市场壁垒,market barrier
1)market barrier市场壁垒
1.This paper explains the concept of market barrier in Chinese restaurant industry,analyzes on the structural entering barrier,competitive barrier and withdrawing barrier,and probes into the influences of and the countermeasures for the market barrier on the industrial competition.解释了饭店行业市场壁垒的概念,对结构性进入壁垒、竞争壁垒和退出壁垒进行了分析,并探讨了市场壁垒对行业竞争的影响及对策。
2.Competition of managing right of public enters is an important method to get the rid of market barriers.公用事业经营权的竞争是拆除市场壁垒的重要措施,但“厂网分离”并不是万用良方。

1.Aftermarket Outlook and Market Entry Strategy inChina Civil Aviation民航售后服务业的市场壁垒和营销策略
2.Study on Measures for Dealing with Upper Market Barrier of Oil in China;我国石油上游市场壁垒分析与对策研究
3.Study on the Effect of Entry and Exit Barrier upon Cluster Market Performance;进退壁垒对集群市场绩效影响的研究
4.Market Entry Barrier Model based on dynamic analysis;基于动态化的市场进入壁垒模型探讨
5.Analysis and Thoughts on Barriers to Entry Market of Bank;对银行业市场进入壁垒的分析与思考
6.Dominant Design: the New Paradigm of Market Entry Barriers;主导设计:市场进入壁垒理论新范式
7.On the Barriers of Requiste Capital in Pharmaceutical Industry Market;试论医药产业市场的必要资本量壁垒
8.Interest rate liberalization: System barrier and challenge;利率市场化: 制度壁垒与现实挑战
9.The Influence of Green Barriers to Overseas Enterprises Marketing Abroad;绿色壁垒对我国企业海外市场的影响
10.A Preliminary Study on Systematic Fuzzy Assessment of the Regulative Market Barriers;市场规制性壁垒的系统模糊评价初探
11.Doing Textile Trade with Australia:Trade Barriers and Market Access澳大利亚纺织品服装贸易壁垒及市场准入概述
12.Study on the Impact of Barriers to Market Entry on the Investment of Multinational Companies in China;市场进入壁垒对跨国公司在华投资影响研究
13.MNCs Reconstruct Barriers to Entry and the Effects on China Market;跨国公司重构进入壁垒及其对中国市场的影响
14.Gap Study on Sterile APIs GMP Management among China, US and EU;国产无菌原料药冲击美欧市场认证壁垒研究
15.China s Exports of Agricultural Products Market Barriers and Countermeasures;我国农产品出口市场的贸易壁垒及对策
16.Chinese Mobile Phone Manufacturing Industry:Barrier to the Entry into Market;中国移动电话制造业的市场进入壁垒分析
17.Barriers to Entry,Regulation on Entry and Industrial Statutory Monopoly in China;市场进入壁垒、进入管制与中国产业的行政垄断
18.Brand Extension and Barrier to Entry:the Case of Chinese Daily Chemical Articles Industry;日化用品行业的品牌扩散与市场进入壁垒

barrier of entry市场准入壁垒
3)regional marketing barrier区域市场壁垒
1.Manyregional marketing barriers in Beijing-Tianjin regional market have been pointed out, which result in an imperfect regional mar-ket.文章首先分析了改革开放以来京津商品市场和生产力要素市场的发展现状,指出了日前京津区域市场不完善的原因是由于存在着诸多区域市场壁垒,并据此提出了市场一体化的有效途径:破除区域市场消极壁垒、培育区域共同市场和组建跨省市、跨行业的企业集团。
4)the barrier concerning withdrawing from market市场退出壁垒
5)Market Entry Barriers市场进入壁垒
1.The Analysis on the Market Entry Barriers Effects of Advertising;广告的市场进入壁垒效应分析
6)profitability of market制度性退出壁垒市场赢利性

证券发行市场(一级市场、初级市场) 证券发行市场(一级市场、初级市场)——  证券发行市场又称一级市场或初级市场,是发行人以筹集资金为目的,按照一定的法律规定和发行程序,向投资者出售新证券所形成的市场。证券发行市场作为一个抽象的市场,其买卖成交活动并不局限于一个固定的场所。