创新性劳动,innovative labor
1)innovative labor创新性劳动
1.This paper divides labor into conventional labor and innovative labor.本文将劳动划分为常规性劳动和创新性劳动
2.On the base of it, this paper reconstructs the current formula for calculating the contributing percentage of science and technology, and analyses and explores how innovative labor creates value.在此基础上对现行的科技进步贡献率算法公式进行了改造 ,并对创新性劳动怎样创造价值进行分析和探讨。
3.This paper discusses the innovative labor from its historical evolvement, its measurement, its investment and returns, and its laborer s salary and reward by comparing it with conventional labor.文章通过与常规性劳动比较 ,从创新性劳动的历史演变、创新性劳动的度量及投资与回报、创新性劳动者的报酬等方面进行讨论。
2)A Discussion on the Innovative Labor论创新性劳动
3)creative labor创新劳动
1.Through the analysis of ambivalent relation between the product s individual value and social value, the author reveals the multiplying effect of creative labor in value production, and according to the explanation o.文章通过对商品个别价值与社会价值的矛盾运动分析 ,揭示了科技创新劳动在价值创造中的倍加效应 ;通过对两种社会必要劳动时间的解读 ,阐述了管理创新劳动在价值创造中的作用。

1.Deepening the Understanding of Simple labor,Complex Labor and Innovative Labor;深化对简单劳动、复杂劳动和创新劳动的认识
2.Abstrct on scientific idea of developing labor theory of value;劳动价值理论新视野—兼评“创新劳动价值论”
3.A New Perspective at the Labor Value Theory;劳动价值理论新视野——兼评“创新劳动价值论”
4.The Role of Technological Innovation Labor in Value Innovation;技术创新劳动在价值创造中的独特作用
5.Jiang Zemin s Innovation on the Theory of Labor and Labor Value;江泽民对劳动和劳动价值理论的创新
6.The New Features of Contemporary Labor and the Creativity of the Theory of Labor Value;当代劳动的新形式与新特点及劳动价值论的创新
7.Labor Contract Draft: its Legislative Background and Innovation;《劳动合同法(草案)》的立法背景与创新
8.System innovating about transfer of rural surplus labor force;制度创新与有效转移农村剩余劳动力
9.On Updating the Theories of Labor Value and the Status of Working Class;产业工人的地位与劳动价值理论创新
10.On Knowledge Economy and the Institutional Innovation of Employment Management;论知识经济与劳动就业管理体制创新
11.Carrying out Labor Contract Law and Innovating upon Labor Union Work in Colleges and Universities贯彻《劳动合同法》 创新高校工会工作
12.On change of labor relations in the university and mechanism innovation of safeguarding teachers’ lawful rights & interests of the labor union;由高校劳动关系的新变化看工会维权机制创新
13.New changes of the modern Chinese social class structure and the creative theory of the socialist labor value;社会阶层结构的新变化和劳动价值论的创新
14.The work of producing the intangible goods creates value too--On the labour value theory newly;生产无形商品的劳动也创造价值——劳动价值论新探
15.Study on Construction of Innovation Teams in Vocational Colleges--Take the Innovation Team of the Major of Labor and Social Security as an Example高职专业创新团队建设研究——以劳动与社会保障专业创新团队为例
16.Rational Knowledge of the Connotation of Productive Work in Our Country;正确认识我国现时生产劳动的丰富内涵——兼论劳动和劳动价值的理论创新
17.A Study on Labor Market Segmentation and Employment Mode Innovation;劳动力市场分割与就业模式创新问题研究
18.A Theoretical and Practical Research on the Innovation of Labor Safety Supervision of Trade Union;创新工会劳动保护监督机制的理论与实践研究

A Discussion on the Innovative Labor论创新性劳动
3)creative labor创新劳动
1.Through the analysis of ambivalent relation between the product s individual value and social value, the author reveals the multiplying effect of creative labor in value production, and according to the explanation o.文章通过对商品个别价值与社会价值的矛盾运动分析 ,揭示了科技创新劳动在价值创造中的倍加效应 ;通过对两种社会必要劳动时间的解读 ,阐述了管理创新劳动在价值创造中的作用。
4)innovative Labor创新劳动
1.The innovative labor has been the dominant form of labor in making the social and economic development.知识创新、技术创新、管理创新和制度创新已经成为了当代世界经济的一个重要现象,创新劳动已经成为推动社会经济发展的主导劳动形式。
5)creative labor创造性劳动
1.In order to deepen and develop Marx s labor theory of value better,accurately understand and master the concept about the complicated labor,creative labor and skilled labor, this article uses the comparison and the standard analysis method to study it.为了更好地深化和发展马克思的劳动价值论,准确理解和掌握复杂劳动、创造性劳动和熟练劳动等范畴,运用比较和规范的方法分析复杂劳动及其相关问题。
6)creative labour创造性劳动
1.Therefore, giving definition of creative labour, making analysis of characteristics of creative labour and distinguishing creative labour from uncreative labour are of great significance in arousing the enthusiasm of the labourers and promoting the economic development of the country.当代科学技术的迅猛发展和知识经济的逐步来临 ,不仅使人类经济生活发生了全方位的变化 ,而且也使人类劳动的内涵与外延发生了重大变化 ,创造性劳动在经济发展中的作用越来越重要 ,使创造性劳动与非创造性劳动的区分更加明显。
