黄老,Huang Lao
1)Huang Lao黄老
1.Compare Han Fei s Views on Dao and Law with Those of Huang Lao School;韩非的道法思想与黄老之学
2.Jia Yi、Xun Zi s Learning And Huang Lao--on the Jia Yi s academic origin;贾谊、荀学与黄老——简论贾谊的学术渊源
3.In the first 100 years of Han Dynasty,the ruling philosophy,taking Legalism in the name of Confucianism adopted by the rulers, was originated from Huang Lao s ideology.在汉朝最初的百年之间,统治者所采纳的统治思想大体上是从黄老思想转向阳儒阴法。

1.Mr. Huang was old. People addressed him as" Respected Mr. Huang'.老黄老了,人称“黄老”。
2."Where are you from? From the south?"“黄老哪里人,南方的?
3."No, but I'm asking about your original name."“不,请教黄老的原名。”
4.On the Short-lived Yellow Emperor-Laozi School s Perpetual Influence;寿命最短的黄老学派,效应长久的黄老思想
5.On the Huanglao Characteristic of Laots in Han Dynasty:Laozizhigui as an Example;汉代老子宇宙观的黄老色彩——以《老子指归》为例
6.The Huang-lao characteristics of Political Concept in Laoism in Han Dynasty--A Case Study of Laoism annotated by HE Shang-gong;汉代《老子》政治观的黄老色彩(二)——以《老子河上公注》为中心
7.On the Huanglao Characteristic of Laots in Han Dynasty(2):with Focus on Laoziheshanggongzhu;汉代老子宇宙观的黄老色彩(二)——以《老子河上公注》为中心
8."The ancient, desolate loess plateau.“苍凉古老的黄土高原。
9.Wong Tai Sin Social Centre for the Elderly [The Salvation Army]黄大仙老人中心〔救世军〕
10.Research advances on lutein and zeaxanthin for age-related macular degeneration叶黄素及玉米黄素与老年性黄斑变性的研究进展
11.Mok Wong Fung Yee Hostel for the Elderly [Tung Wah Group of Hospitals]莫黄凤仪老人宿舍〔东华三院〕
12.Hey man! You got a" yellow book" over here.嗨老兄!你有一本"黄色书刊"在我这喔.
13.Po Leung Kuk 1984 Care-and-Attention Home cum Madam Aw Tan Kyi Kyi Home [Po Leung Kuk]保良局黄竹坑护理安老院〔保良局〕
14.Some yellow cheese helped us trap the mouse一些黄奶酪帮我们逮住了老鼠。
15.Feeling terribly sorry for his wife, Mr. Huang protested:老黄心里对太太抱歉了,连忙声明:
16.Wong Cheung Kin Memorial Hostel for the Elderly [Kowloon Women's Welfare Club]黄张见纪念老人之家〔九龙妇女福利会〕
17.Fung Wong Fung Ting Home [Caritas--Hong Kong]明爱冯黄凤亭安老院〔香港明爱〕
18.I always remember her as being dried up and old, like a piece of yellow rice paper.我永远记得她干瘪衰老得象发黄的纸。

1.On the Theory of Huanglao s Fa in the Work Wen Zi;《文子》中的黄老“法”理论
2.A Realm of Knowledge:A Comparison of the School of Zhuang and the School of Huanglao;庄学稷下黄老学价值观比较
3.Rediscusion over"on the great principle-Huanglao comes before the Six Books;“论大道则先黄老而后六经”再评议
1.The Study of the Constitutive Evolution and the Correlation Question about Huang-lao in the Pre-qin Period;先秦黄老学的结构性演进及其相关问题研究
4)inca gold老黄
5)yellow water in aged pits老窖黄水
6)old fragrant yellow老香黄
1.Chaozhou old fragrant yellow,the old medicine orange is special product of best quality goods in the Chaozhou cool fruit,but regarding these two kind of cool fruits research work actually is cxtromely scarce.潮州老香黄、老药桔是潮州凉果特产中的极品,但对于这两类凉果的研究工作却很少。
