼翼。
9.The general scholarly opinion, at least in the West, was that the winged disc represented Ahura Mazda.一般学者主张,至少在西部,有翼的圆盘状是代表阿胡玛兹达。
10.Optimal Growing Space for Juglans mandshurica in Second Growth Forests in Changbai Mountains长白山林区天然次生林胡桃楸的适宜生长空间
11.That was just some nonsense to pass the time in Princeton.那只是在普林斯顿为了消遣胡诌。
12.Juan Antonio Samaranch:Olympic Legend胡安·安东尼奥·萨马兰奇:奥林匹克传奇
13.Propagation and Protection of Clonal Plant Populus Euphratica Oliv. in Desert Riparian Forest (Tu Gai);荒漠河岸林克隆植物胡杨繁殖与保护
14.Hu Shi and Lu Xun s view of Novel Criticism Reflected in The Scholars;从《儒林外史》看胡适、鲁迅的小说批评观
15.Experimental study on rejuvenation and regeneration of residual Populus euphratica forest in desert valley荒漠河谷胡杨残林复壮更新试验研究
16.The research of Hu Shi’s subsidizing Lin Yu-tang for his study abroad during the period of the May 4th Movement五四时期胡适自费资助林语堂留学考
17.Hugo H(a|¨)ring's Concept of Organic Architecture Viewed from the Garkau Farm从伽考农庄看胡果·赫林的有机建筑观
18.Stability analysis in the southern side landslides areasof the industrial square of the Berlin mine柏林煤矿工业广场南翼滑坡区稳定性分析

Hu Lin-yi胡林翼
1.Try to Talk about the Philosophy Content of Hu Lin-yi s Practice Thonght a Life Time;试论胡林翼经世实践的哲学内涵
2.During the Period of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom,Hubei governor Hu Lin-yi took the world as his own duty.太平天国时期,湖北巡抚胡林翼以天下为己任,重视人才,组成庞大的官僚集团群体,筹兵筹饷,不仅在湖北战胜了太平军,还支援了皖、赣、湘、豫、浙等省,在镇压太平天国方面,其作用仅次于湖南。
3)On Hu Lin-yi s Administration of Hubei Province也评胡林翼抚鄂
4)Hu Lin-yi and Official Reorganization胡林翼与吏治整顿
5)The Relationship between HU Lin-yi and the Xiang Culture胡林翼与湖湘文化
6)Hu Yi-mou胡翼谋
1.Hu Yi-mou and Chen Dong-yuan:On the reorganization and development of Anhui Provincial Library;胡翼谋与陈东原——安徽省立图书馆的整顿与发展
