杨增新,Yang Zengxin
1)Yang Zengxin杨增新
1.The Oil Industry in Xinjiang During Yang Zengxin s Reign(1912-1928);杨增新统治下的新疆石油工业(1912年—1928年)
2.Yang Zengxin and the 1912 Campaign to Rescue Hovd;杨增新与1912年的援科之役
3.Talking about Yang Zengxin s Thoughts of Developing Xinjiang;论杨增新开发新疆的思想

1.On the Migration of Kazak in China s Territory in the Time of Yang Zengxin s Governing of Xinjiang;杨增新治新时期哈萨克族在中国境内迁徙述论
2.The Oil Industry in Xinjiang During Yang Zengxin s Reign(1912-1928);杨增新统治下的新疆石油工业(1912年—1928年)
3.A Preliminary Study of the Trade between Great Britain and Xinjiang in the Yang Zengxin Era, 1912-1928;试论杨增新时期英国和中国新疆间的贸易(1912—1928)
4.The Domestic and Foreign Trades of Xinjiang Under the Control of Yangzengxin and Jinshuren;杨增新、金树仁统治时期中国新疆的内外贸易
5.Xinjiang-Russia Diplomacy during the Republic of China and Yang Zengxin s Practice in International Law;民国时期的新俄外交与杨增新的国际法实践
6.On Ethnic and Religious Policy in the Period of Yang Zeng-xin Governing Xinjiang论杨增新统治新疆时期的民族与宗教政策
7.On the Agriculture-Textile Development of Xinjiang Governed by;试论杨增新主政新疆期间的实业振兴——以农业和纺织业为中心分析
8.and the third is to make a fool of people those were all the results under the special historical background dominated by his pragmatism governing principle.这些政策内容都是特定历史条件下 ,杨增新实用主义统治原则支配下的产物。
9.Study on Transformation of P.alba Var.Pyrarridalis and P.alba Var.Payrarridalis×P.alba L with a Gene Encoding for the Betaine a Aldehyde Dehydrogenase (BADH);银白杨×新疆杨和新疆杨转抗盐基因工程研究
10.The newly planted poplars had turned green again.新栽的白杨叶子又绿了。
11.A merry Christmas and happy New Year to you, Yang Ji.圣诞快乐!新年快乐!杨吉!
12.Yangrongwen: Chinese literature boosts self-confidence杨荣文:中华文学增强自信
13.Mechanism Affects of Nitrogen and Phosphorus on Productivity of Populus×euramericana cv. "74/76" Plantation;氮磷对欧美107杨增产作用机制研究
14.Chrysin Enhances rhsTRAIL Induced the Cytotoxicity in Human Gastric Cancer SGC-7901 Cell Line白杨素增强rhsTRAIL对人胃癌SGC-7901细胞毒性
15.Mass reproduction of Clostera anachoreta Granulosis Virus in lab杨扇舟蛾颗粒体病毒室内增殖的研究
16.Experimental study on poplar LVL beams reinforced with CFRP sheets碳纤维布增强杨木LVL梁试验研究
17.Experimental study on poplar LVL columns strengthened with CFRP sheet hoops碳纤维布增强杨木LVL柱试验研究
18.Establishment and Optimization of SRAP-PCR Reaction System of Populus杨树基因组SRAP扩增体系的建立与优化

1.The Domestic and Foreign Trades of Xinjiang Under the Control of Yangzengxin and Jinshuren;杨增新、金树仁统治时期中国新疆的内外贸易
3)Yang Zeng-xin杨增新
1.On Ethnic and Religious Policy in the Period of Yang Zeng-xin Governing Xinjiang论杨增新统治新疆时期的民族与宗教政策
2.There existed causes of instability in Xinjiang during Yang Zeng-xin’s governing Xinjiang, including Russia and Outer Mongolia’s invasion, the influence of Russia Civil War, the independence of Aertai ,Yily and Tacheng, the conflicts and imigrators in Xinjiang, as well as the influence of Pan-Islamism from Turky.杨增新统治新疆时期(1912—1928),新疆存在诸多不稳定的因素:面临俄国、外蒙的入侵以及俄国内战的冲击;阿尔泰、伊犁、塔城处于分治状态;新疆内部存在官民矛盾及流民问题;土耳其泛伊斯兰、泛突厥主义流入新疆,等等。
4)A Study on the Relationship between Yang Zengxin and His Sinkiang Hui Squadron杨增新与新疆回队
5)YANG Shu-zeng杨树增
1.Comment on The Art Research on Records of Historian by professor YANG Shu-zeng;十年磨剑著力作,《史记》研究结硕果——评杨树增教授的《史记艺术研究》
6)Populus bolleana新疆杨
1.Photosynthetic Characteristics of Species of Populus bolleana and Fast Growing Poplar (Zhonglin-46);新疆杨、速生杨(中林-46)树种光合特性研究
2.Effects of Mixed Forest of Ailanthus altissima and Populus bolleana on Host Choice of Anoplophora glabripennis;臭椿、新疆杨混交林对光肩星天牛选择寄主行为的影响
3.Way to Increase the Survival Ratio of Cuttage of Populus bolleana;提高新疆杨扦插成活率途径的研究

杨增新杨增新1864~1928) 1911~1928年新疆军政首领。字鼎臣。云南蒙自人。1864年3月6日(清同治三年正月二十八)生。1888年中举,次年联捷进士。初署甘肃中卫知县、河州知府,1900年任甘肃提学使兼武备学堂总办。1907年入疆任新疆陆军学堂总办,兼督练公所参议官。1911年升任镇迪道兼提法使。中华民国成立后,被袁世凯任为新疆都督兼民政长,拥护袁世凯称帝,并受封一等伯爵。袁死后,长期担任新疆省长。杨主政新疆先用以柔克刚的“和平谈判”手段,取消在辛亥革命中成立的伊犁临时革命政府,以新疆都督兼行伊犁将军事;嗣后派兵击败帝俄侵略军,平息乱事,改阿勒泰特区为阿山道,完成了新疆的统一。杨在新疆十七年,笃信李聃“小国寡民”的政治思想,奉行“无为而治”的统治政策,整顿吏治以“消患未萌”,裁减兵员,奖励垦荒,提倡封建迷信,阻挠兴办学校和传布科学文化,鼓吹“纷争莫问中原事”、“浑噩长为太古民”,以闭关自守和愚民政策统治各族人民,使新疆地区各方面均停滞不前。对于不时觊觎边陲的外国侵略势力,则折冲肆应,力求自保,维护了边疆的和平。1928年他通电拥护南京国民政府,宣布易帜归附,7月1日就任新疆省政府主席职。同年7月7日被政敌刺杀。著有《补过斋文牍》、《补过斋日记》、《读易学记》等。(严如平)