社会主义公有制,socialist public ownership
1)socialist public ownership社会主义公有制
1.On Private Property Rights and Socialist Public Ownership;论私人产权与社会主义公有制
2.As presented in this paper that the social natures and many other factors of our country have determined the leading position of the socialist public ownership.阐述了坚持社会主义公有制主体地位,是由我国社会性质等诸多因素决定的,但对坚持公有制主体地位要有新的认识,在此基础上,结合生产力标准,积极探索多种公有制实现形

1.Taking the socialist public ownership as the mainstay以社会主义公有制为主体
2.Cooperative Is The Important Form Of Socialist Public Ownership;合作制是社会主义公有制的重要形式
3.The skin of socialist public ownership.有社会主义公有制这张皮。
4.On the Combination of Socialist Public Ownership and Market Economy;论社会主义公有制与市场经济的结合
5.Discussion on the Integration of the Socialist Public Ownership and the Market Economy;论社会主义公有制同市场经济的融合
6.On Similarities and Differences between Socialism Public Ownership and Market Economy;论社会主义公有制与市场经济的异同
7.On the Differences between Theory and Practice in Socialist Public Ownership;论社会主义公有制理论与实践的差异
8.The Theory of Socialist Public Ownership in the Progress of Localization of Marxism in China;马克思主义中国化中的社会主义公有制理论
9.A Tentative Study on Setting the Stock System to Become the Major Form of Realization of Socialist Public Ownership;使股份制成为社会主义公有制主要实现形式论
10.Share-holding System-Best Way to Integrate Socialization and Marketing Economy;股份制——社会主义公有制与市场经济的结合点
11.The national business are the heart power of the socialism economy.国有企业是社会主义公有制经济的核心力量。
12.The basis of the socialist economic system is socialist public ownership of the means of production, namely, ownership by the whole people and collective ownership by the working people.社会主义经济制度的基础是生产资料的社会主义公有制,即全民所有制和劳动群众集体所有制。
13.The private economy is a supplement to the socialist economy under the public ownership.私营经济是社会主义公有制经济的补充。
14.Socialists have long argued for public ownership of the means of production.社会主义者早就主张生产资料公有制。
15.Public Ownership is the Fundamental of Soeialist Economic Institution;论公有制是社会主义经济制度的基础
16.Indirect Public-Ownership and Socialism--The Innovative Study of the Public-Ownership Theory;间接公有制与社会主义——公有制理论的创新研究
17.A tentative probe into the relation between public ownership and non-public ownership in the initial stage of socialism;社会主义初级阶段公有制与非公有制关系探析
18.On the Assumption of Public Ownership Of Utopian Socialist试论空想社会主义者的公有制设想

state property right system of socilism社会主义公有产权制度
3)Labor Socialist Public Ownership劳动社会主义公有制
4)socialism and publicownership社会主义与公有制
5)Publicly-owned of socialism社会主义公有性
6)socialist ownership社会主义所有制
1.In the past 20 years, our Party has sought its solutions, and help people get rid of the long - standing mistaken ideas so as to further enrich and develop the theory and practice on socialist ownership and creatively promote new ideas for the development and construction of socialism.在20多年的改革过程中,我党从理论与实践的结合上进行了深入探索,冲破了社会主义所有制问题上的种种误区,进一步丰富和发展了社会主义所有制理论和实践,为如何发展和建设社会主义创造性地开拓了新思路。
