经济制裁,economic sanctions
1)economic sanctions经济制裁
1.This article mainly introduces the ideas of the professors in the aboard on economic sanctions utility and some ways of evaluation on economic sanctions utility.关于经济制裁功效的评价,国外主要有定性和定量两种方法。
2.The developments of globalization increase a country’s potential vulnerability to economic sanctions while increasing the opportunities for evasion.作为一项颇受争议的对外政策工具,国际经济制裁的实施对不同行为体之间的权力和财富具有再分配的效果,由此而导致的外部性不可避免地会影响其效率。
3.This thesis defines the concept of economic sanctions and divides its policy targets into four categories.文章界定了经济制裁的定义,把经济制裁的政策目标归纳为四大类。

1.Impose (/ place; enforce) economic sanctions on ( / against) some country对某国实施经济制裁
2.We intend to apply economic sanctions.我们计划施以经济制裁
3.On the Human Rights Protection in the UN Economic Sanctions;论联合国经济制裁中的人权保护——兼评联合国对朝鲜的经济制裁
4.apply economic sanctions against a repressive regime对一压制人民的政体实行经济制裁.
5.On U.S. Unilateral Sanctions in Its Economic Diplomacy after the Cold War;冷战后美国经济外交中的单边经济制裁
6.US Economic Sanctions and the Economic Security of Developing Countries;美国经济制裁与发展中国家的经济安全
7.The UN imposed economic sanctions against Iraq.联合国对伊拉克实施经济制裁
8.The UN security council may impose economic sanctions.联合国安理会可能会实施经济制裁
9.The economic sanctions could not prevent the development of that country.经济制裁不能阻碍那个国家的发展。
10.Effectiveness of International Economic Sanctions and Their Externalities;国际经济制裁的效率与外部性分析——兼析冷战后美国对外经济制裁的发展
11.On the Economical Sanction of USA against Japan Before the Breakout of the "Pacific War"论太平洋战争爆发前美国对日本的经济制裁
12.Global Democratic Governance and Diminishing the Illegal Economic Sanctions;全球民主治理与非合法性经济制裁行为的消减
13.when Iraq invaded Kuwait in August 1990, the UN imposed economic sanctions on Iraq.1990年8月伊拉克入侵科威特后,联合国对伊拉克实行经济制裁
14.The threat of economic sanctions frittered into impotent"moral"protest经济制裁的威胁逐渐变成了软弱无力的“道义上”的抗议。
15.The Effect of Foreign Economic Sanction of America on American Trade;美国对外经济制裁对美国贸易的影响——基于2004年的数据研究
16.A Theoretical Study on the Utility of Economic Sanctions --Review and Argument on the Research of Economic Sanctions Utility in Abroad;经济制裁功效问题的理论分析——国外研究文献的回顾与评述
17.Freeze Funds and Oil Embargo--the U.S.Enforce Economical Sanction to Japan before the Pacific War;冻结资产与石油禁运——太平洋战争前美国对日本的经济制裁
18.Third, economic sanctions are applied against drug-related crimes.其三,对毒品犯罪从经济上予以制裁。

economic sanction经济制裁
1.Using the gravitation model and based on the data of America and other 61 observed countries in 2004,this paper analyzes on the effect of carrying out the single-side economic sanction for other countries on the trade flow of America.运用引力模型,以美国和其他61个被观测国家2004年的数据为基础,分析了美国实施对外单边经济制裁对美国贸易流量的影响。
2.In order to prevent the war s expansion,the USA began to apply some economic sanction against Japan.为了阻止战争的进一步扩大,美国对日本实施了一定程度的经济制裁
3.The validity of economic sanctions is often suspected.经济制裁行为严重地影响了被制裁国、制裁国和第三国的经济增长,对国际政治的发展也形成了一定阻碍,经济制裁行为的合法性经常受到质疑。
3)International Economic Sanctions国际经济制裁
4)economic arbitration system经济仲裁制度
5)apply economic sanctions施行经济制裁.
6)invoke economic sanctions实行经济制裁

经济制裁经济制裁  经济制裁一国或数国对破坏国际义务、条约和协定的国家在经济上采取的惩罚性措施。制裁手段通常可分三类:①对被制裁国的国外资产实施管制的措施,包括扣压和冻结其国有资产、私有财产以及没收国有或私有财产等。②对被制裁国采取停止提供贷款,限制或停止外汇兑换,对其在国际金融市场上的业务活动加以排斥,干扰其国内金融市场的运行等一系列财政金融方面的制裁措施。③对被制裁国采取停止经济援助及经济合作,中止经济、贸易条约和协定,停止提供最惠国待遇,部分或全部停止进出口贸易,以及封锁贸易港口等贸易方面的制裁措施。在国际关系中,经济制裁还可以作为一种报复手段。