自愿供给,voluntary provision
1)voluntary provision自愿供给
1.By varying the influence of individual contribution to the social available amount of public goods,theory on voluntary provision of public goods based on aggregation technology analysis could expand the analysis framework.通过范式转换,即着眼于异化不同个体对公共物品供给量的影响,加总技术视角的公共物品自愿供给理论可以拓展公共物品的分析框架。
2.By aggregating the individual provision to social amount of public goods, the theory on voluntary provision of public goods based on aggregation technology analyzes how to model those different types of public goods provision, which could be used to realize voluntary provision of public goods and then invent some correction policies to avoid the underprovision or lack of public goods provision.加总技术视角的公共物品自愿供给理论是从供给者理性假设出发,通过区分个体公共物品供给量引致的社会可得消费水平,即利用不同加总技术进行公共物品供给的模型化细分,以解决如何在成员间实现公共物品的自愿供给及其供给水平,进而针对供给不足设计相应的矫正机制。
3.In the classical public goods theory, it is suggested that "free rider" will make the public good s voluntary provision impossible.经典的公共品理论认为,在公共品的提供过程中,“利己人”的“搭便车”行为会使公共品的自愿供给无法实现。

1.Study on the Influence of Individual Heterogeneity to the Voluntary Provision of Environmental Public Goods;个体异质性对环境物品自愿供给的影响研究
2.An Analysis of the Game of "Private Supply of Public Goods" in Marketing Channels;营销渠道中“公共物品私人自愿供给”的博弈分析
3.The Voluntary Supply of Corporate Social Capital: A Static Game Model;企业社会资本的自愿供给:一个静态博弈模型
5.Farmers Voluntary Provision of Public Goods in Rural Communities--Analysis Based on the Theory of Reputation;农村社区公共物品的农户自愿供给——基于声誉理论的分析
6.Theory on Voluntary Provision of Public Goods Based on Aggregation Technology;加总技术视角的公共物品自愿供给理论:研究进展
7.Empirical Analysis on Voluntary Provision of Public Goods in China--From the View of Welfare Lottery of China;中国公共品自愿供给实证分析——以中国福利彩票筹资为例
8.The Study on the Game of "Private Supply of Public Goods" in Constructing Agricultural Regional Brand农产品区域品牌建设中的“公共物品私人自愿供给”问题研究
9.Analysis on Residents Voluntary Provision of Urban Forest Ecological Services based on Cluster Analysis--Taking Mudanjiang as an example;基于聚类分析的居民自愿供给城市森林生态服务研究——以牡丹江市为例
10.Discussion on the Voluntary Failure of Rural Public Goods Supply in China;论我国农村公共产品供给的自愿失灵
11.Private Supply of Public Good and Voluntary Payment;从公共产品的私人供给看税收的自愿缴纳
12.Volunteer information, advice, financial support自愿提供情况、意见、资助
13.A person who renders aid, performs a service, or assumes an obligation voluntarily.自愿者自愿给予帮助、进行服务或履行义务的人
14.government's voluntary contribution [Civil Service Provident Fund Scheme]政府的自愿性供款〔公务员公积金计划〕
15.voluntarily funded trust funds自愿提供资金的信托基金
16.Many villagers volunteered to house the flood victims.许多村民自愿为水灾难民提供住处。
17.Basic salary is used in the calculation of voluntary contributions only.基本入息只适用于计算自愿性供款。
18.She would not allow to herself the possibility of yielding.她不愿意给自己一个软化的机会。

Voluntary supply自愿供给
1.The Voluntary Supply of Corporate Social Capital: A Static Game Model;企业社会资本的自愿供给:一个静态博弈模型
2.They discussed respectively from the aspects of government supply, market supply, community supply, voluntary supply and multi-supply.关于农村公共产品供给问题,国内外学者们的意见并不统一,他们分别从政府供给、市场供给、社区供给、自愿供给和多元供给等角度进行了论述。
3)Volunteer supply自愿者供给
4)the desire of supply供给意愿
5)desired aggregate supply意愿总供给
1.Another is that they make the desired aggregate supply come true.民办高校发展的必要性主要有两方面的因素,首先,民办高等教育迎合了人们接受高等教育的意愿总需求;其次,民办高等教育的发展使得意愿总供给得以实现。
6)a free offer自愿提供
