经济计划,economic plan
1)economic plan经济计划
1.Reflection on the economic plans and industrial policies in Japan s macro-regulation;日本宏观调控中经济计划和产业政策的反思

1.Supreme Council of Economic Planning最高经济计划委员会
2.the old system of centralized planning economy旧的中央计划经济体制
3.plan-oriented market economy适应市场经济的计划
4.His scheme is not economically sound.他的计划在经济上欠妥.
5.We intend to apply economic sanctions.我们计划施以经济制裁。
6.Plan of Partition with Economic Union政治分治经济合一计划
7.economic and social development plan经济和社会发展计划
8.Understanding and Analyzing of the Plan,Planned Economy and Strategy;对计划、计划经济和计划性的理解与辨析
9.Shift from the planned economy to the market economy'从计划经济向市场经济转轨
10.the shift from "planned commodity economy to market economy"从计划经济向市场经济过渡
11.In order to adapt yourselves to "the shift from planned commodity economy to market economy",为适应“从计划经济向市场经济过渡”
12.make the market economy primary and the planned economy supplementary市场经济为主,计划经济为辅
13.We should integrate the market economy and planned economy.推动市场经济和计划经济的有机结合。
14.Fifty Years Great Change: from Planned Economy to Market Economy;五十年巨变:由计划经济转向市场经济
15.Bureau of Statistics of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Development Plain坦桑尼亚经济事务发展计划部统计局
16.A planned economy is not equivalent to socialism, because there is planning under capitalism too.计划经济不等于社会主义,资本主义也有计划。
17.Several Issues with Plan Administration under China s Planned Economy;中国计划经济时期计划管理的若干问题
18.The country's transition from a centrally planned economy toward a market based economy continued.中国继续从中央计划经济向市场经济过渡。

Planned economy计划经济
1.Objective Appraise on the Achievements of Planned Economy Period of China——From the Angle of History and Sustainable Development;对中国计划经济时期成就的客观评价——从历史与可持续发展角度
2.Theory of New Planned Economy in the Age of Information;信息时代的新计划经济论
3.The Main Contents Of The Party(s Sports Thinking under the Socialist Planned Economy(1949-1978);社会主义计划经济下党的体育思想的主要内容及原因的探讨
3)planning economy计划经济
1.From the relations of plan, market, planning economy and marketing economy, this paper briefly outlines the characteristics of socialist marketing economy and the significance of building up the system of socialist marketing economy.从计划、市场,计划经济、市场经济的关系入手,简要地阐述了社会主义市场经济的特点及建立社会主义市场经济体制的意义。
2.China s establishment of its planning economy in the mid-1950 s was neither a mere imitation of Soviet model or a pure adaptation to the then political strategy of heavy industrialization of the nation,but a complex process of unifying theory and history.20世纪50年代中期中国计划经济的确立并不是简单地对苏联模式照抄照搬的结果,也不单纯地是为了适应当时国家重工业化的政治任务,而是一个理论和历史统一的复杂过程。
4)the planned economy计划经济
1.The adoption was caused by two reasons: on the one hand,the macro-efficiency emphasized by the planned economy is extremely attractive to backward(countries,) and on the other hand,these countries had a tradition of a strong central government and(experienced) violent social re.有计划的经济最初是为了解决发达资本主义工业社会的基本矛盾而提出的构想,但在实践中,计划经济体制却被中俄等落后的前工业化国家用作一种工业化赶超手段,主要原因是计划经济强调宏观效率对落后国家有巨大吸引力;另一方面在于,这些国家具有中央权威政府传统并经过剧烈的社会革命,比较容易形成计划经济体制运行所必需的资源配置中心。
5)plan economy计划经济
1.Many cases in reality show that the plan economy will educe the flattering and ticklish culture.现实中不少案例都能证明,计划经济必然滋生人们迎上求人、玩巧弄虚的消极、低效的计划经济文化,市场经济必然导致人们务真求实、实干苦干的积极、高效的市场经济文化。
2.Although the thought of plan economy took main position in modern China, the thought of free economy did not disappear.尽管“计划经济”思想在现代中国居于主流地位,但“自由经济”思想也并未断绝。
6)economic law for planning计划经济法
