志愿失灵,voluntary failure
1)voluntary failure志愿失灵
1.Voluntary Failure and Its Resolutions;论志愿失灵及其治理之道
2.The market failure, government failure and voluntary failure and their impacts on the health care system are discussed in this paper.根据经济学和社会学理论,以现代社会存在的市场失灵、政府失灵和志愿失灵现象及其在工生服务领域的表现进行了分析,提出了克服失灵、深化卫生改革的一些建议。
3.While we confirm the positive side of Non-Government Organization,ignoring voluntary failure of NGO.我们在充分肯定非政府组织积极作用的时候,却未能辩证地认识到非政府组织的志愿失灵问题。

1.Treatment for Will Failure of NPO in China--Amalgamation with the Forth Field我国NPO志愿失灵的有效治理——兼论与“第四域”的融合
2.Great souls have wills; feeble ones have only wishes.伟大的灵魂拥有意志,而软弱的灵魂只有愿望。
3.volunteer troops, forces, etc志愿部队、 志愿军.
4.Discussion on the Voluntary Failure of Rural Public Goods Supply in China;论我国农村公共产品供给的自愿失灵
5.Having lost his job, he'd begun to interest himself in local voluntary work.他失业後便开始关注地方的志愿工作了.
6.Chinese People's Volunteers中国人民志愿军(志愿军)
7.Requiescat in pace(may he, or she, rest in peace.愿灵安息(愿他或她安息)
8.The police and the volunteers combed the forest for the lost puma from the zoo.警察和志愿者们在森林里到处寻找动物园迷失的美洲狮。
9."Why not be a volunteer?"“何妨做志愿军呢?”
10.Magda, peace be with her soul.玛格达,愿她的灵魂安息。
11.When, however, he prodded the chest and the air at different times, that illusion immediately dissolved.然而,在艾尔逊博士刺激胸部与志愿者的动作发生在不同时时刻,那种错觉就会消失。
12.Volunteer Firemen's National Association全国志愿消防队员协会
13.Korea Volunteer Firefighter's Association韩国志愿消防员协会
14.They are ready to help us.他们志愿协助我们。
15.They formed a voluntary army.他们组成一支志愿军。
16.Organizacao Provincial de Voluntarios e Defesa Civil省志愿军和民防组织
17.RNVR (Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve)皇家海军志愿后备队
18.consent by patient病人接受手术志愿书

3)volunteering service志愿服务
1.The paper analyzes the current situation and types of college students participation of volunteering service as well as the corresponding problems.本文通过对当代大学生参加志愿服务的类型及现状的分析,阐述了大学生参加志愿服务面临的现实问题,肯定了大学生参加志愿服务的意义,并探讨了大学生更好的进行志愿服务的途径。
2."Subsidy volunteer" as an encouragement system means that the necessary cost in the process of providing volunteering service and public service(or product) is financially supported for volunteers or volunteering organizations in order to keep their normal management,and such a subsidy will be interpreted as a form of admitting their social value at the same time.津贴志愿者是指补贴志愿者或志愿者组织在志愿服务和提供公共服务(产品)过程中的必要成本,以维持其正常运转,并将这种补助作为承认其社会价值的一种方式的激励机制。
3.Development of the volunteering service witnessed in the first volunteer group of the Chinese mainland---Shenzhen association of volunteer service is extremely significant to the societal transformation of China.大陆第一个志愿团体———深圳市义务工作联合会的发展对社会转型具有重要的意义,包括志愿服务的协调功能、培育功能、扶持功能等。
1.Construct of introducing volunteer mechanism into nursing assistance system for poverty population in cities;将志愿者机制引入城市贫困人口护理援助体系的构想
2.Some Ideas on Volunteer Service to Library(Room) for the Blind;对盲人图书馆(室)志愿者服务的思考
3.Management Improvement of the Public Library Volunteer;公共图书馆志愿者队伍管理的改进
1.The Influence of Cervical Spine Massotherapy on Autonomic Nerve Function in Healthy Volunteers;颈部脊柱推拿对健康志愿者自主神经功能的影响
2.Effects of asterias gonad on renal asthenia rats and asthenia of renal yang volunteers;海星黄对肾虚大鼠及肾阳虚志愿者的影响
3.A study of volunteers stimulation based on psychological demands;基于心理需求的志愿者激励研究
6)public aspiration公众志愿
