按生产要素分配,distribution according to production factors
1)distribution according to production factors按生产要素分配
1.On proper integration of distribution according to work and distribution according to production factors;论按劳分配与按生产要素分配的有机结合
2.Understanding scientifically the relation between labour theory of value and distribution according to production factors;科学认识劳动价值论与按生产要素分配的关系
3.In addition, this paper discusses the ways of realizing the combination of distribution according to labor and distribution according to production factors.联系生产过程 ,论述了社会主义计划经济条件下的按劳分配是个人消费品的分配原则 ;论述了社会主义市场经济条件下的按劳分配是剩余劳动成果的分配原则 ,以及按劳分配与按生产要素分配相结合的实现方式。

1.Discuss the Combination of the Distribution According to Work and Distribution According to Productive Factor;论按劳分配与按生产要素分配的结合
2.On the Combination of Distribution According to Work and the Distribution According to Productive Elements;论按劳分配与按生产要素分配相结合
3.To Strictly Differentiate "Work" of the Distribution according to Work and "Work" of the Distribution according to Production Factor;严格区分按劳分配的“劳”与按生产要素分配的“劳”
4.Comparative Analysis on the Distribution according to the Essential Factors of Production and the Capital;按生产要素分配与按资分配的比较分析
5.On proper integration of distribution according to work and distribution according to production factors;论按劳分配与按生产要素分配的有机结合
6.Keep The Connection Of Distribution According To Work With Distribution According To Productive Factor;坚持按劳分配和按生产要素分配相结合
7.On the Difference and similarities between the Distribution Systems According to Work and that to Production Factors and the Development Trend;按劳分配与按生产要素分配的异同和走向
8.On the Theoretic Ground for Distribution According to Performance and Productive Factor;也谈按劳分配与按生产要素分配的理论基础
9.Inevitability of Incorporation of Distri- bution According to Work and Distri- bution according to Production Factors.;论按劳分配与按生产要素分配相结合的必然性
10.The New Elaboration about the Combination of “the Distribution to Each According to His Work" and the Distribution to Each According to His Element of Production;“按劳分配”与按生产要素分配结合问题新论
11.On the Relationship between the Distribution according to Work and Distribution according to Productive Factors;试论“按劳分配”与“按生产要素分配”的关系
12.Pattern Connecting Distribution According to Factors of Production with Distribution According to Labor.;刍议按劳分配与按生产要素分配的结合方式
13.Research on the Practice of Distribution by Production Elements in our Country--using the Western Corresponding Distribution Theory for Reference;我国按生产要素分配实践初探——以西方按生产要素分配理论为观照
14.The Relations among the Distribution according to Productive Factors, the Distribution according to Labor and the Distribution according to Labor Value;按生产要素分配、按劳分配及按劳动力价值分配之间的关系
15.On Distribution According to Productive Elements [WT5HZ]--Marginal Productive Forces Distribution Theory;论按生产要素分配——兼评边际生产力分配理论
16.But it is not our innovation at all.但按生产要素分配绝非我们的创新。
17.Tying to Analyse the Problem of Fundermental Theory about the Allocation of Productive Factors;试析按生产要素分配的基本理论问题
18.On the Function and Effect of Distribution by Factors of Production;论“按生产要素分配”的作用与影响

