体力劳动,Physical labor
1)Physical labor体力劳动
1.This paper expounds labor creating value,which causes intellective labor exceeding physical labor.阐述劳动创造价值:智力劳动是如何超过体力劳动的发展过程。
2.However, since the physical laborers elasticity of supply and demand is larger than that of mental ones, enterprises can be divided into two types of team production characterized by physical and mental labor.由于体力劳动者的供给和需求弹性均大于脑力劳动者 ,所以企业可以分为以体力劳动为特征和以脑力劳动为特征的两种团队生产方式 ,它们各自的内在特征客观上需要有外部和内部两种监督方式 ,以及相应的以基准工资为主激励工资为辅和以激励工资为主基准工资为辅的两种激励方式。
3.To explore whether physical labor in patients with hyperlipemia are assotiated with changes of Creatine Kinase (CK) in serum after Simvastatin treatment.目的 1、探讨基线空腹血糖(Fast plasma glucose,FPG)与辛伐他汀(Simvastatin)降总胆固醇(Total cholesterol,TC)疗效的关系;2、分析体力劳动强度对农村高脂血症患者服用辛伐他汀后血清肌酸激酶(Creatine Kinase,CK)变化的影响;3、探讨ABCC2(ATP-binding cassette,sub-family C,member 2)基因G1324A多态性对服用辛伐他汀后肌酸激酶(CK)变化的影响。

1.mental and manual labour脑力劳动和体力劳动
2.manual labour and mental labour体力劳动与脑力劳动
3.All work, be it mental or manual, is labour.不论脑力劳动,体力劳动,都是劳动。
4.Labor Greating Value-Apocalypses on Lntellective Labor Exceeding Physical Labor;劳动创造价值:智力劳动超过体力劳动的启示
5.As time goes by, it will become increasingly hard to differentiate between mental and manual labour.将来,脑力劳动和体力劳动更分不开来。
6.separation between manual labour and mental labour体力劳动与脑力劳动分离
7.disparity between mental labour and manual labour脑力劳动与体力劳动间的差别
8.Don't we talk about mental labour and manual labour?不是讲脑力劳动、体力劳动吗?
9.Do you like working with your head or your hands?你愿意从事体力劳动还是脑力劳动?
10.Transforming from Physical Work Labor Value Theory to Brainwork Labor Value Theory;从体力劳动价值论到脑力劳动价值论
11.He has loved manual labour since he was a child.他从小热爱体力劳动
12.elimination of the essential differences between mentaland manual labour脑力劳动和体力劳动之间本质差别的消失
13.Everyone who works, whether with his hands or with his brain, is part of the working people in a socialist society.从事体力劳动的,从事脑力劳动的,都是社会主义社会的劳动者。
14.exert oneself by doing mental or physical work.尽力地做脑力或体力劳动
15.make a great effort at a mental or physical task.在脑力或体力劳动中做出巨大努力。
16.An unskilled Asian laborer.苦力没有特殊技能的亚洲体力劳动
17.Research on Cardiopulmonary Function Compare between Manual and Non-manu对广州市从事体力劳动和非体力劳动居民心肺机能的对比研究
18.Research is more mentally fatiguing, contrasted with physical labour与体力劳动相比,研究工作更容易形成心神疲劳。

Physical work体力劳动
1.On analyzing the historical inevitability of Knowledge Worker s appearance, and discussing the essence of Knowledge Worker, the paper puts forward that the appearance of Knowledge Worker will cause the difference between physical work and intellectual work to disappear.本文分析了“知识工人”出现的历史必然性 ,对“知识工人”的实质进行了探讨 ,提出“知识工人”的出现将导致体力劳动和脑力劳动差别的消失的论点 ,最后论述了知识经济时代需要一大批知识工人。
3)non-manual work非体力劳动
4)Physical worker体力劳动者
1.Characteristic of distribution of and evaluation of parameters of pressure of the foot sole of brain and physical workers;脑力、体力劳动者足底压力参数分布特征及评定
5)light activity轻体力劳动
6)the labor force system劳动力体系
