消费者社会化,consumer socialization
1)consumer socialization消费者社会化
1.Study on Chinese Consumer Socialization by Mass Media;大众媒体对中国消费者社会化影响研究
2.With literature review,this dissertation analyzes the three components directly relevant to consumer socialization and identical bran.消费者社会化是个体获得与消费活动有关的知识、技能和态度的过程,而家庭又是个体社会化最初和最重要的影响因素。
3.Peer influence is one of the most important factors in individual socialization,scholars have been doing research on consumer socialization since 1970s.同龄人是个体社会化最重要的影响因素之一,20世纪70年代起,学者们从不同的角度对消费者社会化进行了研究,但针对青少年非正常消费行为的研究并不多,而中国本土化的研究则更少。

1.Intergenerational Influence s Effect on Consumer Socialization:An Empirical Test of Chinese Urban Consumers;代际影响在消费者社会化中的作用——以我国城市母女消费者为例
2.Study on Chinese Consumer Socialization by Mass Media;大众媒体对中国消费者社会化影响研究
3.Influencing Factors of Adolescent Consumer Socialization Based on Decision-Making Style基于决策型态的青少年消费者社会化影响因素
4.Adolescent Consumer’s Compulsive Buying Tendency in China:An Consumer Socialization Perspective我国青少年强迫性购买倾向研究——基于消费者社会化的视角
5.Research on the Influence of Social Media on Customers' Purchase Intention社会化媒体对消费者购买意愿的影响研究
6.Corporations Social Responsibility:A View from Consumers;消费者视野中的企业社会责任——关于企业社会责任的消费者调研
7.consumer confidenceph.1. 消费信任度(指影响消费程度的消费者对社会经济现状的态度)
8.A Study about Relationship between Social Welfare Maximization and Consumer Utility Maximization;社会福利最大化与消费者效用最大化的关系研究
9.Glickman, Lawrence, ed. Consumer Society in American History: A Reader. 1999.《美国历史中的消费者社会:文选》1999.
10.consumer societyph.1. 消费社会
11.Consumption Alienation in the Mirror of the Sign--On Baudrillard s The Consumer Society;符号之镜中的消费异化——鲍德里亚《消费社会》解读
12.On the Philosophical Spirit of Media Culture--the Contemporary Media as the Conception Disseminator in Consumer Society媒介文化的精神哲学——作为消费社会观念撒播者的当代传媒
13.The Communicative Modality of sustainable Consumer Culture in Chinese Society:A Case of Homemaker's Union Consumer Movement in Taiwan华人社会之永续消费文化的传播模态——台湾主妇联盟消费者运动的个案分析
14.Consumer Culture and Fashion Consumption--From the "Consumer Society" by Jean Baudrillard;消费文化与时尚消费——从让·波德里亚的《消费社会》说起
15.an association of consumers =((美))a ~s' union消费者协会 (联盟)
16.consumption in socialist society社会主义社会的消费
17.Study of Snack Book under Consume Society;消费社会文化背景下我国快餐书研究
18.Contemporary Aesthetic Fashion: Cultural Logic of Consumer Society;当代审美时尚:消费社会的文化逻辑

Consumer Society消费者社会
3)social stratum of consumer消费者社会阶层
4)alienation of consumerism society消费社会异化
1.The paper analyzes all kind of alienation of consumerism society: deviation from the use value, the decreasing of consumption value, the change from rational to sense consumption and pompous consumption.为了消除危机,要合理消费,控制消费主义,最终达到根除消费社会异化的目的。
5)Consumer Society消费社会
1.Remarks on Products Coding and Decoding in Consumer Society;论消费社会中产品的编码解码
2.Architecture symbol expounel in consumer society;建筑在消费社会中的符号阐释
3.From Producer to Consumer Society;从生产社会到消费社会——对“后现代主义”的“现代主义”之商榷
6)consumptive society消费社会
1.Starting from the relation between social identification and fashionable culture in consumptive society,this paper makes analysis of the present domestic architectural trend of following fashion in terms of the source,features and influence.从消费社会中的时尚文化与建构社会认同的关系出发,对当前中国建筑出现的各种时尚化倾向的现象进行了分析,考察其特点、根源及对建筑所造成的影响,并在此基础上进行反思,提出当前建筑的时尚化是社会特定发展时期的消费社会机制与社会心理共同作用的产物,并从社会和业界两个层面提出一定的应对措施。
2.In the context of the consumptive society,the ancient mythology and faith has gradually given their place to commodity fetishism.在消费社会的语境下,古老的神话和信仰逐渐让位于商品拜物教。

消费者社会化消费者社会化consumer socialization 消费者杜会化(e。nsum。:s。。ializati。n)年轻人获得作为消费者所必备的技巧、知识和态度的过程。如习得有关预算、问价、商标态度和潜在动机等技巧、知识。这一过程的初期主要是通过观察和模仿父母的消费行为而习得;少年时代更多通过观察朋友的可接受性行为来习得。 (张玉峰撰马谋超审)