经济繁荣,economic prosperity
1)economic prosperity经济繁荣
1.Ideas of balance and on-going process overlook the complexity and negative effects that economic prosperity has over art development.平衡论、不断进步论忽视了经济繁荣对文艺发展影响的复杂性、负面牲。
2.Evidence from the case of bad attitude taken by some companies in the area of Peal River Delta toward the employees emigrating from other regions reveals that certain enterprise crisis in culture and sustainable development are being implied behind the economic prosperity of this region.以珠江三角洲地区的企业对待外来员工的恶劣态度为例,该地区经济繁荣背后蕴含着企业文化危机以及与之相连的企业可持续发展危机。

1.A time of economic prosperity.繁荣一段时间的经济繁荣
2.business boom led by investment投资主导型经济繁荣
3.boom-and-bust of economics经济萧条和经济繁荣的交替循环
4.This is the cycle of economic booms and slumps.这是经济繁荣和经济萧条的周期变化。
5.the cycle of economic booms and slumps经济繁荣和经济萧条的周期变化.
6.A Prosperous Economy of Wuzhong in the Late Yuan Dynasty and Frequent Assemblies among Scholars;元末吴中的经济繁荣与频繁的文人集会
7.We are going to Build an economically prosperous country.我们要建设经济繁荣的国家。
8.Living standards improved greatly during the post-war boom.战后经济繁荣期间,生活水平大幅改善。
9.The economic boom tapered off in the 1970s.经济繁荣在七十年代慢慢消失了。
10.China today is politically staBle and economically prosperous.当今的中国,政治稳定,经济繁荣
11.Political stability is essential to economic prosperity.政治稳定对经济繁荣是必要的。
12.It has enjoyed continued political stability, social progress and economic prosperity.中国的政治稳定,社会进步,经济繁荣
13.Firm growth is the foundation of a country's economic prosperity.企业成长是一国经济繁荣的基础。
14.The evanescent post-war economic boom was quickly followed by a deep recession.大萧条紧随短暂的战后经济繁荣而来。
15.2.the partial prosperity and development of Hunan province;二是湖南局部地区经济的繁荣与发展;
16.China's Economy: Greater Opening-Up and Growing Prosperity走向更加开放和繁荣的中国经济
17.Is he any good for developing production and making the economy prosperous?他有没有发展生产、繁荣经济的好处呢?
18.The opening policy has brought about a prosperous economy .开放政策为我们带来了繁荣的经济。

bring about a prosperous economy繁荣经济
3)a strong economy.繁荣的经济
4)economic flourishing and crises经济繁荣与危机
5)Prosper rural economy繁荣农村经济
6)Asia economic boom亚洲经济繁荣
