政策意义,Policy significance
1)Policy significance政策意义

1.Economic analysis of global value Chain from different angles;价值链的多维度经济分析及政策意义
2.On Limitation of Punishment and Its Influence on Criminal Policy;刑罚功能的局限性及其刑事政策意义
3.The Spiritual Demand of the Elderly and Its Meaning of the Social Policy;老年人的精神需求及其社会政策意义
4.Theories in Sociology of Aging: Current Situation and Policy Implications;老龄社会学理论:研究现状和政策意义
5.Policy Expectation,Policy Recognization and their Significance to Social Justice;政策预期与政策认同及其对于社会公正的意义
6.Language Policy of Singapore and Its Significance to China新加坡语言政策研究及对中国语言政策的意义
7.Multiculturalism Policy and Integration;多元文化主义政策对整合的意义——以加拿大多元文化主义政策为例
8.Our policies should fit in with the actual circumstances, otherwise they will be meaningless.我们的政策要切合实际,否则毫无意义。
9.internationally positive adjustment policies国际上有积极意义的调整政策
10.The Effectiveness and Socioeconomic Impact of the Policy of the Converting Farmland into Forest;退耕还林的政策效力与社会经济意义
11.Government E-Procurement: Strategy and Tactical Choics;政府电子采购:战略意义与策略选择
12.The Meaning on the Policy of "To Run Education to the Satisfaction of the People";谈“办好人民满意的教育”的政策含义
13.The Significances and Strategies of Personality Education in Ideology and Politics Teaching;思想政治课中人格教育的意义和策略
14.Promoting Government’s Trustiness: Question, Importance and Solutions;提升政府公信力:问题、意义与对策
15.The Significances and Existing Problems of the Role of the Village and Township Government and Its Solutions;乡镇政府回应:意义、存在的问题及对策
16.Review of Western Policy Implementation Researches in Modern Times;现代西方政策执行研究的路径与意义
17.The Realistic Significance of Setting-up Electronic Government and Its Strategic Choice;建立电子政府的现实意义及策略选择
18.Fully Understand the Important Meaning,Enhancing Situation Policy Education;充分认识重要意义 加强形势政策教育

policy implication政策意义
1.In this paper we make an analysis of the economics of compatibility including several relevant concepts, forms of realization, enterprise strategies and policy implications.本文对兼容性相关概念、兼容性实现方式、企业兼容性战略和兼容性的政策意义等问题进行了分析。
3)Analysis of the Meaning for Education Policy教育政策意义探析
4)policy application & public opinion政策民意
5)connotation of policy政策意涵
6)Political Significance政治意义
1.On the Important Political Significance of the Safe Development;论安全发展的重大政治意义
2.The political significance of anti-globalization cannot be neglected,to which we should pay close attention.反全球化的政治意义不可忽视,从社会制度层面看:在一定程度上壮大了社会主义力量,昭示了“两个必然”理论的时代价值;从国际政治范式层面看:非政府组织的积极参与,开创了以民为本的全球治理模式;从国际秩序层面看:反对全球化引致的贫富分化、民主退化、文化西化和环境恶化,吻合了构建和谐世界的时代要求。
3.This thesis, from the point of social changes brought out by setting up socialist market economy system, and through comparative analysis of different characteristics in the Party construction before and after the transition of systems, demonstrates from various aspects the political significance of strengthening the party construction in community in the new period.本文以建立社会主义市场经济体制所带来的社会变革为切入点 ,通过对体制转轨前后党建工作不同特点的对比分析 ,从多个角度论述了新时期加强社区党建的重大政治意

战略性贸易政策的积极意义战略性贸易政策的积极意义: 战略性贸易政策以更为符合现实的规模经济与不完全竞争市场为分析基础,探讨了国家适度干预对一国产业和贸易发展的积极影响,分析了寡头垄断条件下国家贸易政策选择的基本取向,对一国制定符合本国利益的贸易政策提供了重要的指导,其对传统的自由贸易政策的修正,也在一定程度上给人们以启示。此外,日本等国实施战略性贸易政策的成功也提高了该政策的受关注程度。战略性贸易政策的缺陷: 首先,战略性贸易政策以本国利益为最高目标,政策导向常常以牺牲全世界的经济利益为代价,其对自由放任的背离也与市场经济传统相悖;其次,战略性贸易政策保护的是那些技术含量高、外部效应明显、动态规模效益突出的产业,然而如何准确选择这些战略产业是政策实施者必须面对的问题,甄别不准、保护措施不当,都会使战略性贸易政策的效果大打折扣;第三,当多数国家都实行以保护为特征的贸易政策时,政策效果会在很大程度上相互抵消,毕竟这是一种以邻为壑,以牺牲别国利益为前提,招致报复是不可避免的。