潜在利润,potential profit
1)potential profit潜在利润
1.This article regards globalization and regional economic integration as institution innovations on the base of the old institution deriving of potential profit.传统的国际经济理论将区域经济一体化看作是经济全球化的一种过渡形式和发展阶段,本文从制度变迁的视角分析了全球化和一体化出现的原因并在此基础上重新审视了二者关系,认为全球化和一体化都是一种基于原有制度的制度创新,它们的出现都是源于潜在利润的存在,二者是两种在空间上并存的制度安排。
2.This situation was caused by potential profit which beyond the system and the existence of externality.这种农地私下非法流转的蔓延是现有制度安排之外存在的潜在利润以及外部性的存在导致的。

1.The financial summary needs to show that there is a tremendous profit potential, but the figures need to be realistic.财务预测则需要说明巨大的潜在利润,但数字得符合实际。
2.The potential for arbitrage means such profits cannot be earned.潜在的套利机会意味着这样的利润不可能存在。
3.The inure information reveled, the less profit they can make.信息披露越充分,潜在投资者的利润越少。
4.The successful firm will want to replace those products whose profit levels make them marginal ventures with new lines of merchandise that have better profit potential.成功的企业需要用有潜在的高额利润的新品种来替换那些利润水平只够勉强维持收人的产品。
5.Discord between retracement and the underlying pattern generates noise instead of profit.潜在的模式和回撤的不一致会产生噪声而不是利润。
6.In the words of one doctor, "The potential market is vast and profits would be unimaginably huge."有位医生是这么说的:“潜在的市场太大了,利润也大得令人难以想象。
7.Common stockholders and potential investors in common stock look first at a company's earnings record.普通股股东和普通股的潜在投资者最关心的是公司的利润记录。
8.The profitability is reflected by the performances in the form of net income earned, and by the potential profit-earning ability.盈利能力是通过以已赚取的净收益形式体现的经营业绩和潜在的利润赚取能力反映出来的。
9.There is still need for profit restraint.现在仍有必要限制利润。
10.hidden difficulty or disadvantage潜在的困难或不利因素
11.Profit is the operating result of an enterprise for a specific accounting period, including operating profit, total profit and net profit.利润,是指企业在一定会计期间的经营成果,包括营业利润、利润总额和净利润。
12.Analyze the Condition of Existence, Motivation and Means of Earnings and Its Advantage and Disadvantage;浅析利润管理存在的条件、动机及利弊
13.To make a gain or profit.创利润创造收入或利润
14.Pled their profits in ten years.他们的利润十年中增长至四倍[他们使利润在十年中增长至四倍]。
15.Their profits have quadrupled/They have quadrupled their profits in ten years.他们的利润十年中增长至四倍[他们使利润在十年中增长至四倍].
16.How are the Loss and Expenditure Embodiedto Be Profit Distribution Disbursed in ProfitAfter Paying the Taxes;这项损失和支出是怎样体现为利润分配在税后利润中列支的
17.Wheel lubrication was seen as a potential solution to the wheel wear problem.车轮润滑被视为一个潜在的解决车轮磨损问题的技术手段。
18.On the Heels of the Wind,It Slips Secretly into the Night and Silently and softly,It Moistens Everything The Application of Psychological Suggestion in Vocal Teaching;随风潜入夜 润物细无声——谈心理暗示在声乐教学中的实践意义

latent profit潜在利润
1.Some psychologists noticed the thinking of post modern will take latent profit and advanced psychology as elementary act.一些心理学家看准了后现代思潮给心理学带来的潜在利润 ,从而成为推动心理学创新的初级行为团体 ,并企图造就心理学的理想归宿。
3)internalization of external profit外部利润内在化
4)potential utilizable value潜在利用价值
5)Rainfall potential use rate降水潜在利用率
6)Intrinsic water use efficiency潜在水分利用率

《潜在抗干扰性理论》  阐述无线电接收设备潜在抗干扰性理论的名著,苏联B.A.卡捷尼柯夫著。1947年作为博士论文在苏联莫斯科动力学院发表,1956年在莫斯科正式出版。全书共13章,分为4个部分。第一部分是阅读本书的预备知识。第二部分叙述离散消息传输系统的潜在抗干扰性,分别讨论了两个离散值信号和多离散值信号下的理想接收机和潜在抗干扰性。第三部分叙述连续消息、参量传输系统的潜在抗干扰性,分别讨论了不同调制方式(调幅、调频、脉冲调制)和不同噪声干扰强度(弱噪声、强噪声干扰)下的系统潜在抗干扰性。第四部分讨论连续消息、波形传输系统的潜在抗干扰性,分别研究了直接调制、脉冲调制(脉冲调幅、脉冲调位、脉冲调频)和积分调制系统的潜在抗干扰性。这本书是研究最佳接收理论的重要理论著作。