农业思想,Agricultural Thought
1)Agricultural Thought农业思想
1.Jia Si Xie Qi Min Yao Shu are containing the sense of hardship which in the agricultural thought motions a person to not go,the concrete manifestation is: Urges Mr.贾思勰的《齐民要术》在农业思想中蕴含着挥之不去的忧患意识,具体表现为:劝君以农为本,重视救荒农作物的栽培,发展基于大农业观的多种经营等,以期实现他那"要在安民,富而教之"的宏愿。
2.In their poems and proses,there also contains plentiful agricultural thoughts.在他们的诗文中,也渗透着丰富的农业思想
3.Analysing the cause of agricultural thoughts difference between Mao Zedong and Deng Xiaoping may help us understand,inherit,correct and develop their relation and thought.毛泽东和邓小平作为中国共产党第一代、第二代领导集体的核心都非常重视中国的农业问题 ,在探索有中国特色的社会主义农业发展道路的过程中 ,他们都做出了巨大的贡献 ,但是他们的农业思想又存在很大的差异。

1.Agricultural Thoughts of Das Capital and the Enlightenment for New Rural Construction《资本论》农业思想对新农村建设的启示
2.A Study on the Agricultural Theory of Deng Xiaoping and Chinese Agricultural Modernization;邓小平农业思想与中国农业现代化道路研究
3.The Suffering Consciousness in the Agricultural Thought in Qi Min Yao Shu;论《齐民要术》农业思想中的忧患意识
4.Value Modern Agriculture & Avoid Belittling and Abandoning Agriculture;重视现代农业,摒弃轻农、弃农思想
5.Deng Xiaoping s Agricultural Strategic Thinking and Development of Anhui s Agriculture and Rural Areas;邓小平农业战略思想与安徽农业和农村的发展
6.The Ideology in Agricultural Management from Shangnong,Lshi Chnnqiu《吕氏春秋·上农》等四篇之农业管理思想
7."Three Agricultures" and Deng Xiao-ping s "Two Leaps"of Agriculture.;“三农”问题与邓小平农业“两个飞跃”思想
8.Discussion on Deng Xiaoping s Thought about Development of Agriculture and Rural Economy;邓小平农业和农村经济发展思想论析
9.Marx s Views on the Two Paths of Agricultural Development;马克思关于农业发展两条道路的思想
10.On Agcicultural Culture and Education on the Student s Mind of Agricultural University;论农业文化与农业院校学生专业思想教育
11.Agricultural Education Thought of Mencius and Its Enlightenments to Higher Agricultural Education孟子农业教育思想对高等农业职业教育的启示
12.Deng Xiaoping s thoughts on the problems in agriculture,rural areas and peasants;试论邓小平关于农业、农村和农民问题的思想
13.Exploration into Deng Xiaoping s Thoughts on the Problems in Agriculture, Rural Areas and Peasants;邓小平关于农业、农村和农民问题思想探析
14.Analysis on Deng Xiaoping s Thought of Agriculture,Country and Peasantry;试析邓小平关于农业、农村和农民问题的思想
15.On the systematic thoughts in Agriculture and Industrialization;张培刚《农业与工业化》中的系统论思想
16.1. We should establish the concept that agriculture is the foundation of the national economy and that industry must serve it.一、确立以农业为基储为农业服务的思想。
17.Deng Xiaoping s Thoughts of the Modernization of Agriculture and the Strategy of Agriculture Century-crossing Development;邓小平农业现代化思想与农业跨世纪发展战略
18.The History of Agricultural Science and Technology and the Education of Thoughts and Politics in Agricultural Universities;农业科技史与高等农业院校思想政治教育

agriculture thought农业思想
3)thought of agriculture农业思想
1.The village practices of his early years and a long time later of military administration career,made him have a deep cognition to agriculture with specific views,which later,became his characteristic thought of agriculture.早年的农村生活实践和以后长期的军政生涯,使他对农业有比较深刻的认识和独到的见解,历经数十年的积累,形成了颇具特色的农业思想
4)agricultural tax thought农业税思想
1.Chen Yun was the leader of finance and revenue career in new China,which had abundant agricultural tax thought.研究陈云的农业税思想,对于促进农业经济持续、全面发展,推动广大农民增加收入,进一步深化农村改革和建设社会主义新农村具有重大的现实意义和深远的历史意义。
5)the thought of agricultural science农业科技思想
6)agricultural collectivist thought农业集体化思想
1.There have been two great leaps forward in the development of Marxist agricultural collectivist thought.马克思主义农业集体化思想发展有两次飞跃。

中国农业科学院农业自然资源和农业区划所中国农业科学院农业自然资源和农业区划所 中国农业科学院农业自然资源和农业区划所见中国农业经济科学研究机构。