农村公社,rural commune
1)rural commune农村公社
1.The longtime existence of the feudal suzerain system of Dai Nationality in Xishuangbanna was caused by several factors,which were as follows:centuriesforeign invasion led to the slow development of productive forces,abundant agricultural productions laid the materiel foundation for the feudal suzerain system, surviving equalitarianism of rural communes mitigated contradictions between classes.主要原因有:战乱和外敌入侵对生产力发展的破坏;丰厚的农业产出为领主制的延续奠定了物质基础;残存的农村公社的平均主义缓和了阶级矛盾。

1.The rural communes were highly regimented.农村公社高度组织化。
2.The Public Service of Rural Community and Rural Social Work:Demand and Response农村社区公共服务与农村社会工作:需求与应答
3.Rural Public Goods Supply and Construction of New Socialism Countryside;农村公共产品供给与社会主义新农村建设
4.Resolution of Countryside Public Crisis from the Perspective of the Socialism New Countryside;社会主义新农村视阈下的农村公共危机治理
5.More Public Funds should be Injected to the Countryside for the Building of New Socialist Countryside;建设社会主义新农村要加大对农村的公共投入
6.Increasing Public Goods Supply and Enhancing the Development of Rural Areas;增加农村公共产品供给 协调农村经济社会发展
7.Developing the Rural Public Services and Making the Peasants Share the Social Public Services;发展农村公共事业 让农民共享社会公共服务
8.The Research on the Corporate Governance Reform and Efficiency of Rural Credit Cooperatives;农村信用社公司治理改革与效率研究
9.Rural Compulsory Education of China in the Perspective of Fair Society;社会公正视野内的中国农村义务教育
10.A Gender Study on Chinese Rural Public Policy;对我国农村公共政策的社会性别研究
11.The Shortage and Rebuilding of Rural Community Public Culture;我国农村社区公共文化的缺失与重建
12.Discussion About Social and Economic Performance Evaluation System of Rural Roads;农村公路社会经济绩效评价体系探讨
13.Concern for Educational Justice in the Countryside Promotion of the Construction of Harmonious Society;关注农村教育公平 推进和谐社会建设
14.Conception on Public Participation in New Socialist Countryside Construction;公众参与社会主义新农村建设的构想
15.System "Innovation and the Rise of Rural People s Communes;制度“创新”与农村人民公社的缘起
16.The Practice of New Countryside: the Growth of Rural Civil Society and Its Actual Defects;新农村实践:乡村公民社会的培育及其实际偏失
17.The Cultivation of Peasants Citizenship Consciousness and the Construction of Countryside Harmonious Society;农民的公民意识培育与农村和谐社会的构建
18.Developing rural social pubic service system and increasing farmers income;农村社会公共服务体系建设与促进农民增收

village commune农村公社
1.In the late 19th century, Marx and Engels advanced the theory of leaping over capitalist Ka Fu Ding Gorge after an indepth study of Russian village commune system and the problem of Russia s road to socialism.19世纪后期,马克思恩格斯根据对俄国农村公社制度及俄国进入社会主义的道路问题进行深入的研究后提出了跨越资本主义卡夫丁峡谷的理论。
3)farming community农村公社;村社;农业界
4)Russian rural community俄国农村公社
1.Through turning over the questions of Russian rural community, whose level of productivity was less developed, Marx thought that the core was how it would obtain high development.经过反复思考,马克思认为俄国农村公社不经过资本主义制度的核心问题,是生产力落后的俄国农村公社如何达到高度发达。
5)Countryside community road农村社区公路
6)rural people's commune农村人民公社
