后悔理论,regret theory
1)regret theory后悔理论

1.A review of the theory of regret--the emotional factor affecting decision making影响决策的情感因素——后悔理论的研究述评
2.Symbolic and Economic Factors in Action Effect: An Economic-Psychological Analysis of Regret Theory;作为效应的象征性与利益性影响因素:后悔理论的经济心理学分析
3.Win or lose, never regret.无论胜负,决不后悔。
4."However, you will never find any just cause," said she,"to repent that I came to hear of it."无论如何,你绝没有充足的理由,”她说,“后悔我听到了这事。”
5.The Analysis of the Impact of Outcomes Comparison on Consumer's Regret论购后比较结果对消费者后悔的影响
6.In contrition she expatiated on the beauty of the garden.在后悔中,她反复谈论着花园的美丽。
7.To refuse baptism and to retract after baptism were crimes punishable by death.凡拒绝受洗和受洗后反悔的都以死刑论罪。
8.Body Experience,Memory of the Cultural Revolution,and Enlightenment Narration:A Discussion on Brother (Vol.1) and Records of Regret身体经验 “文革”记忆 启蒙叙事——《兄弟》(上)、《后悔录》合论
9.repentant sighs [tears]后悔的叹息 [眼泪]
10.Empirical Analysis of the Regret Aversion s Effect on Investors Behavio;后悔厌恶心理对投资者行为影响的实证分析
11.An Analysis of Investor s Behavior Based on Regret Aversion;基于后悔厌恶心理因素的投资者行为分析
12.Nevertheless, there is no reason to let your holiday joy turn into your New Year's regret.无论如何,没理由让你的假期欢乐变成新年悔恨。
13.On "Regret" Experience in the "If" Narratives in Records of Regret;《后悔录》:“如果”叙事中的“后悔”体验
14.a twinge of conscience, fear, guilt, regret, remorse, etc良心、 恐惧、 内疚、 后悔、 悔恨等的一阵难受.
15.Repentance is sorrow for the deed, not for getting.为行为而忏悔,不要为结果而后悔。
16.No matter when you are over, don't repent after the more important thing is to finishing!不论你在什么时候结束,重要的是结束之后就不要悔恨。
17.But we can't change him, so we must make the best of it.What's done cannot be undone, on use crying over spilt milk.我们不可能改变他,故而必须尽量处理好。覆水难收,后悔是没用的。
18.When he was alone, Nim regretted having vented his bad humour on Harry London.在只剩下他一个人的时候,尼姆后悔不应该把气出在哈理·伦敦身上。

Classic theories of regret经典后悔理论
3)Review of Regret Theory后悔理论述评
4)be repentant of后悔;悔悟
1.The Effects of Regulatory Focus on Action Desire and Regret;大学生调节倾向与行为意向及后悔情绪的关系
2.Study of impacts from regret and uncertainty on consumer choice;消费者选择中后悔和不确定性的作用研究
