传统工业化,traditional industrialization
1)traditional industrialization传统工业化
1.The basic characteristics of traditional industrialization process include: undue pursue of economic growth,malicious cycle of mass product and mass consumption,unrestrained abuse of resources and arbitrary damage to the environment.传统工业化过程的基本特征突出表现在:片面追求经济增长,大量生产和大量消费恶性循环,无节制的滥用资源,对环境的肆意破坏。
2.By comparing these 3 industrial patterns,we may have systematic and deep going un- derstanding of the abuse of the traditional industrialization.工业化有资本主义市场经济、社会主义计划经济、社会主义市场经济三种模式,通过对不同工业化的模式比较,可以系统深入地了解传统工业化的弊端。
3.The general historical lesson of the changed governmental function all over the world and its blind expansion in China s traditional industrialization indicate that currently the governmental function in China should be precisely positioned in terms of inheriting,developing and innovating.世界各国工业化过程中政府职能变迁的一般经验和我国传统工业化中政府职能盲目扩张的深刻教训,启示我们在新型工业化背景下我国政府职能需要从继承、发展和创新几个方面定位,尽快实现政府职能的转变。

1.Informationalization,Traditional-Industrialization,New-pattern Industrialization:Intension & Interconnection;信息化、传统工业化、新型工业化:意蕴及其关联
2.On the Abuse of Traditional Industrialization from Comparison of Industrial Pattern;从工业化模式比较看传统工业化的弊端
3.New-type Industrialization Road-Beyond Tradional Industrialization;新型工业化道路——对传统工业化道路的超越
4.Experience and Cost of Traditional Industrialization Strategy in China;论我国传统工业化道路的经验与教训
5.Comparative Analysis of Processing Trade and Traditional Industrialization Model;加工贸易与传统工业化模式的比较与分析
6.The way of new industrialization is different from traditional industrialization.新型工业化道路不同于传统的工业化。
7.Traditional Industry Ecologically Rebuilding in Newly Industrialized Area;新兴工业化地区传统工业生态化改造研究
8.Salary-employment Mechanism under Traditional System;反思传统体制下低工资高就业对工业化的支撑
9.The Development of Traditional Industry and Choice of Industrialization Way in Modern China;传统工业的发展与中国近代工业化道路选择
10.Chinese Tradional Culture and 21Cen tury s Industry Design;中国传统文化与21世纪中国工业设计
11.The Inspiration of Chinese Traditional Culture to The Teaching of The Industrial Designing;中国传统文化对工业设计教学的启示
12.Informative process drives industrialization,realize great leap development of traditional estate;以信息化带动工业化实现传统产业跨越式发展
13.On the Information-Oriented Industrys Role in Promoting Industrialization and Transformating Traditional Industries;论信息化对工业化的带动和传统产业的改造
14."Industry s feeding agriculture","industry s promoting agriculture" and Chinese traditional agriculture modernization;“以工哺农”、“以工促农”与我国传统农业现代化
15.A Study of Institutional Change and the Path of Industrialization in Traditional Agricultural Plain Area;制度转型与传统平原农业区工业化路径研究
16.The New Industrialization Path:Traditional Industry Must Deal with Five Relations Correctly;新型工业化道路:传统产业必须把握好五个关系
17.New Road to Industrialization, Government Reform and Traditional Industry Innovation;论新型工业化道路、政府改革和传统产业创新
18.The technological level promotion of traditional industry by the corporation informationization;论企业信息化对传统工业的技术水平提升

China's traditional industrialization中国传统工业化
3)tradional industrialization road传统工业化道路
4)industrialized traditional food传统食品工业化
5)traditional industry传统工业
1.The technological level promotion of traditional industry by the corporation informationization;论企业信息化对传统工业的技术水平提升
2.Appearance and development of traditional industry,the great one has raised labor productivity,Created enormous wealth of society,pushed over an unprecedented high degree of material progress and spiritual civilization of human society.传统工业的出现与发展,极大地提高了劳动生产率,创造了巨大的社会财富,把人类社会的物质文明和精神文明推到了一个前所未有的新高度。
3.On the basis of analysis of the fundamental characteristics and the maladies of the traditional industry, this paper dis-cussed the urgency and the possibility of the eco-industry construction and put forward the way and the measure for the eco-in-dustry construction in China.本文在分析传统工业生产方式的基本特征及其弊病的基础上,阐述了生态工业建设的迫切性和可能性,并提出了我国生态工业建设的途径与措施。
6)traditional industries area传统工业区

公理化方法(见公理化和形式化)公理化方法(见公理化和形式化)axiomatical method  gongllbuafangfa公理化方法化和形式化。(axiomatieal method)见公理