网络陷阱,network trap
1)network trap网络陷阱
2)networked trap网络陷阱
1.The paper introduces the up-to-data honeypot techniques of networked trap adopted currently in the world,probes into the implementation and function of the networked trap systems honeynet system—— A system proactive protecting technology,and the advanced technologies.本文介绍了目前国际上最先进的网络陷阱蜜罐技术,探讨了陷阱网络蜜网系统这一主动防御技术的实现原理及功能,进一步研究了其采用的先进技术,并对其最新技术进行了展望。
1.Based on the technology of attack tracing, a Honeynet-based tracing method is presented and the corresponding system is implemented which is practicable and solves the tracing problem well.由于黑客利用代理服务器或傀儡机作为跳板进行攻击,使的入侵追踪变的非常困难,为了更好的解决这个问题,本文在研究网络追踪技术的基础上,利用网络陷阱,提出并实现了一种新的网络追踪方法。
1.Unknown Worms Behavior Profile Mining in Honeynet;基于陷阱网络的未知蠕虫行为模式挖掘
2.A Study on Defence Solution of Virus Base on Honeynet;基于陷阱网络的病毒捕获系统研究与应用
3.Study of Intrusion Behavior Based on Honeynet;基于陷阱网络的入侵行为研究

1.Study and Implement of Distributed Virtual Honeynet System;分布式虚拟陷阱网络系统的设计与实现
2.Design and Implementation of All-Newly Honeynet System;陷阱网络系统Honeynet的设计及其最新技术研究
3.Chance or Trap--Impact of Internet on Literature;契机,还是陷阱——论网络对于文学的意义
4.A net for trapping game.网,陷阱捕捉猎物的网
5."It's easy to fall into a trap, But hard to get out again"堕入陷阱易,脱离陷阱难
6.To chase(game) into the open or into traps or nets.追赶将(猎物)赶入空地或陷阱或猎网
7.They set a trap for fish along the river.他们沿河设置陷阱网捕鱼。
8.While the primary threat a home user needs to face is the script kiddie type of cracker, a bank network has to worry about directed attacks.家庭用户所要面对的主要威胁来自骇客的脚本陷阱,网络银行所必须担心的则是直接攻击。
9.Research on the Networking Risk-control Mechanism of Rural Cooperative Bank: Options on Avoiding Managing Traps;网络化农村合作银行风险控制机制研究——一种基于经营陷阱的路径选择
10.The Trapping Effects of Internet to the Valuesthe Youth Own and the Solution to It;因特网对青年价值观的“陷阱”效应及其对策
11.To catch in or as if in a trap;ensnare.设陷阱用陷阱或类似用陷阱的方式捕获;设陷阱捕捉
12.Luke, don't -- it's a trap!路克,别...是陷阱!
13.To set traps for game.设陷阱为捕获猎物而设立的陷阱
14.The Influence of Trap Distribution of Alumina Ceramics on the Surface Flashover Performance in Vacuum;氧化铝陶瓷的陷阱分布对其真空中沿面闪络特性的影响
15.Effects of Surface Shallow Trap Distribution on Flashover Characteristics of Glass Ceramic in Vacuum玻璃陶瓷表面浅陷阱分布对其真空沿面闪络特性的影响
16.Because LANE is only emulating Ethernet, it can avoid some of the older topology's pitfalls.由于LANE仅仿真以太网,所以它能避免某些较旧的拓扑结构的陷阱。
17.However, some unruly elements set online sales trap, causing consumer deception.然而,一些不法分子在网上设置销售陷阱,致使消费者上当受骗。
18.Talking to people online may seem like no big deal, but it can be really risky.网上聊天看上去不值得小题大做,可里面陷阱多多。

networked trap网络陷阱
1.The paper introduces the up-to-data honeypot techniques of networked trap adopted currently in the world,probes into the implementation and function of the networked trap systems honeynet system—— A system proactive protecting technology,and the advanced technologies.本文介绍了目前国际上最先进的网络陷阱蜜罐技术,探讨了陷阱网络蜜网系统这一主动防御技术的实现原理及功能,进一步研究了其采用的先进技术,并对其最新技术进行了展望。
1.Based on the technology of attack tracing, a Honeynet-based tracing method is presented and the corresponding system is implemented which is practicable and solves the tracing problem well.由于黑客利用代理服务器或傀儡机作为跳板进行攻击,使的入侵追踪变的非常困难,为了更好的解决这个问题,本文在研究网络追踪技术的基础上,利用网络陷阱,提出并实现了一种新的网络追踪方法。
1.Unknown Worms Behavior Profile Mining in Honeynet;基于陷阱网络的未知蠕虫行为模式挖掘
2.A Study on Defence Solution of Virus Base on Honeynet;基于陷阱网络的病毒捕获系统研究与应用
3.Study of Intrusion Behavior Based on Honeynet;基于陷阱网络的入侵行为研究
5)networked trapper网络陷阱机
6)Networked trap and entrapment网络陷阱与诱捕

流动性偏好陷阱或凯恩斯陷阱(Keynes trap)流动性偏好陷阱或凯恩斯陷阱(Keynes trap):当利率极低,人们会认为这种利率不大可能再降,或者说有价证券市场价格不大可能上升而只会跌落时,人们不管有多少货币都愿意持在手中,这种情况被称为%26#8220;凯恩斯陷阱%26#8221;或%26#8220;流动偏好陷阱%26#8221;。