价值原则,value principle
1)value principle价值原则
1.Making curriculum policy,we need not only abide by some value principles but also satisfy some value orientations.课程政策的制定既需要遵循一定的价值原则,也需要满足一定的价值取向。
2.To stick the organic unit of the truth principle and the value principle under the specific and historic situation is the objective requirement in fully promoting the social development.坚持真理原则和价值原则的具体的历史的统一,是全面推进社会进步和发展的客观要求;"三个代表"重要思想,在新的历史时期,从经济、政治、文化三个方面全面揭示了中国社会发展的规律,系统论述了怎样实现中国最广大人民的根本利益,因而,在实践基础上高度体现了真理原则和价值原则的统一。
3.First comes the value principle with the interests of great masses of people as its core.第一是以人民性为核心的价值原则

1.On the Unity of the Truth Principle and the Value Principle in Deng Xiaoping s Theory;邓小平理论中真理原则和价值原则的统一
2.Precautionary principle:the value principle of technological innovation in the domain of ecological civilization预防原则:生态文明视野下技术创新的价值原则
3.On the Value Principles and Orientation in Curriculum Policy -making;论课程政策制定的价值原则与价值取向
4.And the key value principle all throughout is man as the noumenon.以人为本是贯穿其中的核心价值原则
5.Social Security System and Its Political Values and Principles;社会保障制度及其政治价值原则研究
6.Justice--the Value Principles of the Socialist Market Economy正义——社会主义市场经济的价值原则
7.One of the principles of modern economics is the principle of competition for values.现代经济学的原则之一是价值竞争原则。
8.An honorable or worthy principle or aim.高尚的、有价值的原则或目标
9.Simple Argumentum about Intercourse Principle and Modern Value in The Analects;浅议《论语》中的交往原则及其现代价值
10.The Nature,Value and Systematic Frameworks of the Right to Ask for Judgment;本质与价值:裁判请求权的制度化原则
11.The Basic Principle of Methodology in Establishing a Social Value System;构建社会价值体系的基本方法论原则
12.Psychiatrists Help Patients to Catch up with the "Turtle":Spatiotemporal value on psychotherapy at present;论心理治疗“此时此地”原则的时空价值
13.On the Legal Value of the Traditional Principle Tolerating and Concealing Concealing between Kinfolks;对传统“亲亲相隐”原则法律价值的透视
14.Uncovering the Veil of Investigative Hearing: Values,Principles,Loss and Perfection;揭开聆询的面纱:价值、原则、缺失与完善
15.An Analysis of the Social Value Orientation in the Basic Principles of the Civil Law;浅析民法基本原则中的社会价值取向
16.On the Value of Good-faith Principle to Intellectual Property Law;诚信原则之于知识产权法的价值解读
17.Composing and the Programming Principle of the Dress Brand Core Value;服饰品牌核心价值的构成及规划原则
18.Liu Xiang s Moral Character Cultivation "Jingshen" Principle and Its Value;刘向“敬慎”的修身原则及其现代价值

principle of value价值原则
3)the value principle价值原则
1.The right is based on ethics, the value principle of et hics has very important guide function on the right.权利是以伦理为基础的,伦理的价值原则对权利具有十分重要的引导作用。
2.Deng Xiaoping s theory shows us two fundamental theoretical principles, namely the truth principle and the value principle.邓小平理论指导当代中国实践取得了巨大的成功,其所以如此,是因为邓小平理论的不同层次和方面均贯穿着两个最基本的理论原则,即真理原则和价值原则
4)fact-principle and value-principle事实原则和价值原则
5)maximal principle of value最高价值原则
1.The man-centered hypothesis is maximal principle of value in line with the materialism.从唯物史观的基本内容和历史使命来看,以人为本是唯物史观的最高价值原则

价值工程(见价值分析)价值工程(见价值分析)value engineering; VE: see value analysis; VA  jiazhi以洲笋h6ng价值工程(valuee峪~ng;视)析。见价值分