distribution according to essential factors of production按生产要素分配
1.This article also analyses its functions of labor and essential factors of production in creating value,and presents the idea that distribution according to essential factors of production is not an exploitation .文章通过分析劳动和生产要素在创造价值中的作用及决定分配的因素,提出了按生产要素分配不是剥削的观点。
2.It is the principle of distribution that we should combine the two principles of distribution according to work and distribution according to essential factors of production.把按劳分配和按生产要素分配结合起来,是我国在发展社会主义市场经济过程中提出的新的分配原则。
3)distribution according to factors of production按生产要素分配
1.Theoretical Research on the Distribution According to Factors of Production in Socialist Market Economy;社会主义市场经济按生产要素分配理论研究
2.Based on the analysis of the difference of distribution between socialism and capitalism according to the factors of procluction, several problems about socialist distribution according to factors of production is discussed.将在分析社会主义和资本主义两种按生产要素分配区别的基础上,思考社会主义按生产要素分配在实践过程中应注意的几个问题。
3.The policy of "adhering to the policy of distribution mainly according to work combining some other ways,and combining the policy of distribution according to work and that of distribution according to factors of production" put forward at the 15th National Congress of the Communist Party of China was kept and improved by the 16th Congress.把按劳分配和按生产要素分配结合起来”,党的“十六大”继续坚持和完善。
4)distribution according to production factor按生产要素分配
1.In the combination of distribution according to production factors and distribution according to work, how to combine them together and how to stick to and embody the basic principle of the socialism is an important issue which must be solved. 在按生产要素分配与按劳分配的结合中,怎样实现按生产要素分配与按劳分配的结合,怎样坚持和体现社会主义基本原则,是贯彻把"按劳分配与按生产要素分配结合起来"必须解决的重大课题。
5)distribution according to productive factors按生产要素分配
1.To clarify some prime issues of distribution according to productive factors,the definition and content of distribution were illustrated according to productive factors,and the problem of how productive factors participate in income distribution was analyzed.为了澄清按生产要素分配理论中的一些基本问题,通过对生产要素及其内容的划分、生产要素如何参与分配等问题的阐述,指出在我国现阶段公有制为主体、多种所有制形式共同发展和社会主义市场经济条件下,按劳分配和按生产要素分配可以在全社会范围内,企业层次和个人收入分配层次有机结合起来。
2.The theoretical basis of distribution according to productive factors is the productive factor theory of value, the substance of the theory is admitting that social wealth is created by all productive factors, which have the right to take corresponding share according to their respective contributions.按生产要素分配的理论依据是生产要素价值论,即承认各种生产要素对增进社会财富或其价值都做出了贡献,因而也就认可它们有权按照各自贡献的大小取得相应的分配份额;生产要素会随着社会的发展而发展,在现阶段科学技术是第一生产力,经营管理工作也是非常重要的要素,当然,一般的劳动、土地和资本这些传统的基础的要素则仍然是生产力发展的重要的不可缺少的部分。
6)distribution Based on production factors按生产要素分配
1.On the Necessity of Distribution Based on Production Factors;试论按生产要素分配的必然性

全部要素生产率与部分要素生产率全部要素生产率与部分要素生产率 全部要素生产率与部分要素生产率经济增长是由劳动、资本、土地、技术等各种生产要素的投入引起的。美国经济学家E.丹尼森认为,可以通过计算各种生产要素的耗费量与经济增长率之间的相关关系分析出每一种生产要素对经济增长所起的作用。某种生产要素的单位投入所引起的经济增长率就是该要素的部分要素生产率。它的测算方法是:首先以实际国民收入的增长率为主要指标来计算经济的实际增长速度,然后通过确定历年各生产要素的收入分配在国民收入总额中所占的比重,即各要素收入的分配率,和各要素耗费量在总要素耗费中所占的比重,即各要素耗费率,以及影响单位综合要素投入产出水平的各种因素的变化,进行综合权衡,推算出各种要素经济增长的贡献率,即部分要素生产率。 美国经济学家肯德里克提出的全部要素生产率增长分析理论即产量与全部生产要素投入量之比,是分析经济增长因素的又一方法。这种理论认为全部生产要素对生产提供服务,从而提供相应的产量,因此把总的产量归结为各个生产要素的共同结果,就是全部要素生产率增长分析。全部要素生产率理论认为,通常使用的部分要素生产率只是从某一方面反映技术和效益水平,全部要素生产率才能全面地反映出技术和效益水平。其计算方法是按照一定的权重,将资金投入和劳动投入进行加权平均,用这一平均值去除产出水平。用公式表示为:全部要素生产率- YaK十尸L式中,Y为产出,K为资金投入,L为劳动投入,a、月为权重。全部要素生产率能更准确地反映要素投入的产出效果,但由于a、月的确定带有一定的主观性,因而也不可能有绝对准确。