古典传统,Classical tradition
1)Classical tradition古典传统

1.Classical Tradition vs. English Model:Reflections on College Education古典传统与英吉利典型:关于大学教育的思考
2.He said that the new building merely aped the classical traditions.他说那栋新建筑只是模仿古典传统
3.Lu Xun Literary Creation and the Classical Tradition:With A Madman s Diary as an Example;鲁迅文学与古典传统——以《狂人日记》为例
4.The former is backed up by a long and resilient classical tradition.前者有悠久而富有弹性的古典传统作后盾。
5.He deserted this classical tradition.他抛弃了古典的传统。
6.Modern Peotry s Inheritanc Ho Inheritance on Classical Peotry;现代诗派对古典诗歌艺术传统的承传
7.(of music)serious and traditional in style(指音乐)古典的(风格严谨而传统的)
8.characteristic of the classical artistic and literary traditions.以古典艺术和文学传统为特点。
9.The Tradition of Chinese Classical Poetry and the Exploration of Poetic Art of TuAn中国古典诗歌传统和屠岸的诗艺探索
10.The "卫拉特" Statute of Mongolia- and the Traditional Mongolian Customs of Property Allocation;《蒙古——卫拉特法典》与蒙古族传统的财产分配习俗
11.The Electronic Dictionary Construction of the Traditional Mongolian-Chinese and Cyrillic Mongolian-Chinese传统蒙古文、西里尔蒙古文—汉文电子词典的构建
12.many kinds of music are combinations of classical and traditional,许多种类的音乐是古典音乐与传统音乐,
13.The Manifestation of Chinese Classical Lyric Tradition in Television Poem Prose;中国古典抒情传统在电视诗歌散文中的表现
14.Wang Anyi s "Song of Eternal Sorrow": Contemporary Deduction from China s Classical Poetic Prose Tradition;王安忆的《长恨歌》:中国古典诗文传统的当代演绎
15.He Qifang s Early Poem and China s Classical Poem Image Tradition;何其芳早期诗歌与中国古典诗歌意象传统
16.The Indissoluble Bond between Traditional Chinese Theory of Translation and Classical Art,Literature and Aesthetics;中国传统翻译理论与古典文艺美学的不解之缘
17."Painting" and "Garden":analysis of inspiration of Chinese classical garden from traditional Chinese landscape painting;“画”与“园”——探析传统山水画对古典园林之启迪
18.A Breakthrough Made by the Novel "The Dream of the Red Chamber" to the Traditional Writing Style of China s Classical Novels;试论《红楼梦》对中国古典小说传统写法的突破

traditional classical garden传统古典园林
3)The Tradition of Classical Poetry古典诗歌传统
4)classical inheritance古典承传
5)traditional neo-classical economics传统新古典经济学
1.Based on the traditional neo-classical economics,the strict environmental protection will surely increase the private cost of the manufacturers,reduce their competitiveness,and bring the negative influence on the economic development of a country.波特假说挑战了传统新古典经济学关于环境保护问题的理论框架。
6)tradition of Chinese classical poetry中国古典诗歌传统

古典与新古典资本流动动因论古典与新古典资本流动动因论  古典与新古典资本流动动因论古典资本流动理论认为国际资本流动的主要原因在于各国资本要素的价格(即利率)存在着差异该理论假设各国的商品和生产要素市场是完全竞争市场,资本要素的国际流动没有任何障碍.有充分的流动性;同时.各国资本要素察赋的存量或相对供给量不尽相同。在这种情况下,如果A国资本比B国更为稀缺,则A国资本要素的价格即长期利率必定高于B国,因此,B国的资本必将为A国的高利率所吸引而流向后者。这种流动将持续到两国的利率水平相等时为止。新古典资本流动理论则认为国际资本流动的主要原因在于各国资本边际生产力的不同及预期报酬率的差异。该理论认为,资本的边际生产力是指每追加一个单位的资本所能带来的产出品价值的增加量。一般来说,在资本丰饶的国家,资本的边际生产力较低,而在资本稀缺的国家,资本的边际生产力较高。资本总是倾向于从边际生产力较低的国家或地区流向边际生产力较高的国家或地区。资本在国际间自由流动之后,将使资本的边际生产力在国际上平均化,从而可以提高世界资源的利用效率,增加全世界生产总量和提高各国的经济效益。