活劳动,living labor
1)living labor活劳动
1.The materialized labor value theory indirectly equates materialized labor with living labor.物化劳动价值论迂回地将物化劳动等同于活劳动,笼统地说过去的和本期的活劳动是价值的源泉,忽视活劳动的相对有限性和具体的时空规定性,不能正确把握劳动价值论中的"价值"内涵。
2.This paper, therefore, argues that living labor is the only value source of goods according to the real meaning of Marx s theory of value source of goods, and further explains the quantification of knowledge product value and goods value, and, on the basis of distinguishing valu. 马克思劳动价值论在现时代遇到了严峻的挑战,这种挑战既是理论发展的结果,又是实践发展的结果,在这样的三大背景下深化马克思劳动价值论的认识,必须对其作出现时代意义的阐释,笔者从马克思关于商品价值源泉的真义出发,说明了活劳动是商品价值的唯一源泉,并进一步阐明了知识产品价值和商品价值量的决定,在区分价值和价值创造的基础上,提出了确定创造商品价值的劳动范围的一个新视角。
3.Only by a thorough understanding of the meanings of labor force, labor, materialized labor, living labor and productive labor can we be cognizant of the fact.首先要弄清楚劳动力、劳动、物化劳动、活劳动和生产劳动的含义,从而认识到科技工作者的劳动是创新劳动,管理工作者的劳动是组织性劳动;第三产业劳动者的劳动是创造价值的生产性劳动。

1.in proportion to the expenditure of living labor比例于活劳动的支出
2.Materialized labor is dead labor. Only living labor possesses the dual properties of labor, and involves the problem of abstract labor that creates va lue.物化劳动已经是死劳动,只有活劳动才具备二重属性,才有抽象劳动形成价值的问题。
3.However,when labor productivity rises,the materialized production commodity materialized labor and living labor are to increase,so labor capacity of production commodity is able to increase.然而,当劳动生产率提高时,生产商品的物化劳动和活劳动都会增加,从而生产商品的劳动量增加。
4.Labor contract has its broad sense and narrow sense.广义的劳务合同是指一切与提供活劳动服务(劳务)关的协议。
5.act of forming labor unions.建立劳动组织的活动。
6.They lived by honest labour.他们靠正当的劳动生活。
7.He lives by honest labour.他靠正当的劳动生活。
8.She lives and works among the peasant .她在农民中生活和劳动。
9.it has active energies by which it co-operates with, and may even be used as a substitute for, labour.它具有活动的能量,可与劳动合作,甚至代替劳动。
10.Coordinate labour relations and gradually improve the living standards of the workers.协调劳动关系,逐步提高劳动者的生活水平。
11.Engage in labour emulation and put forward rationalization proposals,开展劳动竞赛和合理化建议活动,
12.The Value Analysis of Repeated Laborin the Activities of Science and Technology;科学技术活动中重复劳动的价值分析
13.The Active Change of CK for Tired Wushu Sportsmen;武术运动员运动疲劳下的CK活性变化
14.Reflections on labor value theory -- Understanding to the labor value in entrepreneur management;对劳动价值论的一点思考——企业家管理活动中劳动价值的认识
15.of a bare living gained by great labor.许多劳动者的勉强的生活。
16.It is honorable to earn a living with your hands.靠双手劳动来养活自己是光荣的。
17.She lived and worked among the peasants .她在农民中间生活和劳动过。
18.Monitoring Committee on Sponsorship for Labour Group Activities劳工团体活动赞助计划评审委员会

active labor活劳动
1.We should know the problems of value creating main part, the range of active labor which creates value and the composition of wages in labor value theory to regulate our wages policy at present stage.深化对马克思劳动价值理论的认识应结合发生了重大变化的时代条件,全面认识价值创造主体、创造价 值的活劳动的范围以及劳动价值论中的工资组成等问题,并相应调整我国现阶段的工资政策。
2.In value creation or capital production, as a variable capital,the active labor is the source of creating new value and surplus value.在价值生产或资本生产中,作为可变资本的活劳动是创造新价值和剩余价值的源泉,而作为不变资本的物化劳动,其中包括由科学技术“物化了的知识力量”的劳动,同样也是创造新价值和剩余价值的源泉。
3)live labor活劳动
1.Service labor is a kind of commodity and live labor is its existing form of value.服务劳动是一种商品,活劳动是其价值存在形态。
4)live work活劳动
1.Sticking to Marxist theory of value source involves our adhering to the belief that value isn t created by material work but by live work; Developing that theory requires our realizing adequately that live work of non-material production can also create value.坚持马克思主义价值源泉理论 ,要坚持价值是由活劳动创造的 ,物化劳动不能创造价值。
5)work life劳动生活
1.As the part of Daur minority, the women s work life study is a new research field, and this study will provide an valuable case for feminist human research work.对于人们劳动生活的研究有着重要意义和价值,目前学术界中把劳动生活作为一项专题来研究的还很少,也缺少成型的理论。
6)New"Living Labor"新的"活劳动"

活劳动物质资料生产过程中消耗的劳动(跟‘物化劳动’相对 )。