混合并购,Conglomerate M&A
conglomerate merger混合并购
1.The Study of the Problem Concerning the Chinese Corporation Conglomerate Merger;中国企业混合并购问题研究
2.Since the second wave of corporate M&A, conglomerate merger has occupied an important place, and has been a major M&A form in the third wave of corporate M&A.自第二次企业并购浪潮以来,企业混合并购一直占据着重要地位,并在第三次企业并购浪潮中成为主要并购形式。
3)conglomerate mergers混合购并
4)vertical merger and acquisition混合式并购
1.The extending meaning of the case is that the horizontal merger and acquisition has better effects than the vertical merger and acquisition.进而可以引申地认为,水平并购的效果要好于混合式并购。
5)alliance and merger混合联盟与并购
6)Mixed M&A混业并购

并购  并购(MergerandAcquisition):是企业兼并与收购的总称,前者是指在竞争中占优势的企业购买另一家企业的全部财产,合并组成一家企业的行为;后者则指一家企业通过公开收购另一家企业一定数量的股份而获取该企业控制权和经营权的行为。