历史变革,historical change
1)historical change历史变革
1.On the local military system of the later Tang and historical changes of Tang and Song;唐后期地方武官制度与唐宋历史变革

1.Historical Development of Chinese Terms Mulu and Shumu;术语“目录”、“书目”的历史变革演变
2.Analysis on the Historical Transformation and Status Quo of Citizenship Education in England英国公民教育的历史变革与现状分析
3.On the local military system of the later Tang and historical changes of Tang and Song;唐后期地方武官制度与唐宋历史变革
4.A Real Portrait of the American South during Historical Change;历史变革中美国南方社会的真实写照
5.History of New Literature: Double-Layer Scene of Social and Cultural Trends and Social Changes;新文学史:社会文化思潮与历史变革的双重叠影
6.Great and earth-shaking historical changes have taken place in China in the 20th century.二十世纪,中国发生了翻天覆地的伟大历史变革
7.Unity of Practice,History and Man:Reform of Marxist Concept on History;实践、历史与人的统一:马克思历史观念的变革
8.Mutiny of Revolution--Comparison Between New Historical Novels and Revolutionary Historical Novels in Narration;一场革命的“哗变”——新历史小说与革命历史小说的革命叙事比较
9.This was a great, epoch-making change in Tibetan history.这是西藏历史上划时代的伟大变革。
10.Historical Investigation and Present Transformation of "Determining Penalty by Counting Booties";“计赃论罪”的历史考察与现实变革
11.Historical Evolution and Reform Exploration of Ruling style of the party;党的执政方式的历史演变及改革探索
12.A Historical Analysis of State Capital in China (Symposium);转轨时期中国国家资本的历史性变革
13.State the Development History of the Mouth of Button of our Country Lightly;我国服饰文化改革中钮扣的历史演变
14.The Recent Revolutionary Reform in Advertising Communication System;晚近以来广告传播体系的历史性变革
15.UK Historical Revolution in “Ontological Thinking” by Marx;马克思对“本体思维方式”的历史性变革
16.On Historical Development of the Principles of Circumstance Alternation under the Contract Law;论合同法中情事变更原则的历史沿革
17.High School Learning the History of the New Curriculum Change Research高中历史新课程学习方式的变革研究
18.Basic Course and Great Historical Change of 30 Years of Reform and Opening-up;改革开放三十年的基本历程与历史性巨变

History of reform变革历史
3)two historical revolutions两大历史变革
1.China has experienced two historical revolutions.中国正经历两大历史变革,一是从农业国向工业国转变,一是从计划经济向社会主义市场经济转变。
4)historical evolution历史沿革
1.Processing technique and historical evolution of Shaoxing moulded dried vegetable;绍兴霉干菜的制作工艺及历史沿革
2.Historical Evolution of the Legislative Stipulation on Judge s illuminations and Its Enlightenments——A Germany-and-US-Centered Review;法官阐明立法规定之历史沿革及启示——以德国、美国为中心的考察
3.The historical evolution and realistic significance of the inculcation theory;灌输理论的历史沿革及其现实意义
1.Study on the history of the processing of Flos Sophorae;中药槐花炮制历史沿革研究
6)historic evolution历史沿革
1.The first section gave us some legislation examples and historic evolution of the mandatory reorganization system.此章分三节,第一节为强制重整制度的立法例与历史沿革,分别介绍了英国、我国台湾、美国、日本等经济发达和重整制度较为完备的国家(或地区)的强制重整制度立法例及其历史沿革,并结合我国国情,建议我国强制重整制度的立法宜采美国例,即将强制重整制度设置于统一的破产法典中。

变革管理(Change Management)变革管理(Change Management):即当组织成长迟缓,內部不良问题产生,愈无法因应经营环境的变数时,企业必须做出组织变革策略,将內部层级、工作流程以及企业文化,进行必要的调整与改善管理,以达企业順利转型